Whatever country that is sounds terrible
Whatever country that is sounds terrible
Whatever country that is sounds terrible
"I don't want to get into the details."
Real "You guys weren’t going to fact check" energy.
The public isn't ready to hear about the Sissy-Hypno elective available after 9th grade.
No no Donnie I insist, please go into the details. Cuz I just got done helping the kids with their homework and it was all math and reading and spelling.
Exactly, 7 is a boy in continental Europe, but Anglo-Saxon soyboys transgenderized it into 7. (/s because I'm sure otherwise someone would take it seriously)
Just like the green M&M!
Are you sure you weren’t just pushing them toward transitioning? /s
and why do you think they needed help with their math and reading homework? exactly….. because all they’re taught in school is how to be transgender
Once again, Trump is making political satirists' job more difficult.
nope. it's super easy. The Onion is no longer Satire, they're just reporting the news.
Would it be so terrible if your kid came home a different gender? Would they still be your kid? Would you still love them? There are worse things - like your kid coming home full of holes made by an AR-15.
I hate to say this, but I actually think there are plenty of Republicans that would disagree with you.
Yep. This is the party that will currently wear "better Russian than Democrat" T-shirts while Putin's troops commit war crimes against their neighbors. Conservatives mean it...
To a LOT of GOPers, the answer to all of those questions is "no". Part of our burgeoning homeless population here in the States is kids being thrown out of their house for being gay or trans or both or just curious. There are MULTIPLE charities to support kids who face JUST THAT. It's a serious issue.
"I don't want to get into the details."
Yeah. I know. Because it doesn't farking happen
Just send your kid to school an even number of days...
This only got overshadowed by his “they’re eating the cats and dogs“ quote. Aside from that, this may be one of the most insane things he’s said.
More insane than thinking Canada has a giant faucet that takes all the melt water from the polar ice cap and dumps it in the Pacific, instead of letting it run "down" to California?
Edit. Pluralised ice cap. I don't think even Trump is stupid enough to think the south pole's run off ends up in Canada.
Maybe you are wrong on that last point😉
It really and truly is absolutely terrible that a person that crazy has a real shot at becoming president of the most powerful nation on the planet.
Becoming president AGAIN.
He was president during the first months of a pandemic.
It is also a shame that the mainstream news keeps igoring all this batshit crazy talk along with the inciting violence and does fluff pieces where they explain what they think he means.
This stuff should be front page news every day. Put up the stuff Harris and Walz say too so there is a contrast with people who aren't crazy fascists.
I did leave for school and they taught me the tools necessary to understand my gender properly. And yeah those tools aren’t reading, writing, or arithmetic, it was calculus actually.
Ah, things make more sense now, I struggled in calculus. Particularly integrals.
Calculus? I thought it was wood shop.
Made me want to L'hopital off!
Then send it back to school an it'll change back. Such a non issue...
And now they've been shot in school, thanks Obama
Yeah, just need to time sick days to ensure that the last day of school lands on the preferred gender.
It’s the country of Lalalandburg and it’s located in the remote recesses of the back of a senile, irrelevant, and terrified old man’s head.
What if the actual reason for an increasing number of LGBTQ people (besides society finally starting to treat them with some degree of basic acceptance that everyone deserves- still a long way to go, but it seems better than the past) was an ever increasing amount of estrogen antagonizing plastic pollution in our habitat? Would DJT favor more regulation of the plastics and chemical industries?
My guess is not. He mostly just wants to use some fictional boogeyman to further destroy our schools (very real measureable decline since he took office that people want to blame on covid rather than his appointee Betsy DeVos).
And acceptance leads to openness... imagine the MASSIVE amount of closeted gays in Trump's Generation.
Today we are more accepting than even in the grayish 80s, now that not even AIDS is connected with it.
A kid growing up now could turn out gay or trans way earlier in life than "usual" because they are born that way. Similar to better Diagnostics leading to more cases of Autism.
That same video he also talks about how he "saved" people in historically black colleges. Literally white savior complex
This is the biggest "fuck you" to teachers...
If Trump spent 1 day in a fucking public school I feel his tune would change.
No. Nothing can change his tune: reality has no impact on his tune, being wrong, being absurd, being called out, nothing. Actually not changing his tune is basically his core messaging strategy. That piece of shit...
If Trump spent 1 day in a fucking public school I feel his tune would change.
It absolutely would not.
I don't have to imagine. In Spain the right wing party was 24/7 spring lies about "children being punished in Catalonia for speaking in Spanish". One of those assholes was interviewed in front of a public school where kings were playing and he said the same thing. And when the guy making the interview asked him "in which language are these kids speaking? Aren't they speaking Spanish?" instead of saying something a working brain would say, he doubled down.
No, you're thinking of that coffin in Dark Souls. Completely different thing, though I understand if you're a complete moron it can be confusing.
What the heck, this is real?!
I thought you were just being silly.
So we have school 4 days a week instead of 5. Your child will be back to their original gender in time for the weekend.
Not if we follow this pattern
So we need a 6 day week.
Either it takes such an effort to get menstrual products into schools that it gets you a fun nickname, or we're doing reassignment surgery during health class.
Pick a lane lol
I recall the old Bugs Bunny cartoons and the rascally rabbit dressed up as a woman. The MAGATs are regressive turds.
Woke Bugs Bunny.
How stupid do you have to be to support this guy?
recent studies suggest "all the way"
This guy lives in a fantasy world of hate
He hate-rages himself to bed, knowing he has multiple lawsuits he has to attend, a shrinking circle of people he trusts, two assassination attempts, and his wife and family are counting down the days he dies.
Honestly it sounds like Canada (minus the transgender panic). Trump is a POS but that doesn't mean that the declining quality of education is not a real problem.
My wife teaches college and trade school and the quality of incoming students declines every year as since Covid for some reason the public schools have had very low requirements for passing a grade level. Some can't even add fractions. Most can't rearrange an equation. A large fraction panic and have anxiety attacks when taking tests, and just stare at the paper like a deer in the headlights.
My daughter is now in grade 5 and they were teaching them practically nothing and not even grading them. Just "good" "adequate" or "poor" based on how well the teacher "thinks they know the material". No discipline, no challenge. And it honestly seems true that they're teaching more cultural topics and less core math/science/English.
Thankfully she has a teacher and an engineer for parents, is a voracious reader and we've taught her math and programming at home. Pulled her out of the public system this year and she's suddenly telling us what she learned and is excited to go to school...
Trump is a POS but that doesn't mean that the declining quality of education is not a real problem.
Yeah, but the declining quality is because of people like him who are making sure good education must be paid for, and this rambling again is just a way to get people worked up against a non-issue to deteriorate the education system further. There's no "education is threatened" in that message because the base doesn't care, either because they don't value education or because they don't think it should be available to poor people.
Sure, schools need improvement, but if you think electing the Conservatives is going to improve our schools, you're a worse joke than the schools are
Idk what schools are teaching now but current test schools would indicate it is certainly not reading, writing, or arithmetic.
Maybe the schools tend to be trying. But between having basically no disciplinary authority, no threat of failing kids because admin always makes sure kids pass, and chronic underfunding. You end up with the teachers trying to teach something basic while half the class is watching tiktoks on their phone, a quarter are talking to each other, and another quarter are skipping. And the teacher has basically no authority to do anything about it.
They can’t fail kids. Admin strongly pressures them not to send kids to prinicpal or detention because it’s a waste of admin’s time. So they can’t really do anything to get the class into check. In that environment, you end up teaching for the few kids that listen and passing everyone else with C’s at admin’s request.
This was my experience teaching a year in a “lower middle class” neighbourhood in the US. As a european it was massive culture shock.
And good fucking luck being more engaging than a tittok as a math teacher. I put hours of work into making engaging and participative lessons, almost felt like I had to plan a show instead of a lesson to keep the students engaged. And still was incredibly underwhelmed by kids participation.