Christmas movies
Christmas movies
Christmas movies
I believe this was posted on Lemmy just a few days ago.
That was amazing thanks for sharing lol
I once watched this on a first date. We were together for four years after that. Make of that what you will.
Santa 1 is spreading joy to Santa 2.
Santa 2 gets too much holiday cheer and takes a eternal nap.
Santa 3, with Santa 2 expiring, begins to fade as well.
Please tell me they wore that to a work Christmas party
Schindler's List 2: Checking it Twice
Christmas on Elm Street
Lord of the 5 Golden Rings
Legend of the 7 Red-Nosed Vampires?
The 40-years-old virgin Mary.
Citizen Sugarkane
Snow Country for Old Men
Terminator 2: Boxing Day
Mad Max-mas
Django Unwrapped
Friday the 25th
The Chrismas Before Christmas
Nog Wars: Revenge of the Turkey
2 Festive 2 Furious: North Pole Drift
Deadpool & Santa
Mariah Carey: Mall Cop
Deadpool & Santa
Considering Marvel's Santa is a mutant, this could work better than expected
North Star Wars
Dances with Reindeer
I was gonna do Backdoor Sluts 9 but it's already a Christmas movie.
12/25: A Sleigh Odyssey
Die Hard
Sorry, couldn't pass it up.
I'll leave now.
I love this one, of course it's a Christmas movie:
It's undebatably a Christmas movie, but why I love it is because when people object it gives me the opportunity to make it worse by informing them that Rambo: First Blood is too.
But neither of those are my favorite Christmas movie, that honor goes to Gremlins.
I’m going to argue that Die Hard is NOT a Christmas movie. It’s simply a movie where the events within it, happen to take place around Christmas time.
Die Hard is to Christmas movies what Top Gun is to romance movies, or what Casablanca is to war movies.
Just because it contains a thing, doesn’t mean it’s about said thing.
Any movie starring Rudolph Lundgren
2 Girls 1 Dreidel
Sleep hard?
Die Hearth?
Not bad
Sleigh Hard, of course.
An American Werewolf in Lapland
Full Tinsel Jacket
Rudy, the red nosed reindeer
Citizen Candy Cane
Reindeers of the Caribbean
There will be Milk and Cookies
Gangs of North Pole
I'm not creative enough to come up with one, but I just wanted to add: don't confuse Christmassy with christmussy
There's actually quite a varation in human santapede Christmas sweaters.
Dracula At The North Pole
The Reindeer Hunter
Triumph of the Goodwill
Gingerbread Snaps
The Human Santapede (a novel)
What's wrong with the regular Santa centipede??
Bambi the Red Nosed Reindeer.
Rifle shot Bambi, a position on the sleigh team just opened up.
Human Santapedo