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President Biden warns of 'oligarchy' as he bids farewell to five decades in politics

  • It’d be much better for him to just stay quiet and fade away into obscurity. Every word out of his mouth since that absurd debate has hurt him, his party, and the country at large. His legacy will not be what he hopes.

    Biden may not be super-wealthy, but his presidency is a reflection of our country’s political stagnation. And while he’s no oligarch, he’s certainly the poster boy for elite entitlement to power.

    Just a reminder, only a few days ago, Biden still said he would have beaten Trump. This man is not living in reality anymore.

  • Thanks for the comments to read through. I can now confidently say that America is a failed experiment based on these conversations alone.

  • It makes me feel less crazy that people in here are saying exactly what I've felt for years.

    God it's nice to know others can see that the rotating seat of emperor has no clothes.