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  • my mom got the "scrub mommy" then had the nerve to ask me to use it to do the dishes. i told her i'm a traditional male and i will not use a woman's sponge to do a woman's job. she looked shocked, but i stood my ground and in fact i went downstairs to the basement, got every plate that's been sitting with various sauces from my chicken tenders crusted on them, brought them back upstairs and slammed them in the sink. i told her she can use the woman's sponge to scrub the ones that didn't break. she started crying and saying she wanted me out of her house, and i told her "YOUR house? i've lived here my whole fucking life, this is MY house. you didn't move in until you were 27, that gives us both 42 years here so i own it just as much if not more than you since i was born here". i was seriously so pissed off. i went to her facebook page and laugh reacted every single dumb ass christian fundie bullshit post she's made in the last 7 years. what really pisses me off is i've send her a pdf of the god delusion and she clearly never even read it if she's still posting this bs. sometimes i blast ricky gervais standup at top volume hoping she might hear some truth bombs and come to her senses but evidently it hasn't worked.

  • So I was browsing the website and came across this:

    Would maybe be a funny bit to go on their Facebook posts and use this to spin up some wacky conspiracy theory about the company using “woke DEI” to brain wash Americans into accepting a family with 3 dads from different ethnic backgrounds who are in a gay polycule raising their kids together.

  • Tbh I got one of these for my partner years ago for fathers day because he does do most of the scrubbing in this house. I found it funny at the time, because it kind of breaks the binary a bit and puts men in the position of housework doers. But there was no scrub mommy at all then.

    He also has an appron that essentially has "housewife" (no good translation) written on it and wears it all the time when cooking/baking. I should get him the scrubmommy now, the daddy was a very good scrub, but broke years ago.