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  • The house with a pool if someone else would take care of the maintenance without me needing to worry about it. Otherwise the beach house, I would imagine it would be the easiest to rent out and use that income to get a house I would actually like.

  • If utilities and internet speed and stuff are a non-issue (all things are equal), mountain house.

    Otherwise, beach house.

    Honestly, I like swimming, but I'd rather have a normal ass house than have to deal with pool maintenance.

  • Mountain house, more things to do(gardens etc) and of course relax.

  • Mountain House if solar/wind are feasible and I have sufficient clearing to grow my own food.

    Otherwise, regular house.

    I like mountains, hiking, biking, and I want to become self-sufficient where possible. And my wife wants cows and chickens, I don't think they would do well on a beach, especially when sea levels start noticeably rising.

  • Becoming a mountain hermit is one of my pipe dreams, so easily the mountain. Hot tub is irrelevant but I guess if it's included I'll take it.

  • Could I get a mountain house without a hot tub? I don't want to have to maintain one of those petri dishes.

  • Mountain house without a hot tub. Although I'd accept a natural hot spring in the garden.

  • Currently got a beach (holiday) house and I could never imagine switching it with a mountain house/cabin or just a pool. Waking up in the summer to the sound of sea gulls and taking a fresh morning bath in the ocean can't be beat.

    A mountain cabin would be the second choice. I got an uncle who built his own cabin in the mountains after retiring, it's nice and quiet, but other than hikes there's isn't much to do.

    Just go to the local swimming hall if you want a pool.

  • None of the above in the real world; too much maintenance on any of them.

    But in a hypothetical world where I didn't have to do the work, or pay for it? I'll take the pool.

    A good swim without dealing with tides and whatever trash is floating around trumps the other two options

  • I'm torn between the beach house and the mountain house. I love the beach and would love to be able to wake up and wander out into the waves. Especially if the beach features tropical waters and soft, rock free, sand. Though, this home could easily be monkey pawed by placing the house on some rock strew nightmare of a beach with cold waters (or the opposite, for those folks into foot killing beaches). That said, such a beach house would invariably be overrun during the tourist season, and hell being other people, this would greatly reduce the joy of living there.

    The mountain home, on the other hand, offers a wonderful sense of solitude. And skinny dipping with the wife in a hot tub is a fantastic way to start an autumn evening. Though, even in the mountains, you can find subdivisions where the houses are piled on top of each other and the "sense of solitude" has trouble being maintained with the neighbors plainly visible though the trees. And once you get into full blown winter, the cold can start to wear on you. So again, possibly a mixed bag, depending on the specific circumstances.

    So ya, I guess I'd take the beach house and just take vacations to somewhere else during the high season. Maybe set it up as an AirBnB or the like for those times. Though, the idea of random strangers doing gods know what on my mattress kinda creeps me out. Guess I'd need a storage unit with rental furniture to swap out during those times as well.

  • I'm legally blind and can't drive, so I depend on delivery for a lot of essentials. So if I can still get those essentials then Mountain home with hot tub would be my preferred.