There are dozens of us.
There are dozens of us.
There are dozens of us.
Oh come on. There can't possibly be that many people outside the US right?
Well, you have Mexico, European Mexico and The Surrenders.
whaddaya mean, the united states is the entire world!
hell, look at every alien sighting and you have your proof.
just, yknow, ignore the 7.7 billion other people on the planet
I have never thought about the alien sighting thing. Are they really all or mostly in the US?
The vast majority.
a good 80% easily
YeS BuT YoU SpEaK EnGlIsH!
You speak English because it's the only language you know.
I speak English because it's the only language you know.
We are not the same.
Why didn't they just say "in all states..." puzzles me. What other states can we be talking about?
All countries are states, and a good handful or so countries are federations which call their largest constituencies states, so Germany for example has states, as does Malaysia, as does Australia.
Edit: just reading now that there's no consensus on what a state is exactly, so, fuck knows.
Post is probably fake. Anyone that thought they were talking to another American WOULD just say 50 States, or all the States.
I reckon someone is using multiple accounts so they can "murder" something to make a point. I'm surprised they didn't throw some metric stuff in their to really throttle the pretentiousness.
Literally DOZENS.
The GOP is actively fighting to raise the voting age too.
This isn’t even true in all 50 US States. Bro was getting teased for only knowing only one country…he actually knows zero.
In what states is this not true? The National Minimum Drinking Age Act said that states needed to make the age 21 or else they would lose federal funding. Looks like they all complied from my quick research into it.
Uh, it is as far as I'm aware.
You're incorrect. The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 made the minimum drinking age 21 in all 50 states.
What about the non-states? Puerto Rico? Guam? What about tribal nations? What about DC?
There is no minimum drinking age in Wisconsin if you are with a parent or guardian. Minors can order, possess, and consume alcohol legal at any age, under the discretion of the bartender, as long as they are at the alcohol establishment with their parents or a legal guardian.
US states
United states states?
United States states, yeah that makes sense. States within the boundaries of the United States. How else would you say it? If you just say "states" it doesn't necessarily clarify them to be American states but could be ones in other countries.
What sick fuck drinks vodka coke?
He was 19ish he doesn't know good drinks yet, just knows that vodka gets you drunk and coke helps it go down lol
It's not cool, but it is an easy drink. Even with a sensitive stomach, you can probably had it. No common allergens or irritants, bar the alcohol itself.
Ok, I’m getting some reports about potentially xenophobic comments and insults in this thread. I’d like to remind everyone to be nice and abide by the rules. I’m going to lock the thread now because I’m the only mod and I need to go to sleep. Have a good weekend everyone, and remember, it’s just a stupid post on the internet.
Sorry buddy, the 21 years drinking age is international law per the rules-based order you agreed to.
Go listen to Boonta Vista
Wow, people are still posting this ancient history. Imagine owning someone who's probably in middle school. Glad I stayed off Twitter from the start.
This was the worst joke on Reddit I'm so glad it came with...
Ah yes the United States States... my favourite country.
I feel like this subreddit didn't need bringing over from Reddit, it's clearly just as weak as the original
You know you can just not visit this community, right? Ignore, downvote, block even.
I know it's not the point of the post but in what way is that ballsy and sincere? There has to be a name for this kind of post, it's either a gross glorification of a completely uninteresting interaction, or just completely made up because it sounds... I don't know, heartwarming or something?
Considering the price of drinks at some pubs it sounds true to me. Not something that one generally does but I can definitely see a teenager trying to get their money back
Why should the restaurant/ bar take a loss though. Should just chalk this up to a lesson in responsibility- being responsible enough to know when to quit drinking, and responsible enough to not ask someone to pay for your mistake.
Because if they refuse and then if the person downs the drink, gets too drunk and injures someone the bar and bartender are held responsible. Bar tenders are supposed to cut you off at a certain point to avoid this.
It's not that much different than getting free sodas when you're clearly the DD.
Sure it's small loss but if there's more people that are buying overpriced drinks as a result of a DD it comes out in the wash.
Bars aim for return customers and safe environments for their patrons.
They should take the loss because they agreed to take the loss.
because it's vodka and coke and why does owning a business mean god forbid you take a loss? what about the 19yo kid? why should he lose $15?
It has to do with responsibility. Its the kid's responsibility, not the establishments