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how do I stop giving a f*ck about my coworkers political ideas?

I don't talk about politics or religion at the workplace, yet there is a drama queen that loves just blurting out what she thinks to everyone around.

My way to go so far has been to ignore her, but sometimes I just want to yell at her how incoherent she is.

Then I'd be the one starting drama I guess...

I'm looking for advice to deal with these kind of people. I don't want to work listening to conspiracy theories.

  • ignoring them is the best thing. when you start feeling super annoyed, that’s a good time to take a break & walk away for a few mins.

    also, the headphones suggestion is on point.

  • Try to maintain a safe distance of at least 30 m at all times. If you’re stuck with her in the same room, ask lots of work related questions and keep the conversation strictly professional. Dry work stuff only. The more boring the better. As soon as the conversation is about to go off the rails, steer it back.

  • Someone already mentioned going to HR or talking to your boss, but if you really want to shut it down just call her out on her bullshit. Make her explain her position and ask followup questions until she can't respond. She's just parroting some talking head, and you can even make a game out of trying to figure out which one she's channeling

  • Reply to them in a "really? Aren't you just adorable" tone of voice. Don't engage with what they're saying but treat them way you would treat a puppy that has just learned not to crap on the rug. Or a mental patient.

    "Trump says he's going to fix everything two weeks after he takes office!"

    "Really? That's amazing! Here I was thinking that you hadn't thought this through, when clearly you had."

  • One option...lean in, HARD! Dial the crazy up to 11..... One up every point she makes, every single time.

  • You don't. You care about what you care about.

    What you can do is a combination of stone face and meditation.

    Stone face is never giving a reaction of any kind. They shoot off their mouth, you just look away, walk away, or stare blankly at them. Should they question it, you just state you're going back to work (if leaving their presence), or "nothing" with nothing else added.

    The meditation part is so that you don't crack. You learn to control your breathing, which gives you the later ability to both exist in the now without dwelling on the events of the now, with the side benefit of being able to tune useless signals out.

    Both take practice. And they kinda depend on each other. You do stone face without meditation, you end up just eating yourself up inside from the stress. You do meditation without stone face, you end up looking calm and happy, which encourages the behavior.

    Now, it's important to remember to do it when a person is voicing their silliness that you agree with, too. See, if you only go blank with one area of politics, or only that person's religious vomit, you end up causing problems for yourself. So hold everyone to the same standard that politics and religion are just utterly useless to bring up around you.

    Are there cases where someone is going to push? Sure. You fall back to stating that you're hearing them out, but you have work to do. This does come with the consequence that you're going to have to also stay distant with other conversation and stay on task at work, at least verbally. That can be a loss if the workplace is otherwise relaxed and less "work now scumdog slave!", but it usually ends up being worth that.

  • I would do the following.

    1. Politely ask her to refrain from talking about politics at work as it makes you uncomfortable.
    2. If #1 fails, go to your supervisor/manager and put in a formal complaint.
    3. If #2 isn't handled discreetly or is simply ignored, go to your superior's boss and repeat the action of step #2.
    4. If #3 fails, go to HR.
    5. If #4 fails or there is no HR to go to, seek new employment elsewhere, and write a review of company on Glassdoor.
  • I work 100% remote, which has made it very easy for me to ignore my coworkers' bad politics takes because they're confined to a specific Slack channel