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What is the strangest tech related bug you can't resolve?

Note: this is not a request for troubleshooting help.

For the past few years my 10ish year old “smart” TV will maybe once a week or so completely lose the ability to play sound in the Youtube app, and only in the Youtube app. Sound works just fine everywhere else. Bizarrely this is always triggered by an ad and never a video. Restarting the app doesn’t fix it, and neither does clearing the cache. Fortunately doing a full restart of the TV fixes it, it’s just irritating to have to restart because an ad somehow broke the sound.

What technological gremlins haunt you?

  • My partner streams my Plex to their whole house by way of some sort of coax input device. I’m not really sure how it works but it uses the house’s cable lines to stream whatever from an hdmi device (in this case an rpi) to a unique channel.

    Works great everywhere and for every device plugged into it, except a 9-ish year old Samsung tv. On that, the audio cuts out for a half second every 30 seconds or so. Without fail. No change to the picture, and an older Samsung tv handles it fine. We’ve tried everything we could find - including heavily tweaking Plex, and rebuilding the rpi entirely - short of replacing the tv, no dice.

    Interestingly, no other stuff through that rpi on that same configuration has problems on that tv, so like we can load the retropi and play games and the sound works fine. It’s really just that one app, through that one method, on that one tv. So weirdly specific.

  • 2016 ish asus vivobook, the bluetooth module will just randomly start spewing garbage into the USB controller, turning it and whatever is in the left port off. The wifi part of the card works great, restarting doesn't fix it, the duration it does this is random, disconnecting the laptops battery doesn't fix it. The only thing that fixes it is taking the card out and putting it back in place, probably a broke solder joint or something but this laptop is hot garbage so I'll get a new one before trying to take the whole mobo out.

    Also my phone the other day shut itself off for 30 minutes, when it turned back on it was stuck on the Motorola Blue and Yellow boot screen for another 15 minutes, until it finally booted and was just fine. Still dont know what that's about.

    On my car, a 99 subaru forester, When changing the battery or disconnecting the terminal, the Transmission controller will scream that the fluid is too hot and reaching like over 200 degrees, even though the transmission hasn't been engaged for a month. You have to just keep reconnecting the terminal until it correctly communicates with the ECU and stops freaking.

    Technology is fun.

  • My monitor currently loses signal every now and then in some (not particularly demanding) fullscreen games in Linux (e.g. Axiom Verge did it several times the other day). It uses the same refresh rate and resolution as my regular desktop. Switching to a console (which uses a different refresh rate, and I assume re-establishes the connection) and then back to Wayland resolves it.

    No kernel log errors.

    I first noticed it shortly after moving an external antenna with a cable that had been sitting next to the DisplayPort cable; I don't know whether it's just used by my motherboard for WiFi (which I don't use) or for Bluetooth (which I do) as well. Could maybe try repositioning that.

    I don't believe that it used to do it, so it's a new issue, but I haven't cared enough to really dig into it. If I did, I suppose I'd probably go back and try to find a reasonably-reliable repro case, then go back and try installing older versions of drivers. On the hardware end, maybe try putting a bigger PSU in the system, on the off chance that it has anything to do with power limitations (but I'd guess that it's software).

    Hmm. Now that I think about it, I really only use Bluetooth for game controllers, and I think that in all the games that I've seen this in, I'm using my controller. If the antenna is used for Bluetooth transmission, in games, that might actually be a good explanation.

  • I work in IT and right now it's a group of CCTV IP cameras that have a patterned flicker at certain times of the day but on random days. I'm pretty sure I've boiled it down to either a heavy power draw from other equipment or the shitty segregated network they're on. I'm in the middle of desegregation and network uplift and the pool is shrinking so I might have it figured out finally but it's been months still hella random.

  • Switched to Windows from Linux for a bit because I was having a few problems with Linux, but the main one is that seemingly, spotty 5Ghz connections cause iwlwifi to panic, which means no wifi. Windows does not have this problem. (relevant chip is the Intel AX210)

    It's annoying because the UX on KDE is objectively better than Windows and I don't want to have to deal with slower connections because the wifi driver has a dumb bug, and reporting the bug to the LKML is something I do not have the knowledge to do.

  • My 3rd party Switch dock needs some strange ritual to actually work, but still not sure what the correct steps and orders.

    It's a fairly early 3rd party dock, from the times when there were articles about 3rd party docks blowing the Nintendo Switch's charging IC or something like that.

    Tho this dock works, but only if I plug in the charger, the HDMI cable and the Switch itself in the correct order. Otherwise no video, only just charging.

    IIRC, the order is HDMI, charger and Switch, but I may be wrong, it was a while ago I used that dock.

    Probably some funky device detection or bug in the dock's code, but it's amusing. Especially after others see me trying and trying and they are like that was the moment when I blew my Switch, but no.

  • Reconnecting ARC on my sound system. I literally unplugged the HDMI from my receiver once with all components turned off completely and cannot for the life of me get it back.