Trump bizarrely claims Democrats want to ban cows and windows in buildings
Trump bizarrely claims Democrats want to ban cows and windows in buildings

Former president makes remark during Las Vegas campaign event and says: ‘Honestly, they’re crazy’

Trump bizarrely claims Democrats want to ban cows and windows in buildings
Former president makes remark during Las Vegas campaign event and says: ‘Honestly, they’re crazy’
I agree. Windows doesn't belong in buildings. They belong on the outside of the buildings. Also, Linux joke.
I prefer arches, btw.
Cows in buildings can be a serious issue. I don’t think they should be banned, there are special purpose buildings like barns after all; but in commercial and residential spaces, highly discouraged at the least.
Plus teaching a cow how to use Windows is nearly impossible. Their hooves can’t even click the mouse buttons.
That's why we give them voice control options... Freaking liberals always lying about the facts.
Sideways stories from Wayside School
Star bringing purple
I loved those books growing up.
Well I think they're talking about having windows AND cows in the same building, so we should really talk about the dangers of cow suicide, especially to passers by on the street below.
Oh, so you’re ignoring cow murders now, they could get pushed out of the window too? Why is no one focusing on cow on cow crime?
Especially Russian cows, I heard it's especially bad with them
Bessie, my lap cow, begs to disagree.
Wow, are you seriously suggesting segregation in the 21st century?
Of course not, one of my best friends is a cow. I just think there should be different spaces for cows and humans, I’m not a bovinist.
“They just come up, they want to do things like no more cows and no windows in buildings,” the Republican White House nominee said during a campaign event with Hispanic voters in Las Vegas on Saturday. “They have some wonderful plans for this country. Honestly, they’re crazy, and they’re really hurting out country, badly.”
This guy is failing apart in real time...
Part of me is wondering if he's going to make it to the election mentally.
I’m more worried he’ll win again and then croak in December
That's a huge assumption that he was ever there mentally.
Fuck windows... where my Linux bros at?
I guess if you really need to use windows you could still do it outside - but that shit (and cows) are no longer going to be allowed in buildings.
Those damn bovine. They keep fucking up life. There I am, about to get a promotion and a cow shows up. We gotta do something about this.
I know where he is with the cow thing, that's been an intentional misinterpretation for a while, but what's the windows thing about. The article didn't seem to clarify it.
I figured someone would be in here commenting on the benefits of banning cows and windows, and I was not wrong.
Dems are carnist AF just like republicans.
Well he isn't exactly wrong.
No cows would drastically cut methane emissions and not having windows would conserve energy and cut greenhouse gas emissions related to energy production.
Cutting greenhouse gas emissions and energy conservation are two progressive goals(democrat talking points).
Would it help? Yeah
But do democrats want to ban windows? Yeah I'm going to go out on a limb and say I doubt it.
Ban cows? Yeah again I doubt it.
It is more about an extreme understanding of the issue reduced to simple talking points. Democrats say cows are a problem, so they want to ban them. Democrats want to make buildings more efficient and windows are a big source of inefficiency, Democrats want to ban windows.
Trump exerts influence on simple minds through simple statements that cause outrage by distilling complex issues into logical extremes that offend people who can't bother to understand complex issues. That is why he is so widely liked, he is the junk food of politics.
"When Trump says the Dems want to kill everyone, he isn't exactly wrong. That would reduce crime to zero, and also lead to a total collapse in the votes for the Republican party..."
That's the same structure as your argument. Seems hyperbolic, yes?
Im not sure if not having windows would actually do that or not, I mean, yes, they present an issue for insulation and let heat in during the summer, but those issues can be mitigated with good design on the part of the window glass itself, the placement of it, or structures around it like awnings, and they also do things like let light in that would otherwise need to be artificial, be opened to allow fresh air in during times when the outside is cooler than the inside, and allow for view of green spaces that helps with mental health and which otherwise would require more indoor space be made available to fit indoor plants to get the same benefit. I feel like having well designed and placed windows probably do more good than harm.
Windows are great, but they can not perform the same insulative properties as thermal bridge mitigating walls. A triple pane window has an R-value of 7-8, a typical wall without a thermal envelope and thermal bridging mitigation is R13-23. With anti-hermal bridging and thermal envelope a wall can get to R40 or higher.
If you want the most energy efficient home, it would have no windows and multiple doors as entry points.