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Political Memes

This alone.

  • There used to be a time when this kind of shit led to a swift execution. Now we can't even get the fuckface in jail.

    • There used to be a time when this kind of shit led to a swift execution.

      Dude, that's absolutely not true. After the Civil Fucking War numerous rebel generals went right back home and ran for high office. Others got jobs as professors or retired to lavish estates that were never broken up. Still others founded the KKK. The Feds let it happen then.

      Also, let's not forget Reagan feeding the Iranians intel during hostage negotiations. Or Bush evacuating Saudi officials after 9/11. Or any number of intelligence leaks from Congressman Nunes, Michael Flynn, Tom DeLay, the list goes on.

      The only people we execute in this country are scapegoats, civil rights activists, and the poor. Actual traitors get to walk damned near every time.