They forgot the LGBTQ...
They forgot the LGBTQ...
They forgot the LGBTQ...
The LGBTQ does not steal your money, they steal your sex!
"If two men or two women can form a household based on an equal separation of responsibilities and reliance on one another, how am I gonna convince my wife God wants her to do the dishes while I drink beer and yell?"
You went wrong at "convincing". Send it, hope for the best ;)
Dang LGBTQ came by and turned me gay. Now I can't stop fantasizing over other women! I mean, gestures wildly up and down
That's fine. I'm not using it right now anyway.
They don't want your money, honey, they want your love
Aw, that's lovely 🥰
I knew it!
True story, the US is a state founded by immigrants.
If anything that's an argument against immigration, considering what happened to the people that lived there before
Too bad the US is not what the natives made it to be 🤷... they didn't like what the immigrants did, but money is a very powerful thing.
Well as long as they promise not to systematically murder us with vastly superior technology
no no, I'm not the child of immigrants! I'm iTaLiAn AmeRiCan, gosh.
Illegal immigrants, no less.
And before the decade-long process of today, even the legal immigrants had it way easier.
Want to be an American? Great*, get on a boat, avoid icebergs, get off the boat at a port of entry, and talk to someone who will misspell your name.
^* ^Experiences ^may ^vary ^based ^on ^the ^foreign ^scapegoat ^at ^the ^time.
You climb to the top panels and start munching.
You mean the right is wrong… not helpful either sorry
and on the right.... nothing's left.... 😔
Immigrants. I always knew it was them. Even when it was the bears, I knew it was them
I'd like to buy your rock
I read "cock" 💀
Settle down, chairman moe! But, just to nitpick, what he says sounds a lot more like "immigants" to me. Which when I originally saw the scene, was the icing on the cake.
Immigrants? So elongated muskrat?
Exactly. normally when we think "immigrants" we think of the peniless illegal people who crawl under the fence or swim around it. No. The real enemy immigrants are the wealthies.
Especially the ones buying up all our real estate so houses sit empty and cost too much for anyone to live in them.
Is this loss
knives out
this is a both-sides argument, and therefore wrong.
because i can convey my point in a short phrase, i am therefore the winner.
Louis Armstrong with his brother Lance Armstrong back in 89 both went to the moon. All so you could have smaller computers and political posts like this :/
I removed and moan as much as the next bloke, but yeah that comment hit me right in the soul (assuming I have one).
so many things wrong here:
When are we gonna stop demonizing the other half of population, start understanding they may be right right at something and I may not be right about everything. People unite 🤝
"See we should all just come together and agree to believe what I believe. You should just accept that sometimes you're wrong, even though I haven't presented any evidence. If we agreed, we wouldn't be fighting; therefore the charitable thing for you to do is to cause us to agree by changing your opinion to match mine"
I think once ppl unite we'll find out we need no old guy in a suit telling us what's the right thing to do for 4 years long and begin working on a parlament were truly wise individuals have their voice and a wide variety of professors are finnally listened. But we are too many to fit in a proportionally representative parlament and the only solution I see is dissolution of all big states into county governments and form only temporary intercity alliances.
People prefer circlejerking instead of trying to understand each other.
bruh this is the worst 4 panel ive seen this week
Political comics are hard to critique because people see it as an attack on the message and not the abysmal quality.
Isn't the message the point? Aren't political cartoons historically the epitome of low-brow art? No one here is writing a thesis on Line Thickness and 17th Century Liberalism Themes In Dilbert.
This is best content on Lemmy this month.
The funniest part is how the artist felt the need to write "the left" and "the right" on the characters as if this highly intellectual commentary is too subtle to understand without help. We've reached below the point of crappy editorial cartoons.
It is too subtle to understand. Without the labels, they're just random people and the message is lost. We're not talking about random dumb dumbs that don't understand how Western oligarchies work, we're talking about the conservatives that actively cheer it on.
I think the content is good. The art feels a little rough, not sure if it is a style or not. If the original author is new at this stuff, this is pretty good. Everyone has to start somewhere.
It does feel very low effort.
And the solution is?
Democratically owning the means of production among the workers. Instead of some greedy rich guy who'd want to give as little of the profit as possible to the people actually making the product or providing the service.
Too bad there is no working class left. The college educated left liked belittling blue collar workers too much.
Lmfao what?
It would be neat if you had any idea WTF you're talking about. Are you just making shit up on the fly and seeing what sticks for shits and giggles?
The... The college educated left are still working class, the blue collar workers are also working class, you are working class, I am working class.
Unless you are part of the owner class, you are the working class.
Everyone on the left is in the ruling class? Whoa! I'm rich!
I bet you felt really smart typing that
I'm so fucking sick and tired of seeing politics everywhere on lemme. You guys are worse than redditors with this shit
I'm sorry people aren't posting content relevant to your personal preferences.
May I suggest you use filters, or perhaps go fuck yourself?
For a laugh, here's what this definitely consistent person with a principled dislike of politics (which definitely isn't just things they disagree with) posted immediately after their complaint:
US fed doesn't recognize basic ethics laws, how unsurprising
A boring dystopia
Based. If you see something you dont like on the fediverse, you can ignore it (like a sane person) or filter it out (also like a sane person).
Ah. So the "left" aren't social left, they just see money as the answer to all social progression too. Got it. Well that explains our current Western progress and predicament. Lot of growing up to do if, as far as social progression goes, money is seen as a power rather than a weakness. Ain't no one in need getting any that way.
History repeats and we all stay the same. New generation, another dollar.
At least "eat the rich" makes more sense. Robin Hood would rob the guy and not socially recognise them as a king. More important things to do.
Edit: I actually expected more down votes than this (7) and was wanting some discourse. Anyone? I'm looking for someone to state what's not already called out in that a core issue is the perception of monetary wealth being a controlling factor of social imbalance—which of course it is with a society of that perception.
You've all got bank accounts drained for the people, not your house deposit, right? Right? Sorry... Left? Left?
The Left: Rich people are the problem
saltesc: So you agree that money is power? Gotcha!
Everyone: What does that even mean?
saltesc: Don't dismiss my word salad without discourse!
Well, actual left doesn't base itself on economical attributes. So it's interesting to see a meme go straight to wealth while claiming leftism. Part of being on the left is recognisimg wealth as a faux controller and issue. Actual left doesn't socially want in on it too. Actual left would aim at rejecting an acknowledgement of wealth by reinforcing services and freedoms to all without requirement of wealth, thus diluting the importance and value of money.
This comic almost opposes that by weighing importance of wealth. It's insulting to leftism by claiming "this is left".
A lot of the replies seem to be the trending American ideas of leftism which are very new and very unique to a $27T GDP with stonks of social issues. Kind of trying to force the two to connect, but that's not how leftism works.
Y'all can literally Google it right now if you need to know what being left is. It's social equality you're meant to be working on, not getting a piece of the pie. Recognising and blaming distribution of wealth is literally opposing leftism because it's acknowledging and giving finance power. The comic is more "I feel left out" when it should be "your money is nothing".
What does your comment mean though? Feel free to attack my reading comprehension but i don't actually think your comment is making a statement. Distill it so my slow ass understands and maybe (and that's a big maybe) we can try to have some sort of conversation. Judging by the downvotes i presume your opinion is unpopular--i just don't understand it well enough to see why.
Judging by the downvotes i presume your opinion is unpopular–i just don’t understand it well enough to see why.
Asked and answered. It's incoherent borderline word salad and just comes across as really really trollish, especially with the edit demanding "discourse."
I think his comment is reading way way too much into it. The comic is basically saying that "left" is willing to question authority, while "right" takes it as gospel and asks for more.
There's also the claim that criticising weath disparity while living in a very weath-centric system is somehow an endorsement of that weath-centric system.
Guy seems to just want to dump on the idea of left, so I'll leave a downvote and let him dump in peace.
My opinion is left and it's annoyed that someone would say the comic is left.
While the comic is focused on distribution and accumulation of wealth being an issue, actual left recognises finance as an issue. Society doesn't require wealth for equality. People can be rich in leftism. Leftism is social. Social issues is what it addresses. Thinking "left" is somehow attached to finance is fundamentally anti-social. Thinking money should be better disteibuted and not hoarded by the rich is acknowledging money is power which is anti-social.
None of us with national healthcare systems got them by considering money and the rich and who has and who doesn't have money. We got them by acknowledging health as a social issue. Money be damned.
None of us with nationally assisted higher education got it by considering money and the rich and who has or doesn't have money. We got it by acknowledging education as a social issue. Money be damned.
None of us that with gun regulation got it by considering money and the rich and who has or doesn't have money. We got them by acknowledging public safety as a social issue. Money be damned.
This comic... "Nah, it's money, hey. That's what's stopping us. I'm left 👉👈" It's kind of insulting to the ideology. And I expected backlash on here because Lemmy seems to be riddled with backseat leftists that don't actually know what it is. By acknowledging money as some big value implies that when it comes time to pay for social equality, Lemmingtons and the author of this comic will be upset to be getting less money. That's not an issue when money takes anback seat to social progression aka actual left.
Wtf are you trying to say
You calling me crazy? Just 'cause I got a hotel in my foot doesn't make me a boogalymoogalymoogaly!
No one knows what you're talking about
Robin Hood liked the king. He was noble himself.
Oh yeah, haha. Prince*
You and all of the new conservative sign ups on Lemmy need to go back to 4chan or Truth and have your circle jerk. Lemmy was safely claimed by leftists. You're gonna have a bad time here.
You're making bold assumptions and trying to place me in a tribe you see the world as—but I'm of none of the things you mentioned nor even close. You feel you can say that without much thought or concern though because you feel as though you're protected in your camp, why would you declare it so loudly that I know where I am? The reality is, your camp is small, one of millions, and insignificant in global society and culture. You also clearly know as much about conservatism as leftism if you think anything of what I said was ideals or association of conservatism. This must be just what you've learned in your camp.
But, hey. You keep fighting that "us vs them"—whoever the fuck they are—thing you got going on. That's the irony of your self-painted banner. It doesn't help the world progress and encourages we remain conservative of its old social ways and setbacks.
Tribalism is for the old, the weak, and a disgrace on what we're supposed to be and could be. The world's long been too small for you to bark like a yard dog and be intolerant of everything that walks by. Maybe it's time you start reading about the things you claim to hold so dearly. Or don't. I'm a 4chan "conservative" after all. Nazi next, hm?