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  • 91% with pihole + ublock on Firefox. Time to add some domains to the blacklist

    • Yup got the same except adguard instead of pihole. Will add the remaining to a block list also.

  • Before adding "@@$redirect-rule" to uBlock Origin filters:

    After adding "@@$redirect-rule" to uBlock Origin filters:

    • With uMatrix enabled: 100%, 150/150 blocked.
    • With uMatrix disabled: 85%, 127/150 blocked.

    Using Firefox with uBlock Origin, Privacy Badger and some others.

  • Trying a few different browsers I have installed:

    • Firefox in Strict mode with LocalCDN: 42% (eww)
    • Brave (stock): 72%
    • Brave w/ stock uBlock Origin: 78%
      • 100% w/ custom filters enabled
    • Opera w/ uBlock: 75%
    • Vivaldi (stock): 55%
    • LibreWolf w/ uBlock and LocalCDN: 70%
  • These results are not at all what I expected. Safari + several blockers seems to be best, followed by Brave of all browsers. Firefox and FF focus got the worst rating! I really thought Focus would do a better job. Then again, all cookies get deleted so at least that part won’t matter much.

  • 93% on mobile (Firefox + ublock + pihole) 84% on desktop (Firefox + unlock + pihole)

  • Firefox (Fennec) on Android. uBlock Origin with every single block list enabled.

  • 87% with Firefox on MIUI. I think I have some custom ublock filters? Not sure because my config was copied from my PC.

  • Seems to still not work correctly. I remember a little while back that this testsite had issues with how uBlock Origin handled some blocking. Seems like the issue has not completely been fixed. Strange that the github issues all seem to have been closed.

  • I've been using UBlock for years and was surprised that out of the box, AdGuard had a much better score!

  • 5% on stock chrome for Android. Guess this week is the week I switch to firefox mobile (73% with stock uBlock Origin)

  • 90% with my normal setup, but I highly doubt it's correct because:

    • literally everything in uMatrix except first-party scripts is blocked
    • it goes up to 93% when I turn off uBO, yet the page loads way more slowly which makes no sense

    The site does say uBO on Firefox has unknown issues, so I'll attribute it to that.

  • 89% according to the tool, but should be 100%. The tool itself says it can't detect it in some cases. I manually checked the 16 domains it flagged aa unfiltered and neither of them worked.

  • 96% but it's not accurate. Verified on my DNS logs that the two it claimed weren't blocked, actually resolved to correctly, so I'm actually at 100%

  • 93% with Firefox and Ghostery behind Windscribe VPN. I've got a few other addons disabled like Decentraleyes and Ublock, but a combination of those with Ghostery didn't do any higher. Pretty sure I disabled them because Ghostery did everything they did. The stuff let in are to make websites like Youtube and Google usable. It's a tradeoff.

  • Was getting 71% on Librewolf with only uBlock Origin. Enabled every blocklist in the extension and am now getting 100%. Thanks for sharing!