This is why you pay with cash at multiple different hardware stores, or - and this is the most effective - simply make sure you're prepared from the start, acquiring each of these as you need them normally and regularly restocking the consumables, meaning you're always ready to hide a body.
I feel like paying with cash is getting suspicious these days. I have gone to several cities in the past few years where they have said cash is no longer accepted. I hated it, but sadly, I think that's going to be everywhere eventually.
Yeah but every time you get the feet zip tied the wrist one breaks like it's a vaudeville act. Harbor Freight is for amateurs, or folks smart with their money.
I feel like with so many cameras they will still find you and it will be more suspicious, but I guess it depends if they can tie you to the victim in some other way.
That is why you travel by foot/public transit from a good distance away, covered up, and without a cell. Arrive at the back of the lot where the day workers congregate and make the offer for more cash than what the purchase costs to an individual to go inside and purchase some items. Ideally, you'll want to spread these purchases across multiple jurisdictions, days (or more), wearing different coverings, and mixing in nondescript items with the purchases. If the first individual refuses, leave and make an attempt elsewhere, don't make this memorable.
Idk where yall live, but literally noone would question me for buying these things. I've bought bulk amounts of caustic soda (~3kg) and the cashier didn't even ask me why I needed so much.