Citing the bible seems like a good way to undermine your position. The bible 100% is pro-abortion. The bible 100% says life begins at birth. Treating a fetus like a person is one of the least Christian things the right does.
I knew it was going to be Dr Dan before I even opened the link.
Highly recommend everyone check him out and his podcast Data Over Dogma. It's a bit corny at times, but he covers all the hottest biblical misinformation of the day.
He's got a PhD in religious studies and specializes in all the ways people negotiate with the text. He's a mormon but his cohost is an atheist, so they truly take a measured approach to interpretation.
You can also follow him on most socials @maklelan
Watching him rip a youtube scholar a new butt is always entertaining.
For all the rhetoric that Americans heap on the Iranian government's theocratic authoritarian abuse of their citizens, there are a lot of folks that seem to look at it and go: You know, this would be pretty sweet with a Jeebus re-branding.
(Cartman voice): This is going to be so easy you guys. All we have to do to make Christian laws is take regular old authoritarian theocratic laws and cross out words like "Allah" and "Quran" and replace them with "Jesus".
Yup. They hate to be reminded of it, too. They are basically the same thing, they are both adherents to Abrahamic religion, as well as being regressive, hypocritical cons.
It gets even worse for them when you point out they worship the same god. Oh, they really hate that. Just ask them to name their god when they go on about "God" in a provincial way. It's Yahweh, aka Allah. Same thing.
Huh? Alabama is so fucking screwed up they refuse to "kill" a frozen embryo because it's made in god's image. Still, they will not hesitate to execute a felon with the death penalty even though he is living and breathing already in god's image. Can someone explain this to me slowly? I'm old.
It's worse than that. The conservative mind abhors logic. It requires a level of narcissistic flexibility that permits any political opinion that benefits the conservative.
Angry people vote. If you can make people angry by convincing them that your opponent wants to murder babies, that's good for you because it makes stupid people angry. If you can also convince voters that your opoonents are friendly to murderers who should die, then that's good for you because it makes stupid people angry.
It's always easier to convince stupid people that someone else is wrong than it is to convince anyone that you are right.
It's about control and punishment of women. Plus, churches are often as uncompromising *as the NRA: rape, vulnerable people, incest, etc; abortion is always bad and can't be tolerated.
How they're able to justify killing criminals, I don't know...
Alabama is also one of few states where a judge can override a jury's decision of life in prison and impose a death sentence, which they do quite frequently.
I’m over the south. The Bible this the Bible that. They act like there is only one made up “god” in the world and we all have to obey him no matter what if we believe in that “god” or no god.
Well to be fair, every religion's god is the one true God. But yes, the south put too much I to the bible because they don't know any better. It's how they were raised. Thank you to those that that had deeper thought and questioned and got out.
Public education used to be the bulwark against parents failing to educate their kids. A solid public education system that everyone is required to participate in (with no idiotic parental permission slips for certain topics) is necessary for a country where everyone shares the same reality.
Apparently in Georgia, a fetus in utero can count for a small tax credit. But generally, these psychos are not actually interested in the embryos themselves, merely in the concept as it relates to controlling the reproductive lives of other people
“the public policy of this state to recognize and support the sanctity of unborn life and the rights of unborn children, including the right to life,”
anyone who claims to believe this and doesn't spend every possible moment fucking and popping babies out is a hypocrite.
I had a.. let's call it a "discussion", with a coworker once regarding this and described how the IVF process ends with more than 1 viable embryo and the rest may be kept on ice or just destroyed. I told him that if he had it his way, IVF would be illegal, stopping those people desperate enough to spend 10's of thousands on 1+ rounds of IVF to have a kid.
You could tell from his reaction that he had no idea and he didn't even really believe what I was saying. I kindof wish I could talk to him again and remind him of the conversation but we know people like that never admit they were wrong.
It is not the role of this Court to craft a new limitation based on our own view of what is or is not wise public policy. That is especially true where, as here, the People of this State have adopted a Constitutional amendment directly aimed at stopping courts from excluding ‘unborn life’ from legal protection.
-Alabama Supreme Court Associate Justice Jay Mitchell in the majority’s opinion.
This sounds like a fancy judge way of saying, "Alabama, you really shit the bed on this one." Is this Malicious Compliance?
I mean... judges cite all kinds of stuff to support their opinions. Maybe they're an aspiring theocrat, and maybe they were just being lyrical to communicate the depth of the impact of the crime. I definitely think that saying this is going to change the treatment of the practice of IVF in the state is not at all demonstrated.
"This embryo was supposed to be my unborn child, and since you broke the law and destroyed it, I can go after you to pay the price of its destruction" is to me pretty fair. It's very different from "you had a miscarriage therefore you should go to prison."
Maybe there's a bad precedent being set and maybe (okay not really maybe) it's dangerous to cite scripture in any form from any branch of government. I still don't think this quite belongs in the "terrifying things" bucket as firmly as do as lot of things the southern states are doing vis-à-vis embryos in their jurisdictions.