I'd say that David Cameron and every PM since him were several times worse downgrades than making an uglier version of an obsolete box but that's just me 🤷
Are there even any of those 'newer' BT phoneboxes still around?
Granted I don't go outside much anymore but even a few years ago they were few and far between, with most having the walls, door and phone removed by that point.
Some still survive but mostly just for tourists to take a picture next to. Hardly any of those left, even the “modern” ones, actually have a working phone.
They do exist in some towns, but they stopped making new ones a long time ago. They are expensive to maintain. No one uses payphones anymore so new ones aren't being built anyway.
Anyone else remember the BT ChargeCards from the nineties? I always remember going to the red boxes and the phones inside being too old-fashioned. I'd dial 144 but could never get any further...
Glad you said "one of" the biggest downgrades... because I'd argue your Monarchy and your geopolitical situation got heftier downgrades. Not much heftier than the telephones... but still.