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Microblog Memes


  • Every goddamn time...

    ☐ I would like to be contacted for marketing purposes

    Next day...

    Here's that marketing email you requested!

  • I have a 100 gb Google storage just so I don’t run out of email space. Even if you aggressively unsubscribe from shit, there’s just waaaaay too much emailing in general by companies.

    I once bought four items in a single order from Amazon. They shipped all items separately, which meant I got four shipment mails, four DHL ‘it’s underway’ messages, four ‘it’s being delivered today’ messages and four ‘your item has been delivered’ messages by DHL. Oh and to round it out: four delivery confirmations from Amazon.

    All told, that one four-item order meant 21 separate emails. There HAS to be a more efficient way to handle that.

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  • Folks, we need to learn to use aliases.

    Fastmail has quite nice implementation of this, they call it "masked e-mail", but I bet there are many (perhaps under other names). (Disclaimer: I have no connection to FastMail other than I use their service and like it.)

    I've learned to just create new masked email for every domain where i share e-mail -- legit or not. Then you can just disable the alias if it gets annoying. You can also reply to an e-mail you got to the alias without revealing your real address (as long as you do it from FastMail UI).