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  • One of my friends from work finally gave me some good news.

    Her daughter who went holidaying in Israel finally made it back home to Melbourne after being distraught at the situation and having multiple flights canceled trying to get out of the country.

    She sent me a photo of them hugging each other at the airport after landing this morning.

    So happy for her and relieved.

  • Had a visitor (or 2, one not pictured)

    I swear they're the same ones that've been going at that lawn for years and years now.

  • This is a wonderful morning for some buttery French toast.

    Made by someone else.

    Brought to my bed.

  • Doing that thing where I have a big life change coming so everything is being clean, rearranged, and then cleaned again. My pc/desk has never looked so good though, the glass panel is bordering on mirror status.

  • I did 2 workouts today. One yoga and one cardio. Every time I do cardio it gets easier and easier and recovery doesn't take as long. I'm gonna start incorporating strength training a little bit more now. I'm 10 minutes away from earning a garmin challenge badge. I feel good. That's all.

  • I am seriously considering making some chocolate pudding and custard, but am currently trapped under a cat so cannot move. This is a dilemma.

    Edit: apparently Miss Meow thinks I should make the pudding, as soon as I hit send she got up to have another round of dinner.

    Edit 2: custard made, pudding in oven. Dessert night is Go

  • Fucking woo, Boyo is employed again. A few more days of the pacing panther to deal with but hooray!

  • I love storms so god damned much but they're even better when I'm watching them happen comfortably from my balcony in Docklands and laughing maniacally at the cars stuck in the in inevitable traffic because people lose the ability to drive when it rains.

  • My goal for today's work day: drink a cup of tea while it's still hot.

    And don't stab anyone. I guess that's two goals. I'll see how I go.

  • Funder and lightning in Fornbury. Big splats of raindrops. But the horizon is clearing so probably won't last long.

    • Same a few km south. Looks like a small one on the radar. Of course, none of the rain is reaching my balcony...

  • Beautiful rainbow out to the east of Thornbury - one end appears to be anchored to the South Preston Woollies. Which seems suspiciously appropriate.

  • Ted Cat has been sleeping a lot and is very grouchy. I am a little worried so I put him where he can sleep in peace and eat and drink without Bill harassing him.

  • Dealing with work and personal stress today. Work is more I'm having to work around someone in my team who is... Shit. Personal is just relationship stuff. We need to sort out our communication style because right now we escalate fights because of miscommunication. We're sorting it out and going to see a relationship counsellor which will be good,

    So just stressed as both personal and professional stuff is meh. Also my deep-fryer overflowed tonight and I'm pissed about it since it shouldn't have happened and now cleaning up the mess. :P

  • Mini rant: Went for a drive last night down to St Kilda to claim a free small sundae as I had a monopoly ticket thingo, figured it's a nice night out so why not? Got to the drive-thru and the lady asks what I want "Just a small chocolate sundae please, I have a monopoly ticket for it", "Ok check your order on the screen and drive to the window". I note the $3 next to the item but continue to the window thinking it'll get wiped when I hand over the ticket. I pull up and she passes the eftpos-on-a-stick out and I offer her the monopoly ticket. She takes a moment to buffer then says "you didn't give me the code at the speaker" (not a requirement) and I says "I told you I had a monopoly ticket" and she says "you didn't give me the code, can you just use it next time?" and I says "I was really hoping to use it now.. it's why I came here" and then she took another moment to buffer, said something into her headset (I only caught the word monopoly) and then cancelled the transaction and did it properly, which literally took about 5 seconds maybe, then took my monopoly ticket in a huff. I said "thaaaanks" and drove forward.

    Sundae was really nice too. Nicer than usual. Drove down the esplanade and ate it by the waterfront. Had my emergency ice cream spoon with me so I didn't have to use their awful wooden one.

  • Morning guys. Fire shenanigans last night mean I slept like shit. Ugh

    • I saw a community notification about a structure fire on Vic Emergency from last night but it had expired by this morning and I'm wondering if that's the one you're talking about...

  • I think it might be safe to brave an afternoon walk. If I'm wrong Mr Woof and I will get soggy, which I guess is not the worst thing that could happen.

  • Wet doggo on the run this morning. Feeling better all the time... My knees have stopped hurting.

  • Oof I don't feel so good. Bit of a runny nose and occasionally feel like I might throw up. I'm about 70% sure I won't throw up but that's not 100%.

  • I used my 'focus time' this morning to catch up on a little more sleep and it was an excellent decision. I was NOT cooked yet when my normal alarm went off and I almost thought I'd have to take the day off with how rough I felt.

    Meanwhile, my first wax melt order arrived yesterday and the nose flavour is divine. They're Sandalwood Vanilla ones from a Sydney company I've actually bought from before called Sherwood Garden, but I bought through Amazon this time as I'm a Prime member and Prime shipping is rad. Can recommend.

    Time to make today's coffee.. I'm making an iced coffee today!

    Edit: also, my phone is being slammed with fake calls from various places around the country today. If you don't say anything for 3 seconds after answering the auto-caller thing just hangs up. Making me want to buy a Pixel because I think they have software to block these.

  • It appears I slept through this mornings wild weather, I was rather looking forward to a bit of a storm! Although to be fair my suburb never gets so much as a trickle, stupid meteorological blackhole.

  • Anyone ever watched their 10 year old have a frenectomy (tongue tie op)?...blood, a lot of blood.

    • Can't say I have but the word sounds like it means cutting your friends off after an argument ...

  • So sorry, somehow Mlem just deleted my message regarding what you would buy if you had $50 to get as much as you could food-wise (thought of it because I just spent $50 at Woolies shopping).

    Assume you have a fridge, place to cook etc. Also, you can go to any supermarket etc. or multiple.

    Edit: So… I hadn’t really planned for a longer period, but $50 got me:

    Light burger buns, 4 burger patties, small tinned beetroot and pineapple. 2 small different types of mustards, another garlic sauce thingy, 2 mangoes, small handful of spinach, breakfast cereal, a small punnet of sliced mushrooms, 2 bottles of tonic (Fever Tree), a small bunch of broccolini and asparagus. (I think that was it?)

    • I'd buy vegies from the local

    • SPC baked beans are currently $1.10 on special

      So 45 cans of SPC baked beans I guess

      • I forgot to buy some of the SPC tomato and cheese Dino pasta cans today.

        I think I’m going to go tomorrow as I want to make a big breakfast using them instead of baked beans.

        I know, it sounds wrong.

      • Guess it would last awhile. RIP guts. Hehe.

    • OK, this is quite a severe exercise in budgeting. $50 doesn't go far. I think I'd do something like :

      1. Ten bux for pantry items - oil, sauces, spices to refill stocks on hand - assuming rolled oats for breakfast cereal - sugar and chocolate goes in this category as does pasta and rice. Aldi as they are cheapest at the moment for pantry staples.
      2. Ten bux for veg from market - should be able to get spuds, a couple of onions, pumpkin & leafy greens & maybe 1-2 capsicums.
      3. Ten bux for fruit - apples etc from the cheaper end of the range. Bananas too as lots of nutrition for the price - also market - any money not spent in this category goes on 4) below.
      4. Ten bux for non-meat protein like beans, cheese, mushrooms etc. Market or Aldi
      5. Ten bux for meat - probably chicken and/or sausages plus eggs - Market or Aldi

      This is a very rough estimate, and assumes that you'll be choosing from the cheaper end of supply - like home brand or on special or bagged veg for quick sale/use. I have omitted milk deliberately, as I don't know if you are a cow juice or nut/bean juice person or even a coffee/tea person. Add $10 for longlife bricks if you want to include milk of whatever sort, plus tea/coffee to make yourself, plus bread. Fair spread of nutrition over 5-7 days for one person. Not ideal but survivable for a while.

      • That’s really interesting. Thanks TW.

        Personally, I don’t need to budget so tightly, but I do find it a good exercise to see how far my dollar can go. It could probably go further if I did market runs. I actually keep frozen green beans, spinach and brussel sprouts in the fridge which I find super helpful.

  • Gogogo mifo bridge! What wanker car shall you drown today?

    Monty bridge’s little cousin in perfect position….

  • Damn.. if I bought a Pixel 8 Pro before midnight last night from JB HiFi they would've given me a $350 voucher. The only deal I can see now is from Google themselves who would give me a $400 of Google Store credit if I buy one before midnight tonight, but that's only valid for 1 year and obviously you have to buy Google Store stuff and.. eh. Cool if I wanted to buy a Pixel Watch 2 but I don't really wanna.

    The other issue is that my current phone (OnePlus 8 Pro) is too well-specced to really justify upgrading. The hardware is still incredible. It's only running 1 version behind of Android OS (13) and I really have no complaints with it. The specs besides the aging Bluetooth version actually hold up compared to these new flagship phones and it's 3 years old. The issue is that in 6 months or so it'll stop getting security updates, which isn't the end of the world.

    Maybe I'll fight my impulse purchasing nature and just keep using this thing. I'm also starting to think about whether I want to buy a PS5 when all I really want to play is Spider-Man 2 when it comes out. I don't think there are any other games I want for it that I can't play on my PS4 Pro or PC. Maybe I should just build a new PC and wait for Spider-Man 2 to come out for that. Life is difficult.

    • Android 13 is only a version behind as of a few days ago. That's basically current.

  • So I watch The Shape of Water, it's about Poseidon coming to the mortal world an being loved and loving for who they are, tho I think Eliza might once have been a water being.

    it's a beautiful love story

  • Rented a different car today to get to another appointment and a few more errands. It was fully electric with one of those weird knob dials instead of a gear stick, and had that whole e pedal thing as well. Very interesting. I had a few minutes to spare and decided to bulk buy some bonsoy and just so happens it was 20% off (about as good as you can get I think). Win!

    But that's it, no more renting cars/carshare for a while... So bloody expensive...

  • NHL season is starting for me today. It's drizzly and cool as shit. Got a cup of Earl Grey, hot on my desk.

    Gonna be a good day.

    • How do you watch? With a VPN, and then a streamed broadcast, or is it on a paid service?

      • There are streaming websites (free ones) that work with VPN and there's sites that don't require one I'll PM you :)