Where they went Tim?
Where they went Tim?
Where they went Tim?
And then everyone praises him for standing up against Google and Apple for crippling/banning third-party app stores, like, cool... but clearly he's just chasing money, not doing it out of the goodness of his heart for us poor gamers
I hate to break it to you but no company does anything out of the goodness of heart. Its called business
Yeah, that statement was a bit naive, but some companies do business ethically, and some throw ethics out the window in pursuit of profits. The latter is basically a requirement for publically traded companies, and still pretty rare among privately owned businesses. I hate to speak in defense of any company but in my opinion valve has been pretty consistently ethical. Don't take my word for it though, I'm just a random person on the internet, I could have missed some shitty practices.
Anyways my original point was that while of course all businesses are driven by profit, some aren't driven by it to the exclusion of all else.
Steam comes pretty fuckin close though. Valve has its issues with communication and speed, but since all of its employees are also gamers the company frequently furthers PC gaming in ways they didnt need to because Valve employees just wanted things furthered in that category IE built in modding support, digital games refunds, built in control remapping, steamdeck being a linux machine, etc
Sometimes companies can make good business decisions that are also good for the consumers. You're allowed to be happy when it happens
I'll take it just to watch them fight.
Never understood the Linux hate from Epic, like why??? What's the point lol
I think it's more of a gaben hate thing, since the epic store can't really make a dent to steams marketshare, even when they straight up give away games.
Sweeney is like a man-child who thinks that he should receive higher praise as his more popular counterpart simply because he takes the exact opposite stances on many issues as some kind of underdog. Blockchain economies, the legal gray zone of generative AI, Linux support; and kicking his superiors in the shin and crying to the world when he gets shoved in return.
Epic will always be a lesser store platform, and Sweeney will always be a lesser man.
Because it makes his job harder. He hates having to work for his money. He just wants customers to put money directly in his bank account without ever having to work for it. Other storefronts? Cheating him out of sales. Other payment systems? Stealing his money. Other operating systems? Making his life hard by forcing him to accommodate for something different.
I thought the Unreal Engine was running native on linux, last time I checked... 17 years ago...
It still is if you compile it yourself. However the experience is not as good as running it through lutris, wine
Personally I think it's funnier that he claimed that steam just does not have the user base to justify it. As if he is in complete denial, because he probably fucking is.
The steamdeck userbase is lower than the mobile/console userbase
So is the Nintendo switch, Epic released fortnite on every imaginable platform, including my samsung smartfridge, so let's be honest, the only real reason is that supporting the steam deck is directly supporting the store front they're trying to go against, otherwise the dozen or so million desktop Linux+Deck gamers would have been acknowledged by Epic long ago.
I wouldn't expect logic from the company that now acts like unreal and unreal tournament which made them the company they are today don't exist. Like seriously you delisted all of it. What is wrong with you!
They all work in marketing. Except for the three guys who made Fortnite and Frank, who maintains the launcher. Don't go into Frank's office unannounced, he often forgets to wear pants.
I'm not commenting on the Linux stuff itself. But the idea that Epic sued Google because they "dislike Linux" doesn't make sense on two levels:
Pretty ironic considering unreal engine 5 has excellent Linux support. Epic itself was one of the few pioneering companies that actually released Linux version of their games. So why backtrack now?
Open source Fortnite
It's a single flag in the anticheat
Fortnite uses both BattleEye and EAC, so it's at least multiple clicks, depending on the implementation even more.
And making a linux version
And bug testing it vs every other version
They don't have to make a Linux version. Wine is a program that allows you to run windows programs on Linux. The reason it doesn't work with fortnite is because fortnite anticheat blocks it. In order to let Linux users (including steam decks) play fortnite, they just have to change an anticheat setting not to block Wine. Fortnite uses battleye and eac, both of which have wine support
Tim Sweeney, epic's founder and CEO.
^^ Thanks, but that was meant to be an addition to the meme. In a way of "Tim? Where are they Tim? Tim?"
They had a mac version if I remember correctly and then killed that when they sued apple.
Where they went Tim?
This should read "Where did they go, Tim?", for your information. Great meme either way.
they know... it was on purpose.
Budgets exist