Lmao these are the people shedding crocodile tears over the gulags and here they are casually fantasizing about a gulag the Soviet Union could never come up with
And most of it was actually justified. There were a lot of Tsarist sympathizers, nobility, and reactionaries that had to go. Purges in the US are just like...environmentalists saying "Maybe we shouldn't have lead in the water."
When Felix said he was going to be America's "sin eater" I don't think he anticipated the amount of sins Biden would be doing on his own on the way out (of life and office)
Also this is a much smaller building than the towers. Like, it looks like it's about maybe twice the size of that section of the Pentagon that got obliterated. A nice, fully fueled wide body jetliner at mach 0.9 would leave nothing standing.
Judge Dredd has "isocubes", though what that actually is varies by artist. I distinctly remember one panel (from the funniest comic: the one where he arrests himself and all his friends for a petty noise violation on Christmas, sentencing them and himself to a weekend in the isocubes) showing a stack of them and they're like, clear glass boxes with a chair in them.
They're building a 100 meter jail because they claim to want to close rikers island, but will do nothing to improve peoples conditions in or outside of jail
Such a historic building needs a good name, something that really reflects this advancement in the infrastructure to rehabilitate people who've taken a dark turn in life, giving them a second chance with new opportunities and above all else a new hope.
But what's another word for hope? "Prospect"? And "nova" is Latin for "new".
Sent from Mdewakanton Dakota lands / Sept. 29 1837