I kinda miss when Libs would stumble in here and try and "own" us.
I kinda miss when Libs would stumble in here and try and "own" us.
Feel like that hasn't happened in a while.
I miss them
I kinda miss when Libs would stumble in here and try and "own" us.
Feel like that hasn't happened in a while.
I miss them
What if i compared the worst times in socialist countries with the best times in capitalist ones? That would probably make you cry
Worst time in communism: when it implemented capitalism
What about that one time people starved in the USSR? What about that one time China did violence on protesters? Bet you didn't know about that.
"The Soviets were just as bad as the Nazis, who weren't actually that bad."
You just reminded me of something some wannabe military historian posted here recently. They were talking about how the Soviets only lost so many people due to their military tactics (human wave attacks).
Incredible that myth is still around
The Soviets were just as bad as the Nazis (complimentary to the Soviets)
my favorite thing about us interacting with liberals here is how they can't handle us talking normally. Just our normal communication style, casual chatting, is interpreted by them as wildly offensive and rude. And that's no matter what we're saying or how good faith we're communicating. It felt like even when I was trying to talk normally to libs here or federated I'd have to water down everything I said, or I'd get asked to denounce Stalin or the DPRK no matter what the topic was.
Or maybe that's just their defense mechanism? Like a squid spraying ink. When they don't have anything concrete to say they instantly complain about manners?
I'm new here and I couldn't even tell there were problems with how you guys communicate.
Hexbear gets reaaaally hostile when it's obvious that a person is acting in bad faith and not at all worth talking to. The crowd does not waste its time trying to engage bad faith actors and instead just switches over to hostility, pigpoopballs or fart noises.
If someone seems in good faith or willing to actually learn then it's pretty reasonable.
Redditors all talk exactly the same like they're in a weird robot cult, so when they see internet people conversing in a normal, reasonably casual style and having a good time doing so it short circuits their brains
I believe it's really all they know. it's how they've been trained by MSM to think and speak. It's how they argue with conservatives, who have been similarly trained. When they are confronted with a different pattern they discover they have no other method in their arsenal and are compelled to switch to ego-defense.
Or maybe that's just their defense mechanism? Like a squid spraying ink. When they don't have anything concrete to say they instantly complain about manners?
Yeah that's it. I've worn down enough of them to see the pattern play out time and again. After that comes aggression and insults and if then you get "lol you triggered?"
My favourite thing to do is to ask them a simple question and then point out how they never answer it.
My second favourite thing to do is to explain why Wikipedia isn't a good source.
My third most favourite thing to do is take a shit so big it tears my asshole in two. Gotta eat less fiber I guess.
You do realize the only citation there is radio free Asia right?
::: spoiler Typical tankie, ignoring objective facts when they dislike them. Go give me a link to one of your little red pamphlets which aren't biased at all. I enjoy this little game we have, let me debumk you some more. I haven't even talked about Venezuela or the holodomor yet (if you haven't heard of it, here's a hint: it's one of the reasons your daddy isn't that good of a guy).
I feel dirty now. Yuck.
this has become an ecco chamber:
Once we have true centrism, both those who want healthcare ands housing for all, and those who want extermination of lesser skull shapes will be equally unhappy as they will be getting a fraction of what they want.
committing omnicide via nuclear weapons so that human ideas and beliefs simply cease to exist is the way of the true centrist
Consider human nature. It's innately programmed in our brains to hoard wealth
hoarding my cock and balls rn
As is your right!
Question for tankies: when you're picking out your ideology, why don't you simply choose the lib-left part of the political compass instead of auth-left?
haven't you tankies learned that the auth-left is a trick? It's a bunch of fascists tricking you into thinking it's communism, but then they make a government that just does state capitalism, which is worse than normal capitalism. You're being fooled into believing you're far left, but actually, you're just the moderate wing of fascism.
Why can't you be more like social democrats, like Sweden or Denmark? Those ideologies aren't tricks by the capitalist elites to make you think you're further left than you actually are. Social democrats are the true far left, not fascists like you tankies. The social democrats are legitimate and that's why no social democratic country operates on imperialism.
I tried but some of the questions on the survey were very trickily worded.
Only tankies get Xi bucks. I'm saving mine up for a life-size replica of Stalin's holodomer spoon.
I'm saving mine for a Stalin android that's Deepseek trained on all his works and historical acts and puts me over his knee and spanks me when I step into revisionism.
Define what "auth" means exactly? Does it mean any exercise in power? Cuz I think you need to do at least a little of that to achieve anything.
"auth" is the opposite of "lib" duh. There's a American Prestige where Daniel Bessener argues exactly this, that "authoritarianism" means nothing at worst and "not liberal" at best.
:::spoiler Tienimin Square.
This is a bit, if it wasn't clear.
I like the colour red more than green
What are you talking about, hexbear is filled with libs, everyone knows I'm the only real leftist
You are correct except that I am the only real leftist.
Mom said it's my turn to be the leader of the proletariat
The gap in understanding was really something to behold, like being Dracula and every once in a while some villager shows up with a wooden crucifix and some prayed-over creek water, thinking they're gonna be the one to banish the monster.
Actually you tankies are more like voldemort and I'm the legendary guy with the scar who's here to maintain the status quo
We know that JK Rowling didn’t originally intend Harry to be a cop because if she had she would have named him Thumble Wifebeater
Honestly I almost feel like we should loosen the mod policy to let some back in. It was a good bonding exercise for us, I felt like we all got along better when we had Libs to dunk on.
I've said this since forever. People talk about hexbear pre-federation as if it was a good place. It was stale, full of people arguing over rocks and when they weren't doing that they were posting about how much better a site this is than Reddit.
I liked the bit I had going during election season where I just linked them the last person I argued with, since they all said the same. Ended having a link-chain of 8 or so.
Umm actually sweaty have you considered that communism has killed 100 million people?? chekmate
100 million? Must be a slow day
I love it when they say stuff like that and then when they're challenged on it they can't cite anything. It's just stuff everybody knows.
Then you eventually get a single link to either Wikipedia or the first article their frantic googling gave them
it is just known but then go it wasn't capitalisms fault for all of the deaths it's caused
If everybody gets paid the same, what's the incentive to be a doctor?
I literally overheard some chud on a train argue that point with a friend, and used that to conclude that that's why communism will never work. If everyone gets paid the same, then what's the challenge???
He reminded me of that 20th century banker in the TNG episode "The Neutral Zone", who wakes up in the 24th century after being thawed from his cryogenic state, and then asks Picard what even the point of living is in that century if material needs no longer exist, and people's want for riches and possessions is no longer a thing. Picard skillfully schools his ass.
I heard this site was owned by the CCP so I went to the search bar and what do you know
You should spell it tinyman square
That would've gotten results tho.
Damn that would have been better
We've had a few people who don't understand the Moscow time thing being a joke
We should have weeks where it changes to 北京时间 sometime
Me too, dunking is fun. We ban them too quickly now and also everyone knows to stay away from us by now
now they just make up shit about us to get mad in their defederated instances
They did it when we were federated too. It was fun
I'll take the contrary position, I find reading a dozen dunks of ppb and other derivative roasts cringe. Feels like the "two minute hate". Yeah yeah I know. I just don't like being mean.
I like the accidental hybrid tactic thing we have: Heavy Arguers in front, Theory Linkers behind them, and a swirling vortex of PPB Skirmishers all around
I like the theory linkers but i can't be one. i just take the piss out of em. I don't have the patience for folks not ready to learn. I know the libs won't read the links, either. If a theory linker reads this don't be discouraged, tho! i usually read the links the libs don't use and learn something in their stead
Heavy Arguers
You rang?
A mural dedicated to our beautiful posters
That's what it has devolved into, but that's not what it always was. It's because there's so few libs to go around these days so people just go nuts when there's finally meat back on the menu
I still routinely conduct ideological tests on Hexbear though.
Any comment of yours that doesn't include a graph sometimes feel like an ideology test. If I can see a picture has been attached, then I usually know to take you seriously.
well, there is still all of you
I could take a shift as the lib
Maybe we should have one bit account that just posts lib takes in every thread, that'd be fun.
I kinda miss it too. It always amused me to see them come in here with a smug attitude to own the tankies, and then get dunked on relentlessly. But maybe it's just me and my frustration at the state of things in the West which causes me get some sort of gratification from it.
Tankie rhymes with Yankee drops mic
I feel like I'm going to have to edit a /s into all these posts for the next time someone goes through my post history
this unironically converted some folks.
but then we have to defederate the tankies....
More of the libs have taken off their masks, so there are simply less of them...
Yeah people gave up trying to convince y'all that genocide is still bad when China does it.
Even your state propagandists had to admit it was a lie literally years ago.
Clinging to the "Uyghur genocide" narrative in a post-October 7th world is a little bit fucking disgusting, don't you think?
Israel showed the world what a genocide looks like, and Hamas showed the world how hard a people being genocided will fight back.
weird when Israel was committing genocidal massacres across palestine the past year there was non-stop beyond-reasonable-doubt proof that Israel was conducting an open genocide, and yet when asked for something as simple as proof that China's "doing a genocide" there's literally nothing but hot air and conservative think tank dollars to show.
Upvoted for being just the shit stain we needed at just the right time
We got a live one!
Here is a small catalog of content to help you compare the Xinjiang in your mind with the Xinjiang in the real world.
Should you choose to engage in good faith, further discussion is welcomed once you have reviewed the content.
I found YouTube links in your comment. Here are links to the same videos on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Link 1:
Link 2:
Link 3:
Wow this is the first I'm hearing of this, you are the first person to tell me about this and I definitely haven't heard all the same stuff you have since we both exist in the cultural hegemony of western capitalism.
I definitely haven't decided to look into these claims and found nothing but lies coming from a man who says he is "on a mission from god to destroy the CPC" and Radio Free China, which is a front for the US state department and finally a cult.
You are most certainly more knowledgeable on this subject, a true scholar. Well, except for the fact that even the west has had to drop the charade and acknowledge there is not and have never been a genocide going on. But otherwise good job.
Can you say "Israel is committing a genocide and should be stopped. All the war criminals in the IDF should go to the Hague for trial and I hope they're hanged"?
It would be bad if China is as committing a genocide I agree.