under the ice
under the ice
under the ice
This is what it looks like when it's a full grown adult
:3 what a cutie
overcooked steak
He then exclaimed: "I have to look at such features as the shape of the teeth, the jaws, the shape of the gill rakers, as well as counts of the vertebrae [to determine what it is].
"Now I have no idea what species this is.
For anyone else who instantly needed to know more about this incredibly adorable little jiggler, it was found in the mud and no one seems to have a clue what it could be.
"It will endure 300 times more pressure than we experience every day."
My heart goes out to you. Hang in there, jiggly creature.
I wanted to see this thing in motion, so I tried to search up the youtube video, but no dice. Every article on it is just copy-pasted from the original on the Express site, and I can't get the embedded video attached to it to work. I did find an article on NIWA's site about a species of sea pig, which looks similar.
Does this article read like a gpt summary of a video to anyone else?
Trawling for their research!? What terrible biologists... Study an ecosystem by destroying it. Genius...
Do not.
but look at this thing that no one has seen before
*Touches it with bare hands
Bare hand yeah
Too late:-) 😔
What's the joke?
People ate referring to the 80s movie “The Thing” where a creature is dug up from under the Antarctic ice, and it turns out to be a shapeshifting carnivore.
Edit: here you go https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0084787/
Also Maccready's hat:
It's a reference to a film called The Thing.
The thing.
As a kid, that was easily one of the scariest movies I ran across.
Haven't seen a horror movie come close to the levels of phycological fear I felt watching it. I remember reading the actors didn't even know who was who.
It looks suspiciously like the "dry iceage" Ordinary Sausage made the other day... 🤔
"The Thing" was a very clear warning
I just read "Beyond the Rift" by Peter Watts. Highly recommend
Is that the guy that wrote Blindsight? Strange read
Indeed it is. He is definitely an atypical writer
Somebody ripped the dick off their dildo and threw it overboard, then these brainbois found it.
i thought there would be some worms
Kinda reminds me of a salp
Im making a sequel to the thing, im calling it 'the thang'
I say we just leave it in Amundsen's tent and call it a day.
Oh good. We haven't had a new ELE in about a year.