Anarchist adventurism is preferable to Anarchist electoralism
Anarchist adventurism is preferable to Anarchist electoralism
Anarchist adventurism is preferable to Anarchist electoralism
I have been seeing a ton of shitty anarchist takes online lately. It sucks, because pretty much all the anarchists I've met in person have been cool.
it has the lowest bar to entry. credit to marxists, libs ask them much stupider questions
because pretty much all the anarchists I've met in person have been cool.
Okay I have to ask, is this really true? Cuz I've had the exact opposite experience, the anarchists I know irl have about the same shitty takes as online ones. And any ML I talk to about this outside of HexBear says the same. So I'm kinda convinced when people says this on HexBear they're feigning in order to avoid violating the anti-sectarianism rule.
for my part, I'm actually in anarchist spaces offline and it can be really hit or miss.
Some of the ones that I just don't talk about complex subjects with are the same ones who when they did embrace reading it was only after they went on Reddit to find "what should I be reading as an anarchist" and ending up reading a bunch of sectarian texts from a hundred years ago, glorifying figures that should be cautionary tales. The other kind in this category are the ones fresh out of higher education, thinking they now know how the world works, but not having enough life experience to question liberal academia itself yet.
My entry was via queer theory and a fair number of communists, there's definitely others out there who have a hard time fitting into Marxist orgs (for a variety of reasons) and gravitate to anarchist spaces for organizing.
My experience has mirroed yours. I will not talk politics with my anarchist friends.
It's true in my experience. However, that may be because I really only encounter anarchist theory online. In person, any anarchists I know are just busy doing stuff.
What is anarchist electoralism?
when you're a liberal who's seen V for Vendetta
Remember remember the 5th of November, the gunpowder campaign and vote.
This, they're libs but they wanted more "independent, rebellious" vibes
Smert liberalizm, slava Sotsialisty
Yeah im an anarchist, anyway heres why you should vote for Harris.
I actually agree with now thx
Woke ancaps, somtimes without the woke
it's always interesting to me how these people trying to get others to"vote tactically" are never encouraging them to not vote for Democrats outside of swing states. like if we just established that the genocide tyrant doesn't need my vote why shouldn't we all be voting for someone else.
I can say this as someone who grew up in punk and still loves punk: punk anarchism is really stupid and 99% of it has never touched an inch of anarchist theory. Even when the bands have done the homework, the punks don't really hear much beyond "I hate authority".
Punk Voter (headed by Fat Wreck if I remember right) from the Bush years ruined these people even more, because now they have strong beliefs about electoralism being a path against authority (despite the complete and utter failure of that campaign to have any impact).
That subreddit is even worse because its reddit and the only people going there are children asking about their battle jackets (thats fine, glad they have a spot) and old dudes who think they're really cool for pulling a Stevo from SLC Punk and they only listen to like 5 bands from 1981.
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Even if we think it's unwise you can respect an anarchist partying like it's 1879 and
Lenin did, Luxemburg did, Mao did.
anarcho-liberals are the worst liberals
Gonna just really loudly say nothing here
anarchist adventurism is preferable to a quiet night in on the couch
Has revisionism ever done more good than “adventurism?”