Don’t forget how casual the r word was. Every comedy of the 90s and 2000s called somebody that. It’s still too commonly used but nothing like it was back then.
Yeah my friends and I unfortunately used it when we were in grade school and it was so commonplace. Then I didn't use it for probably the last 17+ years, but now it seems like it's making somewhat of a resurgence? I'm hearing it more often again which is totally inappropriate
We had a couple weeks calling people "F.A.G.s' and "M.A.G.s" for 'female ass grabber" and "male ass grabber". As in someone how grabd a females ass or or a male ass. I have no idea how the teachers were able to do anything about that with a straight face.
I think this is true, but I also grew up without Internet or social media so maybe things were more regional as opposed to this larger shared culture those things have enabled. So that may be part of it?
Just because you don’t remember it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. You had to learn it at some point. You weren’t born with a lexicon of slang that revealed itself when it suddenly became modern/relevant lol
You have a point, but when I was a kid we at least made sure the slang came from black people first. I don't think anything good can come from white kids out there making up words.