Yeah I love the fact that in this game, the message was just for the sake of it, while nowadays it would be in order to keep the person playing it addicted to whatever skinner box is integrated into the gameplay loop.
For FastTracker 2, which one's quit and which one's stay? BC it feels like if you think Rome wasn't built in a day you take a break from sequencing to take a rest
I remember some parents once sued a gaming company for making such messages with the claim that it was encouraging addiction. Or not as it the article making that claim?
Max Payne "I was too tired to go on." or "I was afraid to go on."
Game over screens too like Arkham City with the villain mocking Batman. System Shock with the hopeless death animation. Sometimes the deaths can get elaborate and repetitive though like some horror games.
I just recently picked up a game that brings back the "quit insult" but I'm blanking on which one it was (I got a few new things for my birthday the other day so it's all just a congealed mess in my head).