Daily Discussion Thread: Tue 10 Oct 2023
Daily Discussion Thread: Tue 10 Oct 2023
Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
Daily Discussion Thread: Tue 10 Oct 2023
Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
I am digged out. One garden bed has been filled, and the base of where the second one is going has been filled too. There is still a bit of soil I need to bring around in the morning before the next load is delivered, but I'm done for the day. Shower, dinner and collapse on the couch is the plan for the evening.
Wow. Serious hard yakka there.
Here U go 🍺 well deserved
Thanks, much appreciated. Although my arms may be too tired to lift it...
ooh nice!
That looks fantastic 👍👍👍
Having done that at my old place - wheeling out god knows how much to the back in a tiny cart up an old door placed over the steps, then hauling it into a high edged planter box - I can fully appreciate how every muscle in your body must be aching like mad now. Let us know how it goes tomorrow morning...
Lookin' pretty damned schmick!
Just between us, I have been killing it at work since I got back from holiday. I haven't overdone it or underdone it, I've just done what I needed to do and kept what I believe to be a good balance. This feels like how this role should be performed and I'm feeling like I'm providing value.
I've provided some great input in areas both within my specialisation and outside of it, seeding ideas and generating high level technical discussions. I've collaborated with internal and external stakeholders. Progressed activities and provided valuable updates to the team on current and upcoming technologies and solutions.
Now I just need to bring that kind of energy to my personal life.. which I've started on by getting my apartment in order. Took the cardboard box pile down to recycling today and just gave my air fryer a deep clean so I can use that again without it making my apartment smell like old grease.
I know what I should do now but it's a matter of getting up and doing it. I should go for a walk or something. Go Go Gadget lifestyle changes to promote better mental health!
azaleas going
Don't eat these ones.
I'm doing chips for dins.
unexpected giggle of the day: Boss entered a bunch of peninsula sites into the worksheet. Cut and pasted most of them. Didn't realise he'd missed the second N
yes I am a four year old.
Yeah look this is also me when I've had to type or enter Pinus too many times.
At the old workplace boss had an issue with NZ names. Lighthouse cinema in Pauatahanui? Well we had it down as Porirua and watching a grown man blithely and confidently talk about the Lighthouse Cinema in Pornirua was a blessing
Once had a real estate agent called Pennisi
Well, were they?
My old lady (mum) has become a cooker. She sent me silver bullion for my birthday emblazoned with " the currency after the reset", this has been building for years but holy fuck.
Has anyone else had this? What are you doing/who are you talking to?
The other place has qanoncasualties if that might be any help?
I'm so sorry. I suggest you treat this like your mother has joined a cult. learn how to speak to cult members, the book "Combatting Cult Mind Control" is very helpful.
I wish I had advice to give, but I don’t. I do however have sympathy. Same thing happened to me during covid. We are now non contact (there were other reasons too, but this was a big one). For context I studied and work in STEM, so I was essentially the enemy and there was no way forward from that. Good luck. It’s horrid.
🐟 Just keep digging. 🐟 Just keep digging...🐟
Lift that barge, tote that bale ... I don't like how the plot develops from there on.
Today's coffee. I think I need to just buy a bunch of milk and practice my milk/foam technique but honestly, it doesn't need to be pretty to be delicious and this very much was that. As good as or better than the cafes around here.
Oooohh nice froth on that coffee.
I love coffee art. You have perfected the moon.
That looks really good
Looks delicious, bet you it tastes even better knowing you saved like $5 per coffee for the same quality.
That looks perfect!
Fortunately I did not join the no sleep gang last night (the joys of being at the start of a break from work!) so I'm nicely rested for my day of digging. I have 3 tons of soil to move (which sounds more dramatic than 2m for some reason) so should burn off some of the excess calories from last night's pizza indiscretion.
Portuguese custard tarts at the work caf today.
This must be compensation for sitting opposite The Noisiest Oblivious Bitch In The World all morning
Please give me your positive stories about your cats being spayed. I'm taking Gibson in on Friday and I'm really nervous...
Had male and female siblings done last year at 6 months old. Male had just started to turn into slightly stinky male cat and was giving his sister a bit of a hard time. They both did just fine, charmed the pants off everyone in the vet clinic. Declined the cone of shame, was prepared to cut socks into bodysuits if needed. Was told to keep them quiet and confined for at least a week, but a moth didn't get the memo and they were both climbing from the pendant light the next morning to get to the moth. The change in boy cat was quick, and he turned back into a sweet heart. We have another kitten in the house now who is just hitting the 5 month mark, and I'll book her in as soon as my vet allows.
The only issue I’ve ever had with a spayed cat was a No belly snorgles sensitive scar. Be vigilant about your cone/padded ring/onesie while stitches are in. It’s a super common procedure. 👍🏻
Thank you for responding ❤️ I'm going to get a baby onesie and cut it out for her I think. She would utterly hate the cone of shame lol
All of my kitties (and dogs) over the years have handled it really well.
it's a really common procedure I wouldn't be worried.
Thanks for responding. This little ball of fluff has become very dear to my heart. I do worry about her.
None of my cats, male or female, have ever had a problem.
Got all three of ours done at once. We were prepared for dopey, possibly pained kitties.
We got back happy spazzmonkeys who apart from some stitches didn't show any evidence whatsoever they'd been de-narded (and they definitely have been given two females, one male and no further kittens in the decade that followed)
You know how when you feel physically sick and the meds or the hot drink kicks in and you feel momentarily relieved? That's me right now and getting the odd text from a friend and having that moment of connection and safety. Can feel the mind and heart lightening for a second like nurofen for the soul.
I wish this kind of ill feeling was better supported... get a prescription and time off for promoting healthy social connection. Whatever it is I think my next job as an employee will need more of that, either in terms of more time outside of work to foster that or better connections in the workplace.
I wish this kind of ill feeling was better supported
I do wonder whether we'll get to that point. I hope we do. And I wonder whether we'll see advancements enough where we can point to something and say "see, this is what's wrong with me right now". Having something like a sprained ankle or infection is easy - they're visible signs of why we're not physically able to do something. But if there was like a... I don't know... some kind of test that showed a serotonin imbalance (for example), you know?
Yeah, exactly. Of course, mental health is far more nebulous and complex, and cause and effect interactions are not going to be as predictable as with physical ailments. But there is still scope for determining an evidence based, systematic approach to recognising and supporting people's needs. There ARE things that demonstrably help, that might be more apparent from the outside - and it sucks that the onus is very much on the sufferer to carve out solutions and explain everything to others.
I’ll admit that when I first saw the Israel/Hamas news, even though tragic I thought it was another of the regular flair ups that occasionally happens in the region and it would settle down in a few days. But it seems bad. Sadly I don’t think there will ever be peace in the region.
there will be if one side ends up wiping out the other, which its looking more and more like Israel are prepared to do. But not sure that actually qualifies as peace.
So to read there were no chips tonight was heart breaking. I is offering chips
Here you can borrow this..
You get a bit of meat, preferably something that looks a bit like a worm. You let mama bird see it then you flick it as far away from the letterbox as you can while sprinting to the letterbox. Do not deviate. On the way back to the house flap your arms around like you're about to take flight until you are safely back inside. Squawk as you do this. Next day repeat.
Enjoy observing nature in action! You will need to provide some bribes to the residents, a small token of meat is ok every now and then, but don’t do it regularly because it will be bad for them and the babies. Have a friendly chat out loud to the guard bird, congratulate it on the arrival of babies and let it know you are a friend. You will thus declare yourself friend not foe, and will not be bothered.
Magpies like a sprinkling of rolled oats - this is cheaper than meat. Small pieces of cheese are also quite liked by my local maggies. Bribe mumma with rolled oats and/or cheese - she will probably not bother you when you go to the letterbox. An umbrella is a good shield against swooping. Bike helmets generally don't work, in fact may be actual targets.
Granted. Baby squawks from sunset to sunrise.
Feed them veggies, talk to them. Mealworms if you have funds and a good pet store. Not much to do about the noise though.
Maybe if they’re full and contented they won’t squawk so much?
I have had to take away the bottomless cat crunchy bowl. While Bill was sensible Ted Cat was assploding from non stop eating. Now he gets 1/2 cup a day only. Ted is not happy.
I’m still upset my boss is leaving and I’m not sure why I’m having such a strong reaction :(
I was upset when my boss left as well as we had worked closely together for a good number of years.
I know I was angry at the time when some meetings took place and basically dismissed her and a few days later I cried when one of my co workers asked what was going on and I couldn’t help it.
We’re you close to your boss or had a good working relationship? It’s not I dial if you formed some sort of bond over time.
We have a great working relationship, and we've been working together for hardly half a year now. I think I'm not angry, as I think I know why she's leaving, and good for her if that's the case, but I'm so disappointed that two of my *closest *colleagues are leaving/left :(
I was upset when my old boss finished up. I mean I knew it was coming and it wasn’t like we worked together day in day out. In fact I rotated back and forth between teams. For me it was comfort of having someone there that I trusted.
Edit: Ah, my bad. I just read yesterday’s reply. Being blindsided can take a while to get over.
It literally came out of nowhere! Mine's a small team, first a senior left, and she got replaced with another one and now my boss is going. I think I miss the senior in my team as she really used to look after and help me (given i'm new to the industry. she took me under her wings) but her replacement isn't the same as her, which is ok but this sucks..
New cars going well. I dont love all the automation and safety stuff though. The lane departure system is really annoying when your swerving to avoid potholes and the car has the nerve to complain that your trying to protect it. But beyond that fuel economy is better than expected and its a lot more comfortable when 3 of us have to go somewhere. And Carplay, maaaan carplay is soo good!
I never use lane assist, it's a pain. But yeah after coming from an old car relying a mounted phone, using carplay/android auto was a whole new world.
I hired a car recently that had that. Great fuel economy, but that lane thingy, pushed me out of the lane on more than one occasion. Very frustrating.
Exercises completed. I missed my bus! I hate that feeling when you're standing helplessly waiting for lights to change and the bus you need just breezes through the intersection. Pizza day today!
Today can go in the bin already. Manager just dropped that she’s leaving fuck fuck meeee I can’t :(
I feel like it is a season for resignations. Got a few in the works and now I feel like… Well, it’s just not the same.
It just came out of left field. I really like my manager, she’s amazing. This is so disappointing 😞
Finally back home, whew. I'm excited to be in my own bed tonight. I hope everyone has had a great day!
Just perused a bunch of old letters - and I mean like, 20+ years, from when I was in high school. From friends that I no longer speak with. I distinctly remember the giddy feeling of getting mail back then. Found a learner's permit from someone that meant a HUGE amount to me, who gave me their Ls when they got their Ps.
I do have to wonder if they've kept my replies.
Or does it even matter? As fleeting as those moments were, they left a lasting impression on me. They shaped who I was to become. Maybe it's the same for them, maybe it's not.
Oh man you got me thinking about some of this stuff myself. Thank you. There's some good memories in there. As to the question, given you cant control other peoples reactions to stuff I guess its not even worth pondering. You can hope they do, but all that matters is how YOU feel about it.
True. There's no chance of recapturing that moment at all. Only some weird simulacra (which, if pulled off right would create its own moment). But gods! To go back to some of those exact moments. Even the painful ones that, so many years removed seem somewhat trivial yet the scars are still there.
What's interesting is that it's a box of stuff from before I was married, and yet I've still managed to add things over time from when my wife and I were together. Old student cards and metcards with notes written on them and cheap bracelets... So even if the box itself was a time capsule of a personal bygone era, there's been a time leak? It's kind of cool.
I’ve got some high school stuff I’ve contemplated giving to the museum of failed relationships
Lol - I know, right! But then I feel like you'd need both sides of the story. Having only the ones I received and not the ones I sent, it's a little hard to piece them together (especially when they're not dated). But yeah... the majority of the ones I've kept were from what I call my "big ex", when in reality we were only together for a short time, and it was a very one-sided relationship, and then I met my wife and we've been together for closing in on 20 years.
It was a time. That's all I guess I can put it down to hahah.
I had to downsize big time when I moved to Melbourne. I gave away many books that I still miss. I gave away a brand-new unopened PlayStation (first one) in its box.
Old correspondence like this did not survive.
I did it all again moving from Melbourne back to Perth, but that direction was far less painful. All the sentimental stuff was digital and still exists.
OOof... I feel this to some extent. When I kicked myself out of home I didn't pack a whole lot. This stuff thankfully was from my late teens when I was already living on my own so I've been able to carry it around with me from share house to sharehouse. But some of the stuff I had left behind when I moved out? Not quite an unopened PSOne (holy hell that hurts to hear! I'm so sorry for your loss) but a bunch of really cool toys I wish I had kept.
And now, you're right - a lot of memories are kept digitally. I should digitise some of this stuff since if it ever went up in smoke that's it. There's no recovery for that.
FYI Connoisseur crunchy peanut butter salted caramel ice cream is excellent. Also FYI Ben & Jerry's anything is grainy sugary garbage and I have no idea why it's so popular or expensive.
Did you try what passes for chocolate in the USA? I tried a Hershey bar early on my first visit. It was so bad, I didn't finish it.
Some of the other chocolate bars were ok, though. I liked the butterfinger, though I don't remember it at all, now.
lol oh yeah I learned my lesson about Hersheys Vomit Bars many years back and knew to steer clear. I do like a 3 Musketeers but I didn't really get stuck into the candies this trip. Oh I did have a Milky Way which is more like a Mars bar than our Milky Ways and that was decent.
bites keyboard
Some of my friends have watched the series of Foundation. Some have read the books. The only one who has intersected is me, and I NEED SOMEONE WHO'S DONE BOTH DAMMIT I HAVE SO MUCH METAAAAA
(I'm avoiding forums because holy shit the area of book readers is dominated by so much rectocranial inversion it's a non-starter. Why must hard sci fi fans be such cocks)
I have read the books but sadly have only watched the first and second episodes, I keep meaning to go back.
I do seem to remember die hard fans being rather upset by some changes. I didn't mind because I don't think you could ever do a completely faithful adaptation and still keep your average Jo tuning in.
As a massive Philip K. Dick fan I was also a huge fan of The Man in The High Castle adaptation and folks hated that one, so...
Oh there's a lot to upset fans who want a 'truuuuuue' adaptation - butthurt boys gotta butthurt and may they choke on the mighty sideburns of asimov - but the way they've done it actually ties into a lot of book elements in a beautiful mirror image. Bit beyond what you've watched, which is mostly exploring the events that were timeskipped in the book post-trial. Keep at it, it's gorgeous
The Dreams of Electric Sheep episodes were pretty fun IMO.
ackshually the pilots for light speed transit aren't really human so I don't think you can call it hard sci-fi. /s xoxo
You talking book or series 'cos I will throw down :P
3am and I’m up trying to sneakily make rocky road Bday ‘cake’. Got caught sewing, so some surprise level would be nice.
Not-cake! https://imgur.com/a/mtjwQRX
A valiant effort to demolish it has been attempted. Diabetes impending.
Managed my 5k this morning. Back was a bit tight still from the weekend gardening throw-out, so took it easier....except that I then ended up getting my best split. Still a minute or two off my best from pre-pandemic, but getting there. Doggo having a good rest now.
Woke up to what I think was an ingrown eyelash which is a first.
pulled it out (I think / hope) bugger me that's better than caffeine.
I would get that seen. It could be an infection or ocular rosacea/blepharitis which can be pretty bad.
The soil has arrived. While I was waiting I put down some cardboard and mulch in the front yard and got a bit of weeding done. Now I have to dig myself out - I can just get around it to leave if I go throught the garden bed, but the driveway is blocked so the car is on the street until it's done.
Stressed out and can't sleep sadly. Work is doing my head in....
No sleep gang 😵
Poor sleep gang here. I'd start beef over our minor differences but i'm too damned exhausted
It gets a bit hot working in the full sun out there. It's lovely in the shade, though.
I've got nearly half the soil moved and have ordered another batch tomorrow. I'll schedule a complete collapse day on Thursday, I'm really not used to this much physical work. I'm using some cheap metal edging for the sides of the raised beds, and am making a bamboo scaffolding around it to both support the sides and stop them bowing, and to allow me to put some shade over the beds in summer. It's going to work fairly well, but it's tough putting it together because all the bits want to fall over and it's not very stable. It would go much better with another set of hands to hold things, but neither Miss Meow or Mr Woof are up to the task.
Breakfast 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍈🫐🍓🍇🍉🍌🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥦🥑🫛🍆🍅🥝🥬🥒🌽🥕🥐🍠🫚🥔🧅🥯🍞🥖🥨🧀🧇🥞🧈🍳🥚🥓🥩🍗🍖🫓🍕🍟🍔🌭🥙🧆🌮🌯🥗🍲🍜🍝🥘🍛🍣🍱🥟🦪🍥🍘🍚🍙🐠🍤🪼🦀🐙 🍗🥮🍢🍡🍧🍰🧁🥧🍦🍨🎂🍮🍭🍬🍫🥜🌰🍪🍿🍯🥛☕️🍵🍺🍶🥤🧋🧃🥂🍷🥃🍸🍹🧉🔋
I finally got to sleep at 6am, at least for a couple of hours. I know that I bought some things on Amazon at about 5am for the life of me I can't remember the specifics of what I bought. I know I bought some wax melts but I forget which flavours. Wait here I'll go check what I bought, don't move.
Edit: ok so I have bought some replacement filters for my espresso machine, nice. The 3 lots of wax melts I bought are: Sandalwood Vanilla, Peony Bouquet (wtf is this?), and Vanilla, Patchouli & Sandalwood. Should be interesting.
Not quite sleep deprived as you but I did buy a bunch of vacuum bags/filters while dreadfully tired last night and now I don't know why because I'm afraid they might not get here before I leave...
I'm watching the first episode of the David Beckham documentary - the scenes when he's being sent off during the Argentina match is giving me PTSD from when I saw the moment live with my brother. We were such big fans and to see it play out was devastating - we were just yelling at the TV
I really enjoyed that doco as well. I don’t follow the football so actually learned quite a bit about Becks career. That red card moment was obviously a huge fuck up but had no idea of the ramifications.
hugs, ptsd is awful, 😢. The night terrors, flash backs, panic attacks, amnesia, etc etc are crippling. are you seeing a psych?
I know when I suffer a relapse nearly anything can make me overly emotional
Or are you just saying stupid shit that insults people who have real illness?
Cat owners, what's your go to wet food? Now there's one mouth to feed I'd like go for something a little fancier than dine.
Scored like 200 free tins of fancy feast. Still getting through it. Cats seem to enjoy it alright.
Score! I can't feed him Fancy Feast, makes him rather smell in the bathroom.
What’s your price range and their preferred texture/flavour?
Edit: Due to chicken allergies Melbcat gets Dine Desire or Fancy Feast Royale in the pure fish flavours (for wet food). Snappy Tom was tried and looked good with big visible fish pieces but she reacted to something in it. Ziwipeak has good food if you can afford the price tag. I’m about to try her on some Weruva steak and pumpkin.
For dry food it’s single protein grain free. She used to get Healthy Everyday Pets in the fish flavour but that got too hard to eat and has shut down anyway.
Meals For Meows is a decent food but once again the kibble is being made quite hard. Currently she’s eating Wellness Core but that’s hard too. She loves Vetalogica Redland and would be eating that if the lentils didn’t upset her tummy.
Warning, a lot of this stuff is expensive. I’m extremely frugal with other things in order to afford it
Fussy Cat and Ultimates
He used (keyword) to love ultimates, I like that you can actually see the ingredients as well.
Applaws house here
Prescription Urinary care stuff. Not applicable unless yours needs it.
#Worldle #627 2/6 (100%) 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟨⬇️ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🎉 ⭐🪙 📷 #WhereTaken🌎 #226 X/6 ⭐⭐⭐ 📷 #WhereTaken🇺🇸 #210 3/6🎉 ⭐⭐⭐ wheretakenusa.teuteuf.fr
For some reason, this came up in my YouTube recommendations.... https://youtu.be/7Uj5b7VATa0?si=tUzrp4fXwzFqcbt0
I'll take it.
Isn't Sunday a Nun's main work day?
It's been chaos at work at the moment, and I've got another department banging on about some other unnecessary work. Trying to find a more polite way to say "Fuck off I dont care about your bullshit, i've been on a critical thing all week and you dont even help me with your shit so why would I be put out for you?"
Unfortunately due to time constraints I'm unable to assist you at the moment. I recommend reaching out to another department that can assist you in a more timely manner
Just received a nightshift package... I now have a lifetime supply of Bundaberg Sarsaparilla... wtf is wrong me!
Sad news about Cal Wilson. 53 is way too young.