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Trans Megathread from January 13th, 2024 to January 19th, 2024

"Nearly every social event I have attended with [communists] has inevitably had some conversation about linux, furry culture, obscure leftist history, tabletop games, or other equally nerdy subjects"

Join our public Matrix server!

As a reminder, please do not discuss current struggle sessions in the mega. We want this to be a little oasis for all of us and the best way to do that is not to feed into existing conflict on the site.

Also, be sure to properly give content warnings and put sensitive subjects behind proper spoiler tags. It's for the mental health of not just your comrades, but yourself as well.

Here is a screenshot of where to find the spoiler button.

  • hi, does anyone wanna make the mega in the upcoming weeks? if so, reply to this post and i'll add you to the list!

    the list as it stands:

            SwitchyandWitchy* (1/20 (The darkest day in the history of our democracy.) - 1/26)
        SILLY* (1/27 - 2/2)
        AshenWolf* (2/3 - 2/9)
        GayTuckerCarlson* (2/10 - 2/16)
        oscardejarjayes* (2/17 - 2/23)
        EstraDoll (2/24 - 3/2)
        Eco* (3/3 - 3/9)

    ​ * after name denotes someone who has posted before and will be skipped by first-time posters

  • I know almost none of you really know me or care about me and I apologize for shitting up the mega. All of you are so happy with what you're going through that you don't deserve to see the absolute trainwreck that is my life right now. I'm sorry, but with no one to properly just vent to, I resort to coming here. Legitimately if you don't like it and don't care to see this, I will stop. Just tell me in reply or PM. Seriously.

  • ::: spoiler im overwhelmed

    My friend has been so fucking weird with me and needing constant unending intense emotional support around her life and specifically around her jealousy of myself and one of our friends fucking. I keep trying to tell her that i cant be a suppirt person in this for her, but nothing changes, and i keep having the same conversation over and over and its fucking exhausting and i just want it to end. The convo isnt productive, and its sole purpose is for her to get reassurance that we wont fuck when im clear and adamant that that us stopping wont happen, because us fucking is none of her business. We all live together and she wants me to text her any time we are gonna fuck but also doesnt ever want to know about it and i keep telling her that its not appropriate or healthy for us to have that depth and style of communication and she agrees with me and then a couple days later asks for it again and we have the exact same convo all over again

    Anyway i keep asking for space and she doesnt give it to me and she gets upset and feels like im "leaving her" when i go to my room for distance and space. Im so done with this.

    • That's rough, I'm sorry

      • Yeah, ive ended up enmeshed with someone im not even seeing and i hate it. And its all cause my parents trained me so well to not say no so i keep engaging.

        ::: spoiler sex

        Thank you thank you ill be here until the sex stops rocking my world

      • ::: spoiler spoiler

        No i dont think she can hear us that well. I mean, she can probably hear the loudest of the loudest parts of what we do. But thats part of having neighbors and roommates. Idk like i grew up listening to and even falling asleep to the sound of people fucking a lot, and to me thats just part of living around people, especially in the city. So like to me if its like a sleep disturbance thing i would get it, but its literally just anytime she thinks about either of us being sexually active with anyone. And tbh she thinks about it more often than we do at this point.

  • I am happy to announce to you all that the last couple of days have been much better for me, overall

    Not much of note gender-wise using a fresh razor helps so much good lord but yea, I've gotten to feel like me again and its very nice.

  • god damn that girl in the mirror is finally starting to just look like a clocky ass trans femme and not just some kind of soft faced guy now this is really nice

  • The more I think about it, the less I care about changing all my documents and shit. The name I use for paperwork basically never comes up in normal interactions, and when it does I genuinely just find it funny. Like, a security guard one time who said "huh, thats a weird name to give to a girl, what was your mom thinking!!" or an old ass man who looked at me like Im an alien when

    and he looked up my registration. Maybe I'm stupid cuz it might put me in danger or something, but after 4 ish years of being stealth, I don't even care about being outed anymore. Actually, I kinda wish I was more visually trans sometimes, because I know for a fact some of the people I work with and see every day don't know any trans people (or at least don't know that they know) and only hear about them on fox news and shit. Anyways... Ramble over, thanks for reading it :D

    • I used to feel similar, I don’t like the idea of the government having an official record of me transing my gender, but at the same time being deadnamed and misgendered on official documents sucks.

    • this shit ain't nothing to me ma'am

      (similar feels)

      ((would like to get an "x" and my name on my documents but like, I don't wanna attract any more "hey I'm a subversive" attention than I have to and would like to leave

      for good at some point before the decade's out))

  • is it me or do men misgender you more than anyone else? it just clicked to me like 5 minutes ago that women almost never misgender me at work but men frequently do. Am I going crazy here or is this just a normal thing?

  • I think one of the main reasons why trans rights are such a common litmus test is because it demonstrates how easily someone is willing to live-and-let-live, and to have space for others.

    The reality is literally the other way around of