Daily Discussion Thread: 🎨🖼️ Thursday, 19 December, 2024
Daily Discussion Thread: 🎨🖼️ Thursday, 19 December, 2024
Daily Discussion Thread: 🎨🖼️ Thursday, 19 December, 2024
Butter Chicken. Excuse my French, but I fucking nailed it.
Edit. Thanks everyone. Tasted great. Here's the recipe, it's basically unfuckupable....
why do you torment me like this
ooh nicely done!
That looks like it belong in a food blog or magazine. Beautiful
Wow, you most certainly have. That curry sauce texture 👌
Wow. That looks awesome.
My Samsung photo gallery highlights of 2024 is literally all photos of Gibson 🤣
Mine is a photo of cops standing in my halfway at 1am
The mark of a true cat slave lol!
And work is done!!!!
Last emails sent. Out of Office message set. Time to make some dinner, get some beers and stick my dick out the window so I can fuck the world!!!!
Okay that last one is optional and probably won't happen but the day is young!!!!
shit is falling apart at work, despite my warning that this is a shit time of the year to be attempting stuff. Everyone seems super stressed but I'm just sitting here making jokes in quiet cause if they ask me to engage all they are gonna get is "I fucking told you so, enjoy the consequences of your actions"
"This outcome was raised as an expectation early in discussions."
nah its not even gonna be that polite. I specifically said "we should not be doing this in a change freeze". They said "its not a change!". So far their "not a change" has killed 2 apps and resulted in a complete server restore.
If asked its literally gonna be a "I told you so. I warned you, i was condescended to. Fucking sucks to be you".
I think you need to learn the words of this little gem (sometimes I just LOVE the YT algorithm) Battle Hymn of the Retail Worker at Xmas
Thanks @Seagoon for keeping Tucker Time alive, most appreciated. Good idea to include breakfast and lunch. I shall be keeping that. I've made today's post. 💜💜💜
You're very welcome. 😘
Aldi Garlic dip, I put it in a pita wrap, I recommend everyone give the dip a go.
I can second this. I have one in my fridge permanently.
Here's a tip. Buy a roast chook. Rip a piece off and dip it in. Eat.
I keep forgetting to buy that dip.
Closest they've come yet
Cat Man!!
I reckon this is an "outside cat". She meowed at me repeatedly, and I thought that strays wouldn't really do that.
can't stop thinking about googly eyes
where can I get some big ones, where are all the good statues that need googlies , where can I wreak mischief without getting in trouble
I hate amazon as much as the next old greeeeeg but...when needs must
Outside the Pullman hotel opposite Jolimont station is a bronze rabbit and a bronze mad hatter - ripe for the picking imo.
I have a bag of several hundred and have adorned such things as the fridge and the robovac. Only up to 2cm though.
Anything is better than cigarette butting those guys at the end of Burke St mall yet again
I'm so tired I'm going to bed early and then waking up too early, and then I'm tired again by the time it's get up time.
It's hard to break that cycle isn't it? (sent at 3am after waking up half hour ago after crashing at 9pm)
So hard! I've got 3 weeks off after this week and my sleep cycle will probably change just in time for my return to work 😞
I'm mentally calculating the "Hours left" for 2024 and the "Hours of work" to do in my head. I'm not going to get it all done. I'm left trying to decide who I have to let down.
Maybe it would be fairer to let everyone down and start your holidays early.
You can let me down Nath, because I'll forgive you
Why play favourites? Let everyone down lol /j
Send a few 'thanks for your patience' emails and any that come back with an out of office....BOOM that's future Nath's problem
Proper genius
I've been trying to set up a bot on here that could do the DT thread but every time I try configure the files my computer says I don't have permission
It is currently 31° outside, and 27.8 inside
I'm gonna turn on the high velocity fan I got from Kmart and hope that saves me today and tomorrow
I am kinda blessed to have a library in walking distance though. If it gets above 35 inside, I'm gonna bail and go spend the day there
E: oh, and the house is fine besides that. No complaints
2 more meetings to go. Then it's over for the year.
My studio and ps5 are waiting patiently lol
Last of work 🎉 !!
Pretty much managed to finish everything that needed finishing yesterday. Have a team meeting late this morning and my manager told me to piss off after lunch (he'll cover for me if anyone asks).
I am very much looking forward to doing fuck all for a few weeks.
Epic cooking sesh complete - made a gigantic amount of dal (most for the freezer) and used up almost all the sad veg in the fridge. That's me done until xmas eve. Pretty glad at what I've got thru - chipping away at my old red rice too by mixing it in with basmati. I'll be glad to start having fewer and fewer bottles and boxes of things in my kitchen.
Planning to do some more big cooks in Jan when I've still got time, and add more to the freezer where I've got space. Going to prepare myself for the very busy few months after that. I'll make sure I've always got food without needing to spend on takeaways etc.
Haven't heard from @Mittens_meow@aussie.zone in a while. Hope they're OK.
The kid now has a cold. She walked in and said "I hate you" before going back to bed.
I don't think I've ever not caught a cold after a flight. Recycled air means recycled germs.
I'm very tempted to make a bacon and egg toasted butty like this one.
It was the best toastie I've ever had in my life. The bread was ciabatta and cut on the angle so every piece of the crust was crunchy. Then it was dripping in butter with stacks of bacon. I will always be chasing that taste sensation for the rest of my life.
Ps. I made a egg and bacon just now. Not as good but it hit the spot.
Goodness me, that doesn't even look like bread.
Looks like a cloud pillow!
Wow! That is gorgeous food pornography. Report to the bridge for your award!
2nd last day of work. Oh let today go quickly.
Tomorrow's going to be interesting because we're required to be on then offsite for a function then back onsite? Maybe if we're lucky we'll just go home after the function.
If there is alcohol involved then they can't be back onsite to work after the function because it will potentially be in breach of employment contracts.
Are they shuttling you there or do you have to make your own way? If it's the former then everyone will go home, if it's the latter you got on the wrong bus/tram and ended up home.
No alcohol involved, making my own way there.
Will most likely go home from there.
Thank Frank tomorrow is my last day until Jan 2, SO over this place. Way too busy, and everyone is grumpy AF (including me).
I still can't believe that if I were to start slapping people upside the head, -- I -- would be the one getting in trouble for it. It was self-defense, Your Honour.
the SUV deployed its emergency breaks for the first time ever on me. No surprises what road i was on: the monash. if i was in the old hatch we woulda hit, no doubt. But the SUV saw and responded before I even noticed the threat and broke so hard my face hurts. Have to say, I am impressed with it.
For all the stupid technology added to cars over the past 20 years, it's easy to forget that there has been some awesome tech added as well.
Mine just has a "safety" feature where it screeches at me when there's something ahead, so I have to have a heart attack, work out what the alert is for, and THEN start breaking. It actually distracts from whatever hazard's come up in front of me.
The Kia Carnival we had at the last place did that once when a plastic bag flew out in front of us. 110km/h down the freeway. Nearly got rear ended
So at the beach tonight there was a young fam. Parents w/ their boy and girl about 7-5yo-ish respectively with 2 dogs.
Anyway the girl absolutely nailed her bro in the head w/ a tennis ball from 15m away. Seriously good throwing arm and aim.
Boy started crying and walked off with dad.. mum cracked the shits at daughter "you can't throw tennis balls at people!".
As a younger sibling myself I would've been thrilled to have landed that.
As the youngest sibling also, I know the older one would have deserved it.
ee got me new PCIe to PCI converter today in Melbs and it's being brought down on Sat. For an old but exxy soundcard for the studio.
Better fuckin' work (interwebbles says yes so we're hoping). Have to re-do an entire DAW (OS and plugs) which I'm not looking forward to (it takes forever). Been about six months since making choons and keen to jump back in over the break.
Nevertheless surprised an obscure part like that only took 2 days to arrive this close to xmas.
I ordered a mini HDMI (F U raspi for making me buy these stupid connectors) to full size HDMI adapter on the 17th at 12:52am. Posted 7am the 17th. Arrived today by 2pm
My change of address label from Vic roads was apparently posted last Thursday evening, still not here 🤷♂️
Hope the sound card is still good!
Day #15 of my 7 day gardening project. Only 7 days more to go 🤞
I’m making a biscoff trifle for friend Christmas on the weekend and just realised I have no trifle dish. And big trifle dishes are hard to track down at this time of year apparently. I think I found one in stock at the local Salt & Pepper store, half price as well. But does this dish have any other uses or only for trifle? Sounds like a kitchen cupboard clogger.
Trifle bowls are generally huge but you can get smaller bowls these days. You can use them for jelly or salads. You're better off getting a clear plastic bowl from kmart if it's not gonna get used that often or passed down like a family heirloom.
op shops are the best for this
Another use is layered salads
Had a long chat with a cousin this morning and that's set a relaxed tone to the day... screw uni, there's nothing I could do with this processed data until mid Jan anyway and I NEED A BREAK. Feeling so happy that I have a day of no obligations!
Just lounging around finishing up Happy Valley (such a good show!) and then I'll cook up what I can in the crisper (sad red cabbage), appeal my stupid parking fine online, set up my new phone (still haven't done it...) and head to t'shops for a few little gifts if I feel like it.
Maybe a gift for yourself as well?
Nah, I never really cared for Xmas gifts. I'll wait till the new year to think about getting a second hand benchtop dishwasher and maybe an instant pot. Will be heading interstate in a week so no point getting much food, and my unit is so small I'm trying to acquire as little as possible
On my way to work. Do this meeting, head over to a client for a while, then sneak back home lol
Manager might not be in office. Sneaking might be sooner.
"What are you doing? ....
I have a turps headache. And this paint job is not looking good.
Huff more turps and paint Starry Night
Curious choice for a knife block. May attempt after head behaves...
Four out of eight biscuit batches have been made. Dough for two more chilling in the fridge for baking tomorrow.
I’m very impressed! I did 1 batch of gingerbread this evening and I’m done
First beach dins for the summer.
Was looking forward to that.
turns out the water sys. down here had a leak near the lettuce. Was wondering why they were looking so good.
Am having beach envy… all I can hear rn is bad doof or something from the nearby wedding venue :-(
Your dinner looks good, too
I bet some aldi garlic dip would've gone a treat on that.
Shilling aldi garlic dip ey
I'm 10 days into one meal a day with no carbs, and I feel amazing. Today I feel like my mood was better than its been in months. Not hungry at all between meals, really enjoying what I'm eatin, which recently has been a 250g steak, a zucchini, an avocado and one other random veg, sometimes eggs sometimes not. One black coffee, one serve electrolyte drink, and lots of water
I'm interested to know how you feel after eating your breakfast compared to the other meals, which I presume would contain a "normal" amount of carbs?
There are no other meals lol! That's it. I feel very satisfied and full and that lasts me until the next morning.
Edit: I can definitely see why you read it that way though oops
sounds awesome
Airhorns and hangovers don't mix well.
Dammit. I got whammed. Made it to the 19th December though so thats an honourable showing at least. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whamageddon
I think it's kind of easier these days if one avoids retail spaces. Good work nonetheless.
Does it count if it's only in your head?
does it count if it's a cover and not the original?
I heard a pretty lacklustre cover yesterday that I'd have been happy to be ignorant of for the rest of my life.
Edit: on googling I've discovered that there are altogether far too many covers of this song!
Well I heard the original then a Mariah song then a cover so I got got twice!
I can't be whammed due to not knowing what the song sounds like
Well done anyway 🏅 wear that proudly.
I don't think I've ever heard it. I don't know what it sounds like so wouldn't recognise it
I have however listened to wake me up a few times
Sigh. Just spent an hour past my appointment in the GPs waiting room. Why do they always run so late? Surely they should leave some buffer time or make appointments longer? So annoying. Seriously I would be happier to drive further to a clinic that can manage their bookings rather than sit endlessly at one that can’t. But they all seem the same.
It's a symptom of the system as a whole not working well enough, not necessarily the clinic.
People don't book long enough appointments due to cost because the rebate is too low, doctors need more than 15 minutes to properly document visits or fill out paperwork, good GPs will be proactive with things the patient didn't come in for, people show up late, emergencies come up, etc. etc.
My GP charges the same gap fee no matter the length of the consultation, so I usually always book a double to hopefully at least give them a few minutes of their time back.
Mine have recently started charging more based on how long the consult actually takes, on a sliding scale. Which makes sense, and I love how thorough my GP is, but it gets a bit exxy.
My GP doesn't even allow you to book double length appointments online. You're limited to 10 minutes unless you call them up, which is a minimum 20 minute hold time somehow, usually closer to 30/40 mins
I try not to judge when he runs late, because he's a good egg, and having been that person who really needed a double length consult, I'm damn glad he didn't just kick me out half way through
They're also fucking expensive and waste their money on fancy artwork on the walls 🙄
I don't have to worry about costs RN because they entirely bulk bill under 18s, and once they don't, I have a little bit of funding to cover medical bills. But once it's on my own dime I'm gonna switch quicksmart. The trouble is, decent GPs very rarely work in those lower cost clinics which sucks
Why do they always run so late
It's a cascade. One appt. goes over, the next does and so on. They pack 'em in tight.
Good night everyone 😘
Thanks seagoon for posting the thread 💜
Are they going into your property or is it a common area? Any option to put the birdbath where the public can’t access it?
Not sure public or private property. I’m trying not to give doxable descriptions but it is within easy reach of drop kicks and I might have to move it to a less ideal spot
The NBN box has landed back in the state (though considering it's taken 3 days each way, I'm guessing they stuck it on a truck not plane). It processed through Melbourne airport yet again last night, and now it's at essendon fields
If they would be so kind as to put it in their little van and take it to my local facility, that's the last thing they'd have to do and I could have it tomorrow . If not, I'm crossing my fingers for a Saturday delivery (which I know they're doing around this time of year, but seems luck of the draw as to which parcels get it)
Quick question, do you mean the actual NBN box or a router?
The "connection device"
Context: https://aussie.zone/comment/13618475 https://aussie.zone/comment/13686928
Those extra 4 mins spent looking up the weather meant I posted too slow
deletes other thread
☀️Min 12 Max 29 Sunny. Chance of any rain: 0%
Melbourne area:
Sunny. The chance of fog about the nearby hills in the early morning. Light winds becoming south to southeasterly 15 to 25 km/h in the early afternoon then tending east to southeasterly 15 to 20 km/h in the evening.
Thank you, Blesséd Weather Deity!!
Picked up some of these earplugs recently and highly recommend them. A nuclear bomb could go off down the road and you'd die of radiation poisoning before you ever woke up. Great for tuning in to the harsh inner critic while travelling this holiday season, so if you ever want to be trapped in your head with only the voices to keep you company, pick yourself up a box.
they don't drown out the louder tinnitus I got from my covid vax 😖
I imagine they would have made tinnitus dramatically worse
Did the vax do that? My tinnitus has got worse over the last couple of years and I can’t work out why
I have decided to bake some biscuits for Christmas. I have narrowed my selection down to 8, lets see how many I end up doing! The current shortlist is:
I'm focusing on recipes that are not too complicated to make, keep fairly well, with at least a few that can be dunked in a cup of tea. I'll give a few as gift boxes and take some to work, with the bulk of them to be a gift to my Mum - she has been making her own biscuits for years, but recently has started to find the effort a bit much, so I'd like to fill her biscuit jar with home made biscuits for a while.
This is the first time in years I haven't made lebkuchen (like pfeffenusse) so I vote for the pfeff... coconut macaroons are so easy and yum too.
Lemon shortbread!
Why don't they play THIS in the shops. Instant customer identification is very high indeed.
I keep getting a server error 😕
Sorry, fixed it now I think. Let me know if I didn't.
It worked. How about this one?
I think it's a northern death adder iirc. So cute!!!
Edit: oh there's also a black house spider behind the exit sign above the fire escape in the hallway. It's all tucked in there, also very cute but no pics lol
today's randomness:
Tool battery powerpacks are usually just literal 18650's chained together. I have a chainsaw one that's actually just a buncha nicads. They don't do replacements. I am not paying another couple hundred for a useful tool that I use once in a blue moon. I know you can get replacement battery packs, but are there small, dodgy shops where they will perform the swap for you?
(I want a battery upgrade which will also need new charger but I am not fuckin' soldering lithiums)
Battery world in Greensborough prides itself on having every possible battery in stock. And they do same day delivery. www.batteryworld.com.au/stores/battery-world-greensborough
nah, they don't tend to do tool batteries. There's one not far from me in mentone - I've recycled a UPS there, gotten a new battery for my 2009 ebook...not so much on the tool front.
Lower decks ending. Well, time to cancel paramount plus.
Random thoughts that prevent sleep. I have no idea what a chickpea plant looks like. To the interwebs!
I have a random deposit in my bank account this morning of $45.67 as Direct Credit ATO 🤔 feels incredibly scammy
I've had those before and usually followed with a mailed letter. Might be some tax adjustment or similar.
Hmm ok good to know. Thanks
Anything in ya mygov about it?
If not, there probably will be soon
Nope first thing I checked
Merry Xmas from the ato lol
Check on myGov or call them. I got something similar ages ago for a couple of dollars, thought it was a scam, but turned out to be a refund because I paid my tax debt early
E: just saw you checked in myGov already.. I think it takes a bit to update, and the credit comes in advance
I was just about to check my email for the estimated time for my grocery delivery today when they delivered it. Faboulous timing, they most often deliver around 11am for this time window. Mr Woof Is not happy about someone encroaching on our territory though.
Beep Beep 🚚
🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍈🫐🍓🍇🍉🍌🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥦🥑🫛🍆🍅🥝🥬🥒🌽🥕🥐🍠🫚🥔🧅🥯🍞🥖🥨🧀🧇🥞🧈🍳🥚🥓🥩🍗🍖🫓🍕🍟🍔🌭🥙🧆🌮🌯🥗🍲🍜🍝🥘🍛🍣🍱🥟🦪🍥🍘🍚🍙🐠🍤🪼🦀🐙 🍗🥮🍢🍡🍧🍰🧁🥧🍦🍨🎂🍮🍭🍬🍫🥜🌰🍪🍿🍯🥛☕️🍵🍺🍶🥤🧋🧃🥂🍷🥃🍸🍹🧉🔋
I spent the morning browsing biscuit packaging ideas and printing some bags. So I didn't actually start on biscuits until after lunch. I have made the cranberry coconut oatmeal biscuits & have the pfeffenusse dough chilling in the fridge.
Edit: I've also realised two of my biscuits are almost identical, just shaped differently. So Oma's biscuits are being swapped out for jam drops.
Huh, TIL that annoying classical hold music song that sounds truly dreadful, and has that high pitched bit that ALWAYS crackles out is an actual song that was released on CD as part of an album in the 90s. It's actually not as annoying as it is on the phone. If it wasn't hold music and I still stumbled across it, I would probably actually put it on for a bit of a chill vibe. As it stands, I think I'd just get war 6 hour hold time flashbacks from it
(High pitched bit that sounds like it's melting the phone lines starts at 2:50)
This is one of my personal and useless gripes with hold music selection.
We're dealing with a narrowband medium designed for the natural range of human voice, why the fuck are they choosing high pitched string and woodwind instruments or "wide" orchestral pieces that only sound good if you can hear the bass?
Centrelink you're probably the biggest culprit, this track is an absolute disaster over the phone.
That is bloody awful.
Tbh I actually like it
Outside has descended to 30, and inside has climbed to 28.7. I reckon it'll be cooler outside than in soon, so I might put one fan at one end of the house sucking in air, and the other at the other end blowing it out once it gets there
How are ya doing now? Thankfully looks like a cool evening
27° outside, 27.4° inside. A little cooler, but it doesn't seem worth opening up just yet for .4°. think we're getting there though, and thanks for checking in!