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  • Stickers placed without care have no meaning. A sticker is a badge of honor. A sticker must earn its right to be placed where it is placed.

    • And I usually place it on something I see often or have very long.
      Sadly I like clean furniture and items. And if they are limited I'd need to have duplicates.

  • The only stickers I buy are for my kegerator and my 2-gallon ukeg growler from the breweries I visit in my travels.. so those go on pretty much right away, unless I forget them.

    Sure, if they aren’t just round I have to think about where to put them, to fill as many gaps as possible, but that’s about it.

    What sort of places is everyone else throwing stickers?

  • Why do I need a sticker if I'm not using it? That sucker is getting stuck on the first thing I think of.

  • I’m so insecure I always buy 2x any sticker I like in case I decide wrong. I have a drawer with backup stickers. I’m being completely serious.