Woke furry hijacks social media of right-wing group that published 'DEI Watch List'
Woke furry hijacks social media of right-wing group that published 'DEI Watch List'

Federal employees are listed for 'offenses' such as using pronouns in their bios.

Woke furry hijacks social media of right-wing group that published 'DEI Watch List'
Federal employees are listed for 'offenses' such as using pronouns in their bios.
Among the offenses listed, the civil servants are targeted for things such as donating to Democratic politicians or using pronouns in their online bios.
Totally not Nazis.
At my work (governmental), it was encouraged to include your pronouns. I have a very male name so I didn't really think it was necessary but once Trump was sworn in and all this shit started to boil up. I have included these on my signature line now. My employer is Washington State government so it isn't the same thing, but knowing my governor is going to be the biggest pain in the administrations ass, I hope that my little protest can help.
Where are we right now? What are we doing? I'm reading a news and content aggregation system known as Lemmy which pulls the current world to my fingertips. It separates everything into digestible categories so that you can separate based on topic of interest. This can then be used to grasp the context of what society has done with their day, and recap recent events, or just show you a funny comic if you need to be cheered up. I can even browse a community of nothing but cat pictures.
It sounds like an amazing service, so imagine my surprise when I find out that the world around me is just....ya know.....batshit insane.
We're discussing the current ruling government who's PUNISHING people for having empathy, and basic common courtesy towards other people. DEI has been in the news the past few days as being some controversial concept. So I looked it up, and find out it means "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion".
What the hell is so controversial about that??? "Hey Tom, wanna go bowling with us later?" "What?" "We're going bowling after work. Would you like to join us?" "Join you? HOW DARE YOU INCLUDE ME! WE ARE DIFFERENT RACES YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!!" "What.....what just happened?" "I WILL NOT BE PART OF YOUR DEI PROPAGANDIST BULLSHIT!!! NEXT YOU'LL TELL ME YOU WANT ME TO TALK TO A TRANS PERSON!!!" "Tom....your daughter is trans...." "HEEEEEE IS A HEEEEEE!!!!" "Tom......ok, ya know what? Fuck you." "That's more LIKE it!"
I do not understand the world we live in today, where being different and getting along is somehow a bad thing.
Because of Newt Gingrich. He started the entire "democrats are the enemy" back in the 90s, fox News amped it up to 11 for 30 plus years, a black man had the temerity to win the white house (twice!), and Russia tactics flooded newly formed social media with a vast bot network to drive a massive wedge in-between the two parties via race issues.
They don't know or care what DEI is. They just know that white men like themselves now have to compete with non-white non-men for jobs.
So now they have to make themselves marketable, or shut that whole thing down so they can go back to living in the boys club. And since self-improvement is "woke", they choose the latter.
They get it fed to them during their 2 Minutes Hate and that's all that matters.
It used to be Antifa. They were staunchly against antifa. You know what you call someone who is anti-antifa? Fa. You call them fa.
And since self-improvement is "woke", they choose the latter.
If you need to improve to be able to compete, you're not good enough. That's never a pleasant thought. Preventing competition is one way to avoid the possibility of having to face it.
Much like the word "woke," MAGA conservatives have stripped DEI of its original meaning. As conservatives use it now it's basically just a socially acceptable stand-in for the N-word (or the F-word, depending on context). Like just a couple of days ago I was at a burrito place and the guy a couple spots ahead of me in line said, "This DEI cashier better not fuck up my order again." It was very clear what he meant was, "This N-word better not piss me off."
Any time you hear conservatives say "woke" or "DEI," you can almost always mentally swap it with the N-word or the F-word and what they're saying will make a lot more sense.
Yeah. Fucking Mr Rogers' Neighborhood is now offensive to these people
I knew it was going to get bad when the Fox News audience was fine with vilifying Mr. Rogers, but didn't expect them to go full naxi.
I think this sentiment is emotionally valid at this moment.
One thing I’ve been doing, and I know most people don’t want to do it or don’t want to hear it, but I’ve been reading the Bible, not because I’m Christian (I’m a UU), but because people in power supposedly believe it.
Okay, when I read this book, not through a pastor or religious authority telling me what to believe, what do I encounter? What is the message of Jesus that we see consistently?
It’s love, empathy, and support for those who have it the worst. To be like Jesus is to sell your material belongings and share with others. To be like Jesus is to turn the other check when someone strikes you. To be like Jesus is to care for the sick, the downtrodden, the alien in a foreign land.
Republicans have been generally older folks, and what they’ve seen in the last 60 years is a rapid turnover of the world they knew. They are deeply afraid of society. It’s fast. It’s integrated with many people. There’s violence everywhere (even though violence has gone down). People are swearing and using the lord’s name in vain all over media. It powered by essentially magic through technology. They are deeply afraid that the society we’ve built is misaligned in terms of core values.
Fear breeds hate, especially when opportunists see it as a means to grab power. So fear was amplified into a fever pitch via 24/7 news.
Trump comes along, and he naturally spikes all these modern algorithms that don’t care about anything besides “engagement.” Turns out hate is more engaging than love, because Trump supporters watch him and those that hate him watch him. Our systems weren’t built around signal boosting moral people; they are built around “engagement.” If it bleeds, it reads, etc.
Combine this with Democrats being an ineffectual party when it comes to messaging, as well as their own pocket lining, and you get a bunch of pissed off people everywhere: Conservatives want Trump; Liberals angry at the Democratic administration for various sleights; most Americans are too stressed to care. Politics doesn’t matter when you work multiple jobs and barely have time to yourself.
And now we arrive here, where people are more interested in being correct, getting revenge, having any sense of power (even if it’s scoring internet points that don’t matter) and living in fear at the cost of love. Republicans have fully lost the message of their stated savior. The people who shamed me for not knowing Jesus probably couldn’t quote a single Bible verse without google. Church attendance has plummeted because Americans don’t see the value of it, nor have the time. It’s a luxury in our age to have an hour on Sunday and pick community.
I think we can get out of this moment, but it won’t happen with everyone finding their enemy. Humans are 1 race. Acts 10:28
And he said to them, ‘You yourselves know that it is unlawful for a Jew to associate with or to visit a Gentile; but God has shown me that I should not call anyone profane or unclean.
If I take Republicans seriously, that this is a book they care about, and I engage with it and find these quotes, can I show understanding and love while using a text they believe is sacred? Can we reassert these values of love and care for one another? Can we meet face-to-face more and see I’m not some horror ruining society? If I can quote this book without it in front of me, am I satanic and awful?
To your questions: We’re in the post-modern era. We’re talking through a series of tubes. Algorithms have promoted hate. People are profiting off of it. Christians have forgotten Jesus message.
But none of this gets better with more hate. It’s going to take more offline work: go meet your neighbors, have cookouts, care for one another, find the humanity in your “enemy” and remember they are human, even those that hate you/me.
I have an X marker on my license, so I expect to be taken someday. When I am, I’ll be quoting the Bible to my captors because they tell me they believe this book. You may believe it, but do you live it?
Matthew 25:35. What questions does Jesus ask to separate the goats and the sheep? “Did you clothe me when I was naked? Did you feed me when I was hungry? Did you take care of me when I was sick? Did you visit me in prison? Did you help me when I was an alien in foreign land?”
My goal this year is to get through the New Testament and then read the Buddhist Suttras.
Check out Unitarian Universalism if you’ve made it this far. It’s a great organization and welcoming faith community. Its a modern religion that validates many of the world’s religions as true and inspiring of our best selves rather than dogmatically choose one. It gave me the space to have my own relationship with god and religion. I came as an atheist & now have my own beliefs in god & reality that aren’t captured by any single religion.
Republicans have been generally older folks, and what they’ve seen in the last 60 years is a rapid turnover of the world they knew.
This is an iffy assumption: https://www.axios.com/2024/09/28/gen-z-men-conservative-poll
The very youngest voters — 18-to-24-year-olds — say they're more conservative than the cohort that's just older, according to the latest Harvard Youth Poll.
The younger generation of men is more likely to identify as conservative than as liberal.
Between the lines: They were hardest hit by COVID-19 and felt ignored by the establishment, John Della Volpe, director of polling at the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics, told Axios this month.
The youngest members of that group were just 10 years old when Trump was elected president and see this chaotic political era as normal.
"They think of Trump as an anti-hero and not a villain. ... I think it's less about policy and much more about personality," Della Volpe said.
Welcome to the TikTok, podcast and Discord era. It’s not just disillusioned older folks that turned to Trump, but younger folks who are completely immersed in algorithms, influencers, and echo chambers, and understandably feel the system has failed them.
You can’t expect to understand these people by reading the Bible because these people aren’t themselves religious, they just know the common layman is and use that to their advantage to retain/gain power.
My mom is religious and she will side with whoever says is religious too, their argument doesn’t matter much as long as it has a religious coat on top of. So if you say you’re not religious and come with a good argument, it doesn’t matter, it’s just a tribalism thing.
Even though she says she’s Evangelical and cites Jesus and Bible texts often, she nitpicks what is convenient at any time like most people do. It’s really annoying when my father who’s Catholic comes and they start disagreeing on stuff citing different parts of the Bible at the same time and considering X important, but ignoring Y totally as it doesn’t go with their narrative of the fact.
In fact I think the people who take the Bible for the more broader message won’t be very flashy in making sure others see them as religious, cause as you said, what Jesus preached very few even attempt to do.
It's absolutely tragic.
DEI has been in the news the past few days as being some controversial concept. So I looked it up, and find out it means "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion".
You realize that's just a name, right? They can name things whatever they want.
The argument against it is that people are disadvantaged based on the color of their skin or their race. In other words, racism. That's why some people are upset. People will deny this over and over but they're simply being irrational and disingenuous because they don't want to be associated with the word.
Now I'm gonna tell you something about this that no one else will: This type of racism is good. It's meant to combat other types of much more prevalent racism.
Society just needs to acknowledge that racism isn't an inherently bad word and then we're all just better off.
I'm white, straight, and male. I'm trying to get a book published. Every agent that I've tried to contact, especially ones that match the type of book I'm writing, has been vocal that their focus is on BIPOC, LGBT, and other diverse candidates. I've been turned away at every one. Such racism, right?
Except...most published work in bookstores is still by white male authors like myself. And if I take a step back to look at my whole life situation: I'm not reliant on this book. I'm a well-employed engineer, have my own house and mortgage, and had relatively well-off parents. Little of this is true for these other demographics that have received heavy discrimination even less than a generation ago. All things considered, it is very fair for these agents to champion diverse voices, and they're slammed with requests all over the place.
The scarring effects of discrimination are still felt decades later when we feel them gone. It's still a hard truth that employment is hard even today, but those with experience in staffing can usually only point to the occasional anecdote when someone was prioritized for their race - and usually have just as many stories of inverse discrimination or nepotism.
The only gripe i have with DEI is when it supersedes common sense, like when hiring someone for a tech job that only ticks DEI check-boxes but has no tech skills at all. Hopefully it seldom happens (and this phenomenon predates "DEI").
Edit: wow, the echo-chamber vibes are strong on this one. 😆
I for one fully support the hacking, social engineering, or any underhanded ways to get into the accounts of these people and fucking with them back.
Seriously how fragile do you have to be to systematically remove all references of accomplishments, compassion and consideration to anyone who doesnt look like you? Whether they are another gender, race, sexual orientation, political ideology or whatever makes you feel insecure, you deserve for people to also say 'you know what, maybe i will come and fuck up your shit and see how you feel about it'.
Honestly it does feel like too many lines have and are being crossed that it will force this tit for tat retaliation, which will just escalate until things get dire. However in the end do you let them keep getting away with destroying societal norms and rules or does it come to full political & class war to stop them before they invade poland and france?
Either way there is a heartbreaking certainty for the future of america, a lot of suffering for people of all walks of life.
...except maybe the billionaires.
No, especially the billionaires!
Furry hackers, they will be the Alan Turing of our struggle against fascism. May you yiff long and prosper.
So, we murder them after they save us?
"Well, you saved us from the fascists, but it is illegal for you to be a furry and the penalty is death"
"But that was one of the laws the fascists made! Why the fuck would you honor that?"
"They take the low-road and we take the high-road. If you only ever remove legislation the other side enacts, you'll never get anything done, ya know?"
I think the difference right now is the anti-fascists are either part of the community or supportive of them, so I think we're good this time. I hope. Ffs I really hope so.
Don't expect corporations to join the DEI movement because they care about minorities. They do it for the money. When the wind of change arrives, some people might be surprised by how quickly and completely corps change their minds
In our country, that's laughably obvious. How can I tell? Companies in their "inclusive" visuals use people of "minorities" not actually present in our country. So the message falls flat. If they really would like to believably support inclusion, they could include some members of the real oppressed minorities which we do have locally. But no, they import their messaging from abroad.
It was funny when Europeans would use BIPOC. Like 90% of us are indigenous and Americans invented that term specifically to exclude us.
quickly and completely corps change their minds
What pisses me off is how utterly willing any given minority is willing to boot-lick a corporation because of a rainbow avatar or 50 word statement of support or whatever.
Corporations will, at best, pretend to be your friend until it's no longer convenient for them to do so, then your ass is out on the street.
Don't fall for it when they change their mind again, because they are at very best minimal-effort dont-rock-the-boat-too-hard temporary performative allies.
It's probably a coincidence, but so-called "underhanded" techniques like this used to be referred to as "ratfucking." Anyway, here's to more left-wing ratfucking.
I also think DEI is awful: Don Jr, Eric, and Ivanka, yuck! The worst of his spawn.
DEi: Democrats, Education and Immigrants, the three deadly dangers.
heck yea
The existence of woke Fury hackers suggests the existence of anti-woke furry hackers.
well, it's full of nazi furries
I don't like the normalizing of using "woke" to describe progressives.
That's a pretty woke thing to say.
They have fascists in power and they still care about language. Also missing the whole context since they clearly didn't read the article.
Woke furries for the win.