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  • Thank god I absolutely hate the taste and texture of mushrooms.

    • I thought I hated mushrooms but it turns out the most common grocery store mushroom is just the worst kind. Crimini/button/portabello it's all Agaricus bisporus and it sucks. Enoki mushrooms opened my eyes and so far I've liked every single mushroom I've tried that isn't that dogshit A bisporus rubbery mud.

      • I guess. But I don't think my family ever had bought mushrooms apart from shiitake and truffles. All the rest were hand picked in the forest.

    • I used to hate the texture, but if cooked right they will be tender (canned mushrooms are probably better added near the end of cooking). Gumminess can also be masked by balancing it with other food (particularly meat, vegetables like potato/squash/broccoli) to chew against/alongside it.

      Probably doesn't help if you don't like the taste, though that could just come down to mushroom variety if not also what dish it's in (spices etc).

      • My family loves mushrooms so there are many types they eat. And I don't like any of them.

        I once went for pizza with my gf and had to help her eat hers as well (she can never eat a whole pizza herself). She sadly ordered one with mushrooms and even after taking them off I could not eat more than one piece without getting a strong feeling that I am going to throw up.

        Admittedly the mushrooms had quite a strong taste (not the typical ones put on pizza, those barely have any taste hut I still remove them). They left so much of the taste behind it almost made me puke. I just cannot stomach the taste. I have however noticed the mushroom soup my grandma makes (not the cream type) does not have such a strong mushroom taste so I can eat it with just picking out the shrooms.

    • I do too... except for shiitake mushrooms, which I absolutely love.

      Other than that, I have yet to have a mushroom I really like. Some of them (like the white kind they put on pizza) I would rate as tolerable.