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  • When i was around 13-15 years old, i followed a creepypasta page on facebook, and since fb at the time was adding more automated moderation they decided to create a private group (so they didn't have to worry about ppl reporting their content) which i decided to join.

    It was normal at first, people posted the same content there as the regular page, but then they started posting gore, and then cp, like actual, real cp. I also noticed that a lot of the members of the group had variations of the same profile pic: a heart with a smaller heart inside it.

    I decided to gtfo of there, and a few days later i saw a report in the news about a symbol that pedophiles were using to identify themselves online: a heart with a smaller heart inside it.

    To this day it gives me chills to think how in danger i could've been.

  • Someone doxxed me and spread a photo of my face with the text "she said she was 18" superimposed on it (in meme format), and then spreading it in the community.

    All because they took issue with a friendship I had with another user who "sounded young". Which culminated in the community leadership getting her to prove she was, in fact, not underage, "just in case" we ended up in a relationship because they "know how these things go" or something.

  • Had a previously banned user from a discord I moderate join back months later with my wife’s name as their username and a photo of her as the pfp

  • I literally just posted about this earlier today. I used to frequent the Something Awful forums. I know, I know, but I was young and at least it wasn't 4chan.

    About 14 years back, I was having big issues with my partner and wasn't sure what to do, so I asked the forums for relationship advice. I actually got a fair amount of well meaning advice, but also a harasser. They initially just ripped into me in response to my request, but SA was full of trolls so I ignored them. Then they responded to another new comment I made awhile later, but the forums weren't huge. Just a coincidence, right? I continued to ignore them.

    We went camping and got back a few days later. I checked my SA account and found this person had gone through my post history mocking and bullying me and had collected info to try to dox me. I was pretty carefree with what information I disclosed back then and they had a lot. They knew or at least accurately inferred: the name of the small town I lived in, the areas of town we had lived in, the year/make/model of the unusual car my now-ex drove, which university I attended and my major, where I worked and more. This all freaked me out so I reported them.

    The mods' response to my reporting a user for harassing and doxxing me was, and I quote, "LOL faggot". Such fond memories. I quit using SA immediately and worried for weeks that something awful would happen. Pun intended. Luckily nothing did. I have scarcely thought about SA since until someone brought it up here a few hours back.

  • Me: I have an idea to improve the experience of using an IVR (the system that allows callers to navigate a menu by pressing a number on their phone)

    Reddit: die slur


    SLURRRR obscenity why would anyone EVER want that??? IDIOT STUPID kys

  • One time I was joining a meme group chat on Facebook Messenger and the admin told me I would be banned if I didn't send her pictures of my butthole. I accidentally posted those picutes to my main account later on and got my account permabanned.