Very good advice (Art by RiniDisc)
Very good advice (Art by RiniDisc)
Source (Mastadon)
Very good advice (Art by RiniDisc)
Source (Mastadon)
Not to get all Apple-apologia, but my wife's old Macbook is still going strong for casual use (email, video streaming, web browsing) after nearly a decade.
Not really a badge of honor or anything, just that it takes a lot to bog down even substandard out of date hardware to a noticable degree if you don't do a ton on it in the first place.
Btw might be a good idea to clean its fans and air vents, especially if it gets hot and/or slow fast
I personally like the aluminum case. It keeps them alive longer than plastic laptops.
On the inside its just like any other laptop except more solder points between the components (I used to do repair work on them). And they can sell more used since everyone wants to pay the apple tax.
The Framework laptop the fox talks about is also a metal case. With captive screws and easily replaceable/upgradeable components - and several generations of upgrades already available to build trust that they really do intend to support that upgradeabiliy over time.
my wife's old Macbook is still going strong for casual use
As is the 500 dollar Acer laptop I bought in 2016 lol But yeah, my wife had wanted a MacBook Pro for a very long time. We finally had the money for it in 2019 so we got that laptop for her. In order to play games on it, I had to give her one of my Windows keys and learn how to set up Boot Camp. It's actually a perfectly serviceable gaming laptop.
She loves it. It's still holding up very well. But was it worth $2,700? Not to me. But then again, my '97 Honda probably isn't worth the $2,700 I paid for it to her, either. I don't understand why she wants overly expensive computers. She doesn't understand why I want overly crappy cars. But we did say for better or worse so here we are lol
I've got a top-of-the-line 2015 Macbook Pro that works well today. I also don't understand why Macbooks are held as mutually exclusive to Linux. They're just a computer, plug in your bootable Linux USB and install it. I've got Linux on mine and it works decently.
Unfortunately that’s not really true since the M1 series, because there were no drivers for any of the custom Apple hardware. There is a purpose built Apple Sillicon distro but it doesn’t even run on M3 or M4 macs yet.
Did you install Linux on it tho :3
I have a MacBook Pro Mid-2011 still going. But it does not get any updates since years(even security ones).
I just updated a few 2011 iMacs to Monterey using this:
They’re a bit more sluggish than they were on High Sierra, but everything works well enough. For some reason I couldn’t get the latest version to work but a previous one worked great (1.5 vs 2.2)
I have one similar to that 😃 I have set up a dual boot with EndeavourOS to get security updates there
(Prepare partition in macOS by shrinking main and make a second FAT. You’ll change the file system to the correct one during installation of Linux. At reboot hold alt/option to choose which OS/USB-Stick to boot)
With the macOS, I want to try legacy patcher, but would have to kill my Linux in the process, so I did not try it yet..
I hate Apple with passion, but my GF has a 2013 Macbook, that is still getting security updates and is totally usable.
I replaced the spinning hard drive a while ago with a fast SSD, while using Clonezilla to copy the content and partitions of the drive.
And you know what? It started like a rocket. It has an Intel CPU, but I don't think installing Linux would have made it much better, especially UX wise.
MacOS is more than half the reason most people buy a Mac and not a cheap laptop.
Still nice meme tho. It's way more relatable than I want to admit it.
Linux would provide you with security updates for a significantly longer time
Just imagine the concept of software updates that don't care about the hardware.
2013 Macbook, that is still getting security updates and is totally usable
How? My 2015 MBA doesn't get any updates afaik but it's not on latest supported OS so I'm not sure. Did you use OCLP?
That 2013 won’t be getting security updates anymore. Apple only tends to provide security updates for 10 years. I’d be cautious with that honestly.
noooo why is the text in the background i wanted to read that
You can read all of it as alt text on the original post.
I read the part where it called me cute :)
I've read Xenia's rant and agree with it 100%.The only thing missing is something about media servers and self-hosting.
You cannot fix me, for I am not broken.
I'm using a new M3 MBP at work and it literally brought my compile time from 20+ minutes on a pretty beefy Windows machine down to about 6 minutes. Based on that alone, it's hard to imagine using anything else for serious dev work at this point.
Having said that, there's a lot of goofy Apple fuckery going on too. Multi-monitor support is limited to two displays, so if you want more than that you're stuck with an expensive third-party dock and DisplayLink drivers, which cause color artifacting in high motion like you'd expect from a heavily compressed video, which leads to eye strain. Mouse support is terrible without a third party app to fix the goofy scroll wheel acceleration curve they've built in, and even buying first-party peripherals doesn't solve it. I need a third party app just to prevent Mac OS from opening iTunes every time I connect a Bluetooth headset... So many little dumb things to deal with.
I need a third party app just to prevent Mac OS from opening iTunes every time I connect a Bluetooth headset
I have Macs for 10+ years and I never had them open iTunes when connecting a bluetooth headset.
I couldn't tell you when it started, but it's definitely a thing now, which is why projects like noTunes exist
NGL I bought a new MacBook (m1) as that arm processor is just killer. Still mis Linux on that machine though.
(I know about Asahi, but I haven't heard about it's current state in the last few years since it's initial debut)
Asahi’s pretty decent now, so far as I’m concerned. They’ve still not cracked having more than one display, but otherwise I can’t think of anything I’ve not been able to do with it.
You could also just put it on the old MacBook...
Why does it have to be furries all the time..
This is one of my favorite blogposts of all time. It is an extremely well written, in depth writeup of several security vulnerabilties of a popular app.
It also opens with:
Please keep in mind that this website is a furry blog, first and foremost, that sometimes happens to cover security and cryptography topics.
I may be cute, but my compulsion to read every line really hampers my ability to complete basic tasks.
Look at the alt text on the original post.
Christ, this image is like a 50-post long thread on Mastodon, etc: the worst possible choice of format/platform for that type of content.
"I have an essay to share, and I'm going to send it in snippets of a few hundred characters!" Why?
(Looking at you, Doctorow... 👀)
What ?
Author-activist Cory Doctorow does a daily thread on Mastodon (on stuff like tech policy) but because each post doesn't have much text the threads get long. He also posts it on his blog, but I think Brewchin finds the thread annoying. His account:
Final Cut Pro. There isn't anything else that compares.
Logic pro...
the smell of mint
They don’t think it be like that, but it do.
I can do indie grade game development on an M1 MacBook air. It's wild how tech has progressed.
But I do my day job work on a Linux mint laptop and have a windows gaming pc until such time as I can fuck that useless piece of shit software into the fucking ether where it belongs.
What game keeps you on windows?
Right now none specifically, but I haven't really done an audit. I understand it's pretty good nowadays with proton.
What I don't want is to accidentally play an unsupported game and get vac banned or something.
If stellaris, total war and a handful of others worked I could probably convince myself to look into dual booting to try it out. I imagine OBS is fine. Streamdeck works on Mac so might be ok.
FFXI for me. It's a lot better post Steam Deck, but last time I set it up on Linux (maybe a year ago) a lot of the visual mods that are registry-based weren't working properly, the font rendering was awful, and certain addons and plugins just didn't work (guildwork in particular since it launches a background exe, others related to showing/hiding certain UI elements.) It runs, but it's far from comfortable. Might be good enough in a VM and I'll probably try again next time I resubscribe.
Based fox.
Best fop
Xenia! My beloved
Yeah, that's where I stopped. Learn another adverb!
literally this
Xenia should have been our official mascot. C'mon, Linus, make it happen. The penguin is boring.
Sex sells, Linus.
It's not even that. The character is a transgender furry. It pretty much represents what Linux is. You have the freedom to modify it and customize it to make it whatever you want it to be and make it yours.
tbh this comment just goes to show that your knowledge of GNU/Linux is very outdated
There's also a branding problem IF you want "normie" widespread adoption.
If the go to image of a Linux user is the fedora m'lady guy saying "so that's you're distro,huh"
Or the furry tallsocks wall of text customize to the n-th degree person,
The normie will never align.
You might like that, from a social perspective, but even saying "your knowledge is outdated" is funny because most folks have little to no knowledge of their Mac either, they just know it "just works" for their mainline usage.
Can we not just have fun and talk shit about something? It's not that serious. I own a Mac even (it was inherited though).