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  • Thanks @Seagoon for keeping Tucker Time alive, most appreciated. Good idea to include breakfast and lunch. I shall be keeping that. I've made today's post. 💜💜💜

  • Last of work 🎉 !!

    Pretty much managed to finish everything that needed finishing yesterday. Have a team meeting late this morning and my manager told me to piss off after lunch (he'll cover for me if anyone asks).

    I am very much looking forward to doing fuck all for a few weeks.

  • Epic cooking sesh complete - made a gigantic amount of dal (most for the freezer) and used up almost all the sad veg in the fridge. That's me done until xmas eve. Pretty glad at what I've got thru - chipping away at my old red rice too by mixing it in with basmati. I'll be glad to start having fewer and fewer bottles and boxes of things in my kitchen.

    Planning to do some more big cooks in Jan when I've still got time, and add more to the freezer where I've got space. Going to prepare myself for the very busy few months after that. I'll make sure I've always got food without needing to spend on takeaways etc.

  • I'm very tempted to make a bacon and egg toasted butty like this one.

    • 🤤

      • It was the best toastie I've ever had in my life. The bread was ciabatta and cut on the angle so every piece of the crust was crunchy. Then it was dripping in butter with stacks of bacon. I will always be chasing that taste sensation for the rest of my life.

        Ps. I made a egg and bacon just now. Not as good but it hit the spot.

    • Goodness me, that doesn't even look like bread.

      Looks like a cloud pillow!

    • Wow! That is gorgeous food pornography. Report to the bridge for your award!

  • Thank Frank tomorrow is my last day until Jan 2, SO over this place. Way too busy, and everyone is grumpy AF (including me).

    I still can't believe that if I were to start slapping people upside the head, -- I -- would be the one getting in trouble for it. It was self-defense, Your Honour.

  • So at the beach tonight there was a young fam. Parents w/ their boy and girl about 7-5yo-ish respectively with 2 dogs.

    Anyway the girl absolutely nailed her bro in the head w/ a tennis ball from 15m away. Seriously good throwing arm and aim.

    Boy started crying and walked off with dad.. mum cracked the shits at daughter "you can't throw tennis balls at people!".

    As a younger sibling myself I would've been thrilled to have landed that.

  • I’m making a biscoff trifle for friend Christmas on the weekend and just realised I have no trifle dish. And big trifle dishes are hard to track down at this time of year apparently. I think I found one in stock at the local Salt & Pepper store, half price as well. But does this dish have any other uses or only for trifle? Sounds like a kitchen cupboard clogger.

    • Trifle bowls are generally huge but you can get smaller bowls these days. You can use them for jelly or salads. You're better off getting a clear plastic bowl from kmart if it's not gonna get used that often or passed down like a family heirloom.

    • op shops are the best for this

    • Another use is layered salads

  • Had a long chat with a cousin this morning and that's set a relaxed tone to the day... screw uni, there's nothing I could do with this processed data until mid Jan anyway and I NEED A BREAK. Feeling so happy that I have a day of no obligations!

    Just lounging around finishing up Happy Valley (such a good show!) and then I'll cook up what I can in the crisper (sad red cabbage), appeal my stupid parking fine online, set up my new phone (still haven't done it...) and head to t'shops for a few little gifts if I feel like it.

    • Maybe a gift for yourself as well?

      • Nah, I never really cared for Xmas gifts. I'll wait till the new year to think about getting a second hand benchtop dishwasher and maybe an instant pot. Will be heading interstate in a week so no point getting much food, and my unit is so small I'm trying to acquire as little as possible

  • I have decided to bake some biscuits for Christmas. I have narrowed my selection down to 8, lets see how many I end up doing! The current shortlist is:

    • pfeffenusse
    • Scottish shortbread
    • coconut macaroons
    • cranberry-coconut oatmeal
    • embossed lemon shortbread
    • Pizzelle (wafers)
    • Chocolate Brownie Cookies
    • "Oma's biscuits" - another shortbread variation

    I'm focusing on recipes that are not too complicated to make, keep fairly well, with at least a few that can be dunked in a cup of tea. I'll give a few as gift boxes and take some to work, with the bulk of them to be a gift to my Mum - she has been making her own biscuits for years, but recently has started to find the effort a bit much, so I'd like to fill her biscuit jar with home made biscuits for a while.

  • I think it's a northern death adder iirc. So cute!!!

    Edit: oh there's also a black house spider behind the exit sign above the fire escape in the hallway. It's all tucked in there, also very cute but no pics lol

  • Random thoughts that prevent sleep. I have no idea what a chickpea plant looks like. To the interwebs!

  • I was just about to check my email for the estimated time for my grocery delivery today when they delivered it. Faboulous timing, they most often deliver around 11am for this time window. Mr Woof Is not happy about someone encroaching on our territory though.

  • I spent the morning browsing biscuit packaging ideas and printing some bags. So I didn't actually start on biscuits until after lunch. I have made the cranberry coconut oatmeal biscuits & have the pfeffenusse dough chilling in the fridge.

    Edit: I've also realised two of my biscuits are almost identical, just shaped differently. So Oma's biscuits are being swapped out for jam drops.