Hey Gendered Marketing, How Ya Doin?
Hey Gendered Marketing, How Ya Doin?
Hey Gendered Marketing, How Ya Doin?
my mom got the "scrub mommy" then had the nerve to ask me to use it to do the dishes. i told her i'm a traditional male and i will not use a woman's sponge to do a woman's job. she looked shocked, but i stood my ground and in fact i went downstairs to the basement, got every plate that's been sitting with various sauces from my chicken tenders crusted on them, brought them back upstairs and slammed them in the sink. i told her she can use the woman's sponge to scrub the ones that didn't break. she started crying and saying she wanted me out of her house, and i told her "YOUR house? i've lived here my whole fucking life, this is MY house. you didn't move in until you were 27, that gives us both 42 years here so i own it just as much if not more than you since i was born here". i was seriously so pissed off. i went to her facebook page and laugh reacted every single dumb ass christian fundie bullshit post she's made in the last 7 years. what really pisses me off is i've send her a pdf of the god delusion and she clearly never even read it if she's still posting this bs. sometimes i blast ricky gervais standup at top volume hoping she might hear some truth bombs and come to her senses but evidently it hasn't worked.
What's really funny is that the only difference is the Scrub Mommy has a traditional sponge on the back half of it
They also sell a Scrub Daddy Pro that also has the sponge half on it without being referred to as female!
Yes, I do most of the housework in my home, how could you tell?
So I was browsing the website and came across this:
Would maybe be a funny bit to go on their Facebook posts and use this to spin up some wacky conspiracy theory about the company using “woke DEI” to brain wash Americans into accepting a family with 3 dads from different ethnic backgrounds who are in a gay polycule raising their kids together.
i went and talked with the boys in marketing, best we can do is scrub enby that comes in blue and green
Scrub Puppy :doggirl-happy:
I can be marketed to and this would probably work
Also, $6 for a fucking sponge
Yeah wtf, scam! I get those cheap 10-pack sponges for like $2. They have a "rough" side to them. Grab a new one every week and repurpose the old one to clean the bathroom before you throw it away.
Hims making a 2nd brand called Hers is the final boss of gendered marketing, beyond parody.
To be fair hims has dick pills and hers has vagina things.
That seems like justified albeit not trans friendly gendered marketing. It's a step
theyre good sponges to buy tbh
I'm anti sponge. Let me just keep wetting the best bacteria breeding ground ever and rubbing it on my food waste. I'll use it day after day.
Eh, it doesn't really matter. The bacteria is rinsed off with the dish-soap after you're done scrubbing them, sort of the whole point. Assuming you're not sucking up raw chicken juice and leaving it to air-dry it shouldn't be a bio-hazard worth worrying about.
Microwave it and clean it with bleach
Just microwave it for like two seconds all the bacteria will explod.
still waiting on the enby Scrub Parent
Ah, the esoteric Scrub Entity
For cleansing the Akashic Record
I was too busy appreciating how good these things are on cleaning cookie sheets and dutch ovens to think anything beyond that.
Just get steel wool. I don't get why people use anything but that and a cloth.
At least they didn't pink tax this one
bob l'eponge
I love micro plastics covering all my dishes
Don't worry, other than being the gender of pink, the scrub mommy also has a bow so even if you are colorblind you can still see the gender of the sponge
Tbh I got one of these for my partner years ago for fathers day because he does do most of the scrubbing in this house. I found it funny at the time, because it kind of breaks the binary a bit and puts men in the position of housework doers. But there was no scrub mommy at all then.
He also has an appron that essentially has "housewife" (no good translation) written on it and wears it all the time when cooking/baking. I should get him the scrubmommy now, the daddy was a very good scrub, but broke years ago.
Nah these are different. The daddy version is entirely scour and the mommy version is half scour half soft.
The rest of the their product line is all - daddy stuff.
And you don't think there is any possible reflection of gendered stereotypes in that? The fact that daddy is rough while mommy has a soft side also doesn't bring up some sexual innuendo that the marketing department probably didnt notice? The fact they're called scrub daddy and scrub mommy and there's no specific indication thst scrub isn't a verb here? It's still gendered marketing and that's not even the only reason it's funny. Do you work for the Scrub Mommy and Daddy corporation? Is this damage control?
Is it sexual innuendo or is it that women have more body fat than men and are therefore on average “softer”?
No I don’t work for them lol. But they’ve got good sponges and you just wanna be mad about something.
It’s not gendered marketing when it’s different products. gendered marketing is taking a product making it pink and slapping a “for women” on it. Pens, razors, etc.
my colombian scrub mommy
action bronsonheads tune in
I posted an amazing guitar hero Sopranos picture just before this and am.kinda bummed this is getting more attention than Paulie Walnuts playing guitar hero
Also folks, sponges are gross. Use steel wool, if you're worried about scratching shit try not pressing super hard. If something is really on their scrape it off with the back of a knife. If there's nothing to scrape use a dish cloth that you wring out and then put in the laundry after one days use. Sponges are petri dishes
Use steel wool, if you're worried about scratching shit try not pressing super hard.
I don't think that's how that works