Beep volume increases 420% after midnight
Beep volume increases 420% after midnight
Beep volume increases 420% after midnight
I found an option on my Samsung microwave to disable all sounds and it changed my whole world.
I'm sure that's not even legal!
Also, those people designing microwave sound effects should be strapped to one buzz-ringing bunch and sent into the sun.
Many microwaves have a secret way to turn off the beep. Google how to do it on the microwave you have
Remembering how to disable the beep at 3 a.m. seeems less likely to happen than stopping it early.
Unless you are suggesting to turn off the beep all the time, which is heresy.
It’s typically holding down 2 or 8, unless you have a shitty cheap one like mine that doesn’t have that option
Pulled mine open and broke the buzzer with a pair of pliers.
Microwave insides are kinda dangerous though, so don't recommend doing this yourself unless you know what you're doing.
Never heard of that and doubt it actually.
If only there were some repository of information one could search to find out if I'm right or not!
The beeper on my 41 yr old Microwave died a few years back during a thunderstorm. It was like a dream come true.
I'm just surprised your microwave has lasted 41 years. Impressive.
Tbh so am I. Bought it used in the early 90's and only ever replaced the lightbulb in it once. At this rate it's probably going to outlive me.
All that rain dancing finally paid off!
Why do appliances have to be so noisy. A friend of mine's washer does a whole song whenever it does anything. We'll be playing a game and I'll hear it on his end, chiming away, and he's just ignores it. I don't know how.
Like, I don't even understand the point: if you're going to jump up and take care of it immediately, you'd probably notice when it's done, if not, then you'll get to it when you get to it.
Same with microwaves: if you can't keep it on your mind for 90 seconds, it can sit in there and chill for ten minutes until you remember you had food nuking.
The only one I appreciate having the long, obnoxious, continuous tune is the oven, since I do not want to forget about that for several hours.
I do understand this. I have been known to leave a pizza in the oven for two, three, twelve hours.
But aren't you asking for a continuous alarm and not just a little chirp. Like, turn off the goddamn oven, not empty the dishwasher
I've had an excellent pedestal fan for 10 years for my bedroom. It's brilliant and does everything you want, but it also has a blazing bright light-up screen to you show it's on. But I know it's on as it's blowing air, I know it's on oscillate as it's turning - why does it need to show a neon sign in my bedroom at night with no way to turn it off? Mental.
Oof, that sounds like an insta-return for me.
If I'm so not hungry that i forgot i heated up food then i really didn't need to eat anyway.
At least give me the option to have it only ding one time.
That should be a diet tip: if you forgot that you were going to eat something in 90 seconds, you didn't need to eat it
There's a simple and cheap answer to this.
A potentiometer.
But that is apparently too much cost for a $200+ product.
Maybe if the appliance were designed by KDE...
Oh, it's to simple, is it?
My air fryer beeps VERY LOUDLY 5 times when it's done, the default time is 15 minutes and it beeps for every minute change you do which is so dumb. Most things only need 6-10 minutes so I just start it as is and then set a timer on my phone and keep it in my pocket so I'll feel it vibrate when the food is done.
Dude mine defaults at THIRTY minutes! What the fuck even needs that much time? I think the highest I’ve ever used is like 14 mins… and yeah the beeping sound is loud and atrocious
I don't mind the beeping, as long as the microwave shuts the fuck up when I open the door. The ones that keep beeping should be Office Spaced
Or just straight up spaced
I know everyone in here is talking about microwaves and air fryers, but I'd like to add my complaint about my clothes dryer to the mix.
So for some ungodly reason, my dryer will make a loud blaring buzzing alarm repeatedly. It is the loudest fucking thing I've ever heard and last for like a full on 5 seconds at a time. This would be one thing. I'm used to dryers alerting you that it's the end of the cycle. does it three fucking times. The loudest sound you've ever heard for the longest time you've ever heard. Then repeat that two more times. It likes to alert you repeatedly when the cycle is almost finished. Never in my life have I had a clothes dryer to that and it's absolutely infuriating. There is no setting to disable it. I have half a mind to open the goddamn thing and try to destroy the end of cycle buzzer.
There is absolutely zero to have a buzzer blaring that loud, long, and repeatedly doing it. I'd prefer fucking silence.
My microwave goes off every 15 seconds with a full beep cycle after hitting zero.
God forbid I go to the bathroom while warming up leftovers without blaring to the whole neighborhood that I haven't responded to my microwave's needs quickly enough.
Btw, can you just ripp the beeper out or need to replace with a resistor?
Easy. Check the traces going out of the buzzer. If one of them (assuming it has 2) goes to ground, then you can just clip both legs (or desolder) and leave it like that.
Had to just rip the piezo speaker out of mine. 100% recommend
Mine is luckily quiet enough that it can only be heard from the kitchen.
Mine does one singular ding and I appreciate it a lot.
what stealth mission gear microwave does bro have
I think it is an old LG microwave and oven grill combo.
I dunno what the problem is, but some time ago the rotating plate in my microwave started slipping off the thing that turns it or something so everytime the microwave is used, you just hear thump, thump, thump, thump the whole time. It doesn't look broken and it's clean; I can't figure out why it started doing this but damn is it loud and annoying.
Rubber wearing out
A friend who’d just had a basement theater installed told me that materials tend to absorb sound waves that have wavelength shorter than the thickness of the material.
This is why bass can be heard from outside the club, but you only hear the rest when the door opens.
It’s also why various timer chimes are high pitched. In a place without soundproof walls, that high pitched beep is less likely to disturb your neighbor.
Especially if you missed it because you were browsing TikTok
Electronics should be silent now. Only boomers thought boops and beeps made shit futuristic.
Some people got upset that I let the microwave stop on it's own because then it beeps 3 times. Well it beeps once to stop it manually and again to reset the time so it's not like stopping it early is doing anyone a lot of favors. Opening and closing the door is way louder than the beeps anyways.
Mostly because your Wi-Fi enabled Chinese made microwave is listening to you