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Trump voter asks for donations for wife's bond after she's detained by ICE

Trump voter asks for donations for wife's bond after she's detained by ICE


Bradley Bartell, a Trump voter from Wisconsin, started a GoFundMe to raise $3,000 for his wife Camila Muñoz’s bond after ICE detained her.

Muñoz, a Peruvian citizen, overstayed her work-study visa due to the pandemic and was seeking legal residency as Bartell’s spouse. She was arrested returning from a honeymoon in Puerto Rico.

Bartell continues to maintain that he does not regret voting for Trump.

Since Trump’s return to office, ICE has arrested over 90,000 immigrants.

  • It's so frustrating that Camila doesn't deserve any of this, but the person saying they wouldn't change their decision and does deserve to see consequences will refuse to actually feel them.

    Like, I want her out, but how dare this asshole say he regrets nothing while asking others to bail him out for the thing he voted for and still wants more of? Why is a social safety net OK in this case to this guy, but not for anyone else?

    The detentions are a for-profit endeavor, the people are being treated inhumanely, and this is all some Nazi-level shit. I want all the allies that can be won away from the neofascists. I fucking hate this particular dude's refusal to recognize the taste of boot leather though, even as it impacts his supposed loved ones. It's maddening.

    Free Camila.

  • Truthfully, I don’t feel bad for either of them. He’s a moron and she married the douche.

  • Fuck no, Brad, donations for rich people and leftists, and we know you’re neither. Trump the fuck up and get you 6-9 other jobs to pay for what you want. Lord helps those who help themselves, and your own bootstraps n shit.

  • Voted for asshole that promised to fuck up his life. Asshole fucks up his life. Surprised pikachu face. Doesn’t learn a lesson and asks for money.