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Daily Discussion Thread: 🥂 🐈‍⬛ Friday, July 19, 2024
  • @stepchook @Nath @Baku yes this is infuriating in many of the sharing/gig economy areas, and it's definitely Aussie culture but also many others, US is actually the cultural outlier here.

    To the point that I basically will never allow French people in Airbnb because they ALWAYS rate low.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🦟 Friday, June 28, 2024
  • @TinyBreak @Seagoon_ try Temu? I have been surprised to find replacements for some things I didn't expect, and I now look there first for all sorts of stuff.

  • kudra Kudra :maybe_verified:

    I like beets.

    \#UBI techno-#Georgist #4dayworkweek #ev #ebikes #parent #embryoadoption #auspol #health

    Allergic to Friendface. Hoping fellow allergy holders & #Twatters decamp here (I was here in 2018! see: @kudra 😅)

    Let's decouple our ideas of innate human value from jobs, mmk?

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