Big, tough guy.
Big, tough guy.
Big, tough guy.
He wears the jacket so that people don't assume that walking a couple of corgies means he is secure in his masculinity.
It was either this or the one that says "my other corgi is a pitbull"
No way that guy has enough self-awareness to wear a shirt the that cool.
I proudly display my love of my corgis by wearing a corgi riding a dinosaur in front of a rainbow on a muscle shirt when I take one for a walk.
I've just never understood that whole concept. I have a penis, I consider myself a man. Anyone looking at me would assume I was a man. Why do I need to prove it?
He thinks he needs toxic masculinity to protect him from toxic masculinity
Yeah because people are doubting this guys masculinity
That's the point: people like Rock "The Dwayne" Johnson don't have to wear aggro jackets like the Y'all Qaeda warrior above.
Betcha there's no beer gut!
There is an inverse relationship between what someone has accomplished while in the military and how much they brag about it after they get out.
Yep. The only time I even mention my service is when it's relevant to the conversation (it rarely is). I've known people for years that don't know I was in.
I have a friend who is a pretty good guy generally, but he mentions that he was in the Marines within 5 minutes of meeting someone. He washed out less than a month after boot camp because someone accidentally made his trick knee jump through a hoop.
Yep, the ones that brag after their service usually haven't done dick while they were in. Also, a good way to spot a bullshitter is simply asking what their MOS number was.
Unless they were in the Navy. I don't remember ever actually using the NEC code for my job. It used to be 3373 (I think, don't quote me on that) but I know they changed it to a new format recently.
I left as ETN2. Maybe it was different for other rates. A lot of the things we did were "special" because we were a bunch of really smart morons.
Yea, "accomplished," right. Or maybe the more lives you ruin, the less you brag about it.
Gravy Seal
Destroyer of Bathrooms.
Meal Team Six
Green Buffet
Corgi commander
He should be walking a pair of chihuahuas to match the attitude of a whole lot of barking and no bite.
Ohhh, Chihuahuas will definitely bite.
Looks like he has two corgies, which are even less aggressive than a chihuahua.
The message on the shirt is exactly about his lack of barking
Conservatives forget that they aren't the only ones that applies to. They think all the people they want to hurt are just going to lay down and let it happen despite violent histories of all stripes among those demographics.
Sorta like how the Black Panthers and Malcom X advocated Black people arming themselves or Leftist militias, they (the Right) think we'll just cower in fear when they decide to come for us. I'm 100% for non-violence, but if you come after me I will defend myself.
I'm about 75% for violence because I'm a lunatic who would always knock down the 300s in any weather but I'm 25% against it because my dumb ass misses the 50s sometimes and I know Urban ops are in that range.
Also because war is absolute hell on the best days and something I hope I never need to show any proficiency in again.
They think no leftists are into guns because leftists have other things going on other than making "guns" their entire personality.
I know some leftists who fit the ammosexual definition. The right just ignores their existence though.
Reminds me of this, which I saw in a Home Depot recently:
It's some YouTube star's line of clothing. It's not religious. I've seen it before and looked it up.
So that person fucks kids, right?
That person was, at best, 17 y/o themselves.
So… maybe?
its armor, he is frightened to shit of the world
That was 100% bought through a facebook ad that led to him being a victim of credit card fraud immediately afterwords.
Those are trained attack corgis. They may look cute, but their itty bitty widdle teefies can rip apart your throat if you so much as look at them wrong. When you're watching their little fluffy butts when they walk, they just see you as a target. Just today's hit. One signal, one word - and it's over. You've been mauled to death by adorable attack sausages.
Why is it so grossly off centered, imagine paying for that.
After closer inspection, I suspect that this is a Photoshop. The lettering does not warp correctly to the shape of the jacket, although a lot of attention to detail has been taken to make it look like it does. But when you pointed out that it’s off center, I also noticed there’s little or no shading on any of the letters, the color is far too consistent for the wear pattern of that jacket, and the lighting doesn’t match
You noticing that it was off-center made me realize that, it’s off-center because whoever Photoshop that label on the jacket did not properly warp the text at the top to make it centered
Because making it centered takes care and attention and they are to macho for caring 💪💪
I know! Like, what do they think this guy is? A queer?
"Are you threatening me?! Hm hm. Yeah . . hehheh hm."
He needs TP for his bunghole!
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Corgi Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Cat-a, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in german shepherd warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US canine forces. You are nothing to me but just another treat. I will wipe you the fuck out with pawcision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of staffies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, cat-boy. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can have zoomies anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare paws. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Kennel Club and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little bad-dog. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "catty" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have worn your fucking cone. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Fucking moron.
Probably drives 30inch mudders on taco
Low effort move. Easier to advertise something on your clothing rather than have to negotiate a settlement with someone verbally.
Enjoy your corgis peace buddy.
Why are you people shaming people for what they wear?
Imagine if this were an image of a trans woman wearing a beautiful pride rainbow skirt with two muscled pitbulls, all of you would be considered jerks for shitting on her, yet here we are ragging on this dude and his poor taste in jackets.
I've never seen a trans woman in a pride skirt that was letting the world know she was ready to shoot them.
Maybe trans ladies should start doing this and it would be amazing.
Well, in your example, one is being proud of who they are and the other is making thinly veiled threats of violence.
it is the people who feel the most inadequate who need the most validation from everyone else. it's really rooted in fear. fear that maybe someone else finds them as pathetic as they find themselves
To be fair, that font is a crime against humanity so I think ragging on his jacket is fair play. It could say:
"I love corgis
I really do"
with the cutest corgi ever and that jacket would still be a crime.