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  • We had a whole community of DSPD members on Reddit, but it wasn't big so there's not one on Fediverse yet I think.


    Delayed sleep phase disorder (DSPD), more often known as delayed sleep phase syndrome and also as delayed sleep–wake phase disorder, is the delaying of a person's circadian rhythm (biological clock) compared to those of societal norms.

    • Bro. This shit drives me up the wall. Everyone harps about how you just need to go to sleep earlier and it will fix the schedule.

      So I suffer a few nights where I'm waiting several hours to fall asleep, acquire a night's worth of sleep debt, and THEN my body is so sleep deprived it can finally fall asleep earlier.

      Of course they don't give a fuck about me being perpetually tired, unfocused and a danger to everyone on the road. They're just happy to see me finally sleeping "properly". Idiots.

      • Yeah that's annoying as fuck.

        I drove a taxi and I've never managed the "normal" sleep schedule, even when I was in the army (got myself a flexible position so I could sleep in on mornings).

        I tried doing a regular shift for a month, a bit more. I went bonkers.

        I did not want to drive tired. Especially when taking kids to school. Nope. I can maybe risk my own life, but not that of others.

        Even sought help to the issue desperately. Nothing. I've been trying to get sleep studies ever since. Well, much before then, but very actively since 2016.

        The sleep studies clinic essentially just blocks the referral from my doctors and say "no just give him Seroquel" despite me having said for many years I refuse to take it anymore due to the side effects it gives.

        People just flat out refuse to believe it's anything else than laziness. Even the literal "experts".

  • Definately. I long and often tried to stand up early, but i can't make that work. 12:00 is the best. No matter how long i sleep or try to adapt, I'm a nightowl. Imagining having to wake up at 6 or so...omg. I can't. How can people function in the morning?

  • Me, an early bird: If I could work 6-2 I'd be soooo happy.

    Got to experience this several years back covering someone else's shift. It was awesome.