This is how flimsy conservative beliefs are.
This is how flimsy conservative beliefs are.
This is how flimsy conservative beliefs are.
Love this free country where you face unemployment, and therefore starvation and homelessness, for exercising your free speech
anybody else remember the actress who got fired and dogpiled for suggesting that maybe half of manhattan shouldn't be shut down for an asbolutely massive police funeral parade that looked straight out of nazi germany
Moralists don't really have beliefs. Sometimes they stumble on one, like on a child's toy left on the carpet. The toy must be put away immediately. And the child reprimanded. Centrism isn't change -- not even incremental change. It is control. Over yourself and the world. Exercise it. Look up at the sky, at the dark shapes of Coalition airships hanging there. Ask yourself: is there something sinister in moralism? And then answer: no. God is in his heaven. Everything is normal on Earth.
Hit or miss! I guess they never miss huh?
Oblivion NPC conversation energy
I've heard others say the same.
Mia Khalifa has better sense and politics than AOC on this one.
old man yells at porno
Big shock: the woman who fled Lebanon as a child because of ongoing Israeli aggression, isn't a big fan of Israel.
at least they didn't say playboy doesn't have the right to act in a marxist fashion under a corporate capitalist regime which is a thing apparently
Pathetic bootlickers
lmao this is the best one ive seen on this site
Fuck playboy Hefner was a sex pest piece of shit. Throwing stones from a glass house.
Now that one is a head scratcher. I've got a lot of thinking to do.
cancel culture is real
While that would be cool, we all know as soon as it's another cake decorator who refuses to make a cake for a gay wedding they'll flip again
Definitely a rational individual making consistent statements lol
Shut up nerd
Shut the fuck up
You know there's no consistency there. This loser doesn't suddenly have a coherent and valuable idea of free speech and is going to continue saying the worst things you've ever seen.
He's just easily convinced to not care this one time.
One of my favourite videos is one MMA fighter challenging a neo nazi troll on Twitter to a cage fight and he accepts. He comes in all proud looking, explaining his beliefs to the camera. Then the fight happens, and he gets his absolute ass kicked with everyone cheering on the background. He gets to speak to the camera again, and now he suddenly had a change of mind and says he understands that what he said was wrong, he was being calm and it actually seemed as if he geniuenly changed his mind.
These people have nothing to stand for, they just believe whomever beats their ass the hardest
I always kind of thought most conservative philosophy was just kind of a paper-thin post-hoc justification for blind reaction of one sort or another. At least, that's how it tends to go for
and various people you run into postingI don't see the problem with changing your views.
I don’t see the problem with dunking on free speech absolutists when all of a sudden they don’t mind the “cancelling”
This isn't about a person changing views really. It's more that this worldview is not internally consistent
One might even say there are internal contradictions in the capitalist mode of production and attached ideology, such that capitalism sows the seeds of its own collapse
If someone hasn't even thought through their view on a basic level like "what does a company firing someone over speech say about free speech," they should not be "vehemently" weighing in on the issue in the first place.
Would he have changed his views if the person in question was a rightwing psycho?
when your view is based upon nothing but headlines and soundbytes... it's pretty fucking easy to change your view