I'd like to report a crime
I'd like to report a crime
I'd like to report a crime
Shandies are a generally accepted thing, and they’re half lemonade half beer, so this really isn’t some wild, out there concoction.
Boa! Das heißt „Radler”.
Alsterwasser, du Plebejer.
On top of that, fruit IPAs are a thing as well. They're not my thing but other people like them so, good for them I guess.
As a PNW beer snob, I used to make shandies out of the Ranier 30 racks that would be left at our house after a party. I didn't like the beer at the time and mixing it with lemon San Pellegrino made it delightful.
I now drink Ranier proudly when I can since I moved to Chicago. I love this city but I still bleed green, white, and blue.
Yeah, but complaining about bitter and then adding more bitter to improve it makes no sense. They didn't say they added sweet tea.
In the north of France, there's a thing sold that's "beer bitter" which is a bitter alcohol specifically for adding to beer (Picon being the most common one).
The true purpose is probably mostly to add alcohol though. But it does taste nice.
That makes me think of this video
Isn't that just a shandy? Or is that lemonade
Weiss beer and grapefruit juice is the best.
One time i mixed a chocolate peanutbutter beer with grape juice to make a pbj shandy.
It was equally as gross as the beer was on its own.
I'd seen colaweizen plenty of times when I was in Germany years ago. But then this guy walked up to the bar and asked for a Fantaweizen. That was new for me.
Try banana juice. You can thank me later.
It's lemonade. But lemonade as in Sprite or 7up, not the lemon squash Americans usually mean by the term.
Radler ✅
Alcohol-Free Beer ❌
Those are the two I know; there are others.
The Germans, who among all people are known for their long and storied association with beer above all else, regularly mix beer with random stuff. If they do it, I'd argue it's more normal than American purism.
Oh there is more:
Alcohol-free beer + coke/sprite = Horrorschoppen
Shandies are called Radler in Germany, and many hate them so much that there are well known songs hating against them. To be fair, they are songs you'll only hear on parties, after a few shots and beers, but still.
A splash of OJ or Sprite at the top of your beer is a great hangover drink. Irish buddy taught me that.
That sounds like an Archer thing: “I’m afraid if I stop drinking the cumulative hangover will kill me”
You mean morning drink?
A fellow man of culture I see
This is actually basically how a lot of "hard iced tea" and "hard seltzer/wine coolers" type drinks are made. It's just the most flavorless piss beer with flavors added because that's cheaper than adding grain alcohol to thinks to spike it cleanly.
Alcohol production licensing laws probably play a larger role than the cost of ethanol.
Wine coolers usually use the most flavorless piss wine rather than beer but yes.
You've heard of the cocktail, now introducing the pussytail.
Radler is no Bier!
In Taiwan we put ice in our beer and like it.
You know I'm in favor of our (American) military defense of Taiwan against the CCP, but...
China also does the same practice. Lol
That was one of my very first "sentences" in mandarin I learned when I was living there. : “不要冰塊”
TIL shandy is not "sham brandy" as in non-alcoholic (??) brandy but what we call Radler. Learning all kinds of things today. Thank you OOP.
I've had a singular alcoholic beverage and tbh it wasn't good and I felt nothing. What's the crime of mixing with ice tea?
Liquor in tea? Delicious.
Beer in anything? Disgusting.
A Radler is a German thing, shandy in English. Basically half lager half lemonade. Fantastic light drink. I've seen them at Total Wine in a few flavors.
Beer cocktails are a thing. Drink what you like.
Tea does not mix with anything but sugar and fruit, and I will die by that. Twisted Tea is an abhorent product, and the creator needs a catholic exorcist.
meh there's similar popular stuff https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_Mary_(cocktail)
Watched one of my friends put beer in his cereal on vacation because we didn't have milk. Apparently it was good
Yo dawg, I heard you like grains...
Rookie mistake. You use Almdudler for that.
I haven’t tried that but it sounds like a crime towards both beer and almdudler.
Man, I gotta get me some almdudler.
I want to try it now!
This would be an Arnold O'Palmer?
The fuck I thought I got onto Lemmy for a second, I DO THAT. LİPTON PEACH İCE TEA WTİH BEER
I really didn't expect this comment section to make me actually want to try it...
it makes beer far better than what it is usually, if it wasn't for the after taste I would consistently drink it
(After taste of beer. I hate the aftertaste of beer.)
I would assume that ice tea is more bitter, right? (Obviously depends on how long you let it steep.)
It’s primarily much sweeter due to the shitton of sugar
If it’s the USA, then “iced tea” may actually mean “sweet tea” (an American South tradition), which is often prepared something like this:
It may be a stronger tea, but so much sugar gets added (probably 3x what would be used to sweeten tea served hot) that you typically don’t notice any bitterness.
There's unsweetened ice tea there though. I don't understand why that isn't the default though :(
I'll go with a "Pink Elephant"
Beer is mid, my favourites are Fireball, Jägermeister, any soju, and Everclear
Anime reaction, therefore unfunny