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  • Arms cost calories. If you don't need it, better to have less investment in it

  • I'm sure someone else can chime in with a better reply.

    First, not all dinosaurs have large heads and tiny arms. But you are right that some were like that, like famous Trex for example.

    The large head is so that these dinosaurs can have a large mouth. A large mouth means they can attack larger prey with it. That's beneficial if you are big, because you can eat with one kill as opposed to spending the whole day trying to find enough small prey. It's also beneficial if most prey available is large.

    The small arms are simply because they didn't need them to hunt or defend themselves, or to move around. The mouth and legs alone were enough as these dinosaurs evolved, and so the advantage of having small arms is that you don't waste body resources and energy in growing and maintaining unecessary limbs.

  • The best answer comes down to two factors; oxygen and food. Oxygen levels were much higher 45 million years ago than they are today, and exposure to high amounts of oxygen have shown to drastically increase the productivity of the human body, so why not the same for animals. Second comes down to food. The more food, the more of an animal. The bigger the prey, the bigger the preditor needs to be or they need to be in greater numbers. When creatures like brachiosaure exist, it would understandable be difficult to kill it when small, thus animals that were larger would have better chances, or conversely animals that worked together. Of course, this is somewhat speculation and there could be other factors involved, but this is the simplest answer that makes sense.