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Kagi search engine now has a Fediverse search option.

I apologize if this is old news, but I just noticed it. It looks like Kagi has added Fediverse Forums as a default Web search option.

  • Cool, but I will still prefer to use duckduckgo and type Lemmy in the end of my query.

  • Kagi is shaping up to be really cool with this and the Orion browser supporting firefox/chrome extensions on ios.

  • It's had it for at least months but even if its years old it's still a cool feature and deserves attention

  • I've been using Kagi for the last year+.

    Personally, I wish they'd tone down the AI stuff that ruined Google, but at least you can turn most of it off.

    Their results are okay, a little better than Bing, but obviously they're limited by their existing index providers, I wish they'd run their own spiders and crawl for their own data, since I think Bing fails on a lot of coverage of obscure websites.

    In general I find the weighting of modern indexes to be subpar, though the SEO industry has made it a hard problem to tackle, I wish more small websites and forums were higher ranked, and AI slop significantly de rated.

    • Have you tried the small web lens? They run their own index specifically to help surface the content you mention is hard to find by default.

      • Small web always returns 0 results for anything that isn't extremely broad, unfortunately.

    • Kagi has multiple indexes of their own

      And the AI stuff is all opt on from what I can tell. I've never gotten any AI thing except when I asked for it

      • They have smallweb and news indexing, but other than that AFAICT they rely completely on other providers. Which is a shame, Google allows submitting sites for indexing and notifies if they can't.

        Running a scraper doesn't need to cover everything since they have access to other indexes, but they really should be developing that ability instead of relying on Bing and other providers to provide good results, or results at all.

  • Oooooooh. Kagi added this lens! Since you can add custom lenses, I thought I added this (and forgot) to my own account. Cool!

  • I think brave (*search) let's you do the same thing with their goggles feature which let's users make custom search filters. I could be mistaken though

    (and yes I know Brave as a company comes with baggage. Pretty much all of the search options do unfortunately :/)

    Edit: I'm taking specifically about Brave search. I cant see any reason I'd ever want to use Brave browser frankly.

    • How is Firefox's baggage anywhere close to homophobia and a crypto scam

      • Firefox isn't a search engine...? I'm talking about Brave search, not the browser, I have exactly zero reasons to use Brave browser lol 😅

        Brave the company sucks, but most of the alternative/private search engines give poor results and/or are just a meta search. Brave search performs more competitively with google than most (thank you google for making that easier every passing day), and isn't dependent on Google or Microsoft continuing to allow other engines to use their results.

        From what I understand kagi has some issues too, but not as much baggage as brave has. Brave has a lot 😅. But Kagi and Brave will often appeal to different people, since Brave is free and Kagi is a subscription with a monthly quota of available searches