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Syncthing Android app discontinued Discontinuing syncthing-android

Unfortunately I don’t have good news on the state of the android app: I am retiring it. The last release on Github and F-Droid will happen with the December 2024 Syncthing version. Reason is a combination of Google making Play publishing something between hard and impossible and no active maintenan...

Discontinuing syncthing-android

Announcement by the creator:

Unfortunately I don’t have good news on the state of the android app: I am retiring it. The last release on Github and F-Droid will happen with the December 2024 Syncthing version.

Reason is a combination of Google making Play publishing something between hard and impossible and no active maintenance. The app saw no significant development for a long time and without Play releases I do no longer see enough benefit and/or have enough motivation to keep up the ongoing maintenance an app requires even without doing much, if any, changes.

Thanks a lot to everyone who ever contributed to this app!

  • Oh No! This is terrible news. This IMHO is one of the most irreplaceable projects out there. I don't know of another cross-platform local file syncing app that comes anywhere close to this. I hope that it can continue even if it's not through the Play Store.

    Google seems to be torpedoing open source developments with a number of decisions lately. Maybe they see F-Droid as a threat now that EU is making them open competition? Maybe they just don't care.

  • Who gives a shit about play? How much do I have to pay you to update it in fdroid still?

  • For the F-droid enabled users, it seems there's a Syncthing app in the Termux repos:

    ~ $ apt show syncthing
    Package: syncthing
    Version: 1.28.0
    Maintainer: @termux
    Installed-Size: 26.4 MB
    Download-Size: 7857 kB
    APT-Sources: stable/main aarch64 Packages
    Description: Decentralized file synchronization
    • Also a fork that has been ongoing for years, syncthing-fork.

    • Yeah, seems like this is what some people are using. They said you can use Tasker to run it in the background.

      So is this the same as installing on the desktop? Run the service and then http to home to configure?

    • Holy shit. I can use apt to install packages on my phone securely?? Please tell me more

      • Termux (on F-droid) is a userland environment that runs on top of your Android device's kernel. It has Debian/Ubuntu-like package management system that pulls from repos maintained by the termux team. If the package is available for aarch64, its probably available in the termux repos. Its not so much of an app as it is an alternate userland that runs on top of the same kernel, but can interact with Android a couple of different ways.

        The main Termux app gets you a basic command line environment with the usual tools included in a headless Linux install. From there you can select your preferred repos, do package updates, installs, etc, just like on a desktop or laptop. You could even install a desktop environment and use RDP to access it.

        Then there are some companion apps that are useful:

        • Termux:boot is like a primitive rc.d feature that executes upon boot up any scripts found in the termux ~/.termux/boot directory. You could use the feature to launch an SSH server, or perhaps start your syncthing service when the phone starts up.
        • Termux:Tasker is a Tasker plugin that allows Tasker to launch scripts in .termux/tasker based on whatever triggers or profiles you define in Tasker. For example, stop or start selected services when connected to your home WiFi
        • Termux:API is a set of termux utilities to interact with the Android API, and do things like send messages, interact with the camera or battery, and manipulate system settings.

        So you could install the syncthing package in Termux and (after setting up Termux access for your internal storage) configure it to sync folders from your phone to wherever syncthing syncs. You'd set up a start script under Termux:boot to launch it when your phone starts, or Tasker to start/stop the service on your home WiFi.

  • This is going ro leave a shit-ton of people dead in the water.

    • The app is not going to suddenly stop working, and it's unlikely to do so before a replacement appears.

      • Oh, yeah, he did mention there's another update for December. But it's still an issue for many people. Moving to privacy is convoluted enough, it's even rougher when you have to forcibly change your streamlines.

    • The way i understand it, this stops maintenance for Syncthing, but Syncthing-fork in fdroid will continue its development and support as usual. Both show if you do a Syncthing search in fdroid. The fork is more up to date with features.

      • In all honesty, I had no idea about the fork. I really appreciate the information. Time to take it for a spin. Do you know if I can import the settings from the original one on the fork?

  • @chaospatterns

    Lo he estado usando en dos dispositivos para sincronizar bóvedas de Obsidian y su funcionamiento era un poco errático.
    Después de los últimos problemas, lo tenía inactivo a la espera de una nueva configuración, un proceso que me parece tedioso e innecesariamente complejo. Cuando menos poco amigable.
    Mientras tanto estaba usando el cable USB para volcar los archivos en el PC.
    Ahora quizás tendré que buscar otro sincronizador para Android?
    Android no me gusta. ¿Por qué fracasó el Linux para Tablets?

    Quiero mi Tablet y mi teléfono con Linux.

    • Igual te interesa echarle un ojo a postmarketOS. Están haciendo un sistema operativo para teléfonos forkeado directamente de Alpine Linux, en vez de AOSP

    • A mi me funciona a la perfección desde el primer día. Tengo un servidor donde está toda la data que quiero sincronizada, también en mi celular, laptop y PC. Honestamente funciona fenomenal. ¿Que es lo que era errático? Me causa curiosidad.

      • @jjlinux

        Pues en determinadas ocasiones se conectaba, en otras no. Siempre se trataba de un vuelco de archivos, que normalmente elaboraba en el dispositivo móvil y volcaba en una carpeta de 'entrada' para luego distribuirlos en los directorios apropiados de la bóveda de Obsidian.
        La verdad es que sopechaba que no lo tenía bien configurado y por eso, la ultima vez que me falló lo dejé para tomar un tiempo en revisar la configuración.
        Encuentro tambien dificultad con los nombres de dispositivos, una serie de números excesivamente larga que debería oder abreviarse con un alias: "MiTablet", o algo sí.
        Si os va tan bien a todos, es posible que está haciendo algo mal. Tenía pendiente estudiar el tema más a fondo. Ahora no sé si hacerlo. ¿El comunicado signfica que desaparece de Google Play y sigue en F-Droid? Creo que decía que dejaba de actualizarlo porque sin Gogle-Play no le resulta rentable.
        En fin, quizás es el momento de buscar otra solución similar o seguir con el cable. .(