The way things are set up, the more important and vital something is to the actual functioning of society, the less it is paid. The reverse of that is the more parasitic or net-negative the job is, the better paid.
Hedge fund managers are a massive net negative and are paid the most.
Why though. Seriously, what's the reason for this? Please don't just say "capitalism". Fine, but what exact feature of capitalism would that be that says "The more critical your activity is to the functioning of our system, the less you get paid"? In capitalism's own logic, it should be the exact opposite.
this is because while women do be shopping they instinctually know they must be shopping using their husband's (who they show infinite deference to as is the natural order of humanity) money.
This has the same energy as Paul Krugman saying inflation doesn't exist if you simply ignore the cost of food, clothing, shelter, fuel, utilities, and transportation.
The only variable they care about is "ARE THE FEEEEMALES DOING THIS WORK?" and then making sure they're paid less so they can try to pressure the feeemale into being their unpaid mommy bangmaid helpmeet.
He turned Twitter into a fascist echo chamber and now he is completely unaware of how bad it looks when replies "!!" to a lukewarm gender pay gap penalty that is probably never ever gonna materialise.
It's a drop of piss in an ocean of cryptofascist piss at this point, even to him. It's just the background hum of the self-congratulatory echo chamber he's bought for himself.
Men are the logical and rational members of the species which is why they have measured and nonemotional responses when they see a feeemale in their treats that doesn't look like a cartoon porn character.
I think recent stats are showing more women than men in postsecondary studies, so the script will soon flip to: men go into trades and do real work, while women study out-of-touch academic mumbojumbo and get paid too much
If you control for the fact that we have labeled specific jobs for women and have systematically denigrated and underpaid women for those jobs, you can clearly see that women just happen to take lower paying jobs and thus there is no pay gap! I'm very smart.
Men are the logical rational ones that have zero emotional problems ever ever ever, and we're not superstitious either. I know this because MBTI tests show me as a solid INTJ.
In Brazil companies have to report the average and median of salaries of employees, by position, and self reported race and gender. I'm the BI analyst on the company I work for and HR asked me for a python script to do that, I was hoping they slip up and send me the complete salary company information but their smart asses send me the salary column with just 100 for everyone.
I didn't did the report to be presented to the government labor agency, just the script to generate the report. I asked for the database because I needed something to work with, but the final execution of the script, with the real database, were ran by the director of HR.
نحن شرطة VolCel.بناءا على تعليمات الهيئة لترويج لألعاب الفيديو و النهي عن الجنس نرجوا الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة حتى يوم الحساب. اتقوا الله، إنك لا تراه لكنه يراك.
I went looking for this plan, because I wondered if the fine would actually be more than the gaps in question. News articles from 2019 linked to her website, but she's since removed it. Her error message:
Once again, gender-based pay discrimination is already against the law in many European countries. Obviously doesn't fully address the problem, but works fine, not a huge deal.
Feminine jobs are paid less. That's what the statistics show. I hate how the media presents it. From a marxist perspective, the correct framing is that feminine jobs are paid less, which is directly supported by the data. It seems like bourgeois media are intentionally warping the framing to make it sound like women are paid less for the exact same title and position as men, which isn't what the data shows. They are equivalent in education level, but not title or role or job. Garbage truck drivers and hair dressers are paid differently because society does not value feminine jobs as much as masculine jobs (and also capitalism has more leverage and takes more advantage of feminine labor).
The synthesis of the bourgeois media framing is that recruiters and employers are being too ruthless when they are hiring women, or women are not negotiating hard enough on the job hunt, when the actual problem is that women without a degree make 75% of what a man without a degree makes, and it's the same for higher education levels. Engineers and other stem jobs make more than the careers that are typically favored by feminine people.
It's a great marxist teaching moment I think, because the real problem is labor class and capitalist oppression, as usual.
Well... no. Employers do literally just pay women less (and queer people, and black people, and ...). They just also undervalue feminine jobs too.
Do not fail to realize that bosses are, in fact, racist and sexist. This phenomenon can be empirically observed in the different hiring rates for black vs white men of the same criminal record. The black men are perceived as being more criminal in comparison to white men who have committed the exact same amount of crimes. This is not because black men don't negotiate well enough. It is because bosses view black men as inherently less trustworthy regardless of said employee's rhetoric or actual production value. Bosses view things similarly when it comes to women as employees, but they view them as less productive instead of less trustworthy in that case. The end result is lower pay due to bigotry in both cases.
When I jumped into the data it was the data behind the 75% of every one dollar study from about 8 years ago, which was a broad look across all employment and not specific to stem. I think it's fair to say maybe the data I'm referencing is outdated now and I shouldn't have assumed it stayed the same or was the same in every labor sector.
I know there are still differences in the same exact title/role/job that favor men, but at the time of the data in the 75% of every dollar study the framing was based on data that compared garbage truck drivers with hair stylists and that seemed very dishonest to me, especially when there's such a great marxist framing that could have been used instead.