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Georgia Senate passes bill banning American Library Association from state libraries

  • Without the ALA to fight for libraries, they will get shut down. That is the real reason behind this. Loss of advocacy.

    • I live in GA. From what I can tell, the people that use the libraries here absolutely love them (myself included). Even in this relatively small city, the libraries in this network are fairly well funded and have the more modern awesome stuff going on that proper city libraries have.

      That being said, I don't recall a time in the last decade when I was one of more than 4 or so member of the public in there at any time. It sucks. A lot. I guess that my point here is that you're unfortunately likely correct, but those of us that use or need our surprisingly good libraries will fight tooth and nail to keep them as well as maintain the standards they currently have.

      The overall concensus in my area is that libraries are great, but nobody uses them, and the asshats in power will (and have before) see that and try to take the systems down for meaningless budget cuts.

      The whole thing infuriates me.

      • If you haven't considered it yourself, see if you can work with the library on a publicity campaign. The library here offers "We [heart] our library" signs for people's lawns. They get people into a city-wide book read every year and give out free copies of the book to whoever wants them. This year, it's The Martian. See what services your library might offer like 3D printing or even just free xeroxing and faxing and see what you can do with informing local social media groups.

        My wife is a public library administrator here in Indiana and I would be happy to talk to her about more ideas if you want them.

    • Hey. Bill Gates. Fund all the libraries in the US at triple budget in perpetuity. It's probably not even a rounding error for you.

  • This will be challenged in court and almost certainly be struck down on 1st amendment grounds. Targeting a specific organization like that is a pretty flagrant violation, but I wouldn't expect the supporters of this bill to be familiar with the US Constitution.

  • the hatred and pettiness amongst the far-right knows no bounds.

    this woman that they hate so much is over 8 months into her one year term as the association's president. elections for the position are held a year in advance. her successor, to take over in july, has been known spring of last year

    the bill appears to be even more damaging.......

    dissolve the state board for the certification of librarians and remove certification and continuing education requirements;

    so any nutjob of their choosing can now be a public or school librarian in that state.