Twitter To Rebrand As X
Twitter To Rebrand As X

Twitter To Rebrand As X
No 😭😭😭
Also: American History X
Yes change the name and iconic logo of a huge corporation, that will go over great.
If he hadn't demonstrated his incompetence earlier I'd think it was intentional.
I still think there's a bit of intent to destroy the company but it's kinda hard to tell.
There’s a woman over on Mastodon making the argument that he’s trying to destroy it so it can’t be used to organize left-leaning political action (fundraising, activism, issue messaging, etc) any longer. She makes a compelling argument.
I'd believe it if I hadn't already heard of Musk being the type to fire workers in his line of sight at pure random simply to fire someone. It apparently got so bad that aids would plan the route he would take to the meetings around having as few victims as possible out in the open.
It would be a smart move for anyone, and he is succeeding to a good extent (they'll just go elsewhere?), but I think that's just a happy accident of his. I feel like he's really just using it as a chew toy so he can feel all big and important with the headlines. If he were being journalistically gray rocked, I wonder what he'd do.
he bought it pretty soon after a meeting with Putin, while the Ukraine invasion was fresh and international support was rallying on Twitter. So, blackmail, bribery, buy up Twitter and immediately gut it.
I unironically believe this conspiracy theory
I've been saying the same thing in multiple Lemmy posts and on Mastodon. Twitter and Reddit were both used by progressives to organize.
I saw this article posted in another thread and it seems to explain a lot. Not sure how close it is to reality, but it looks like nostalgia is at least a partial reason for this change.
Yep. Fucking nostalgia.
It makes a lot of sense!
To err is human, repeat the mistake is foolish
Thx for sharing the article!
That is a stupid name
It'll be a nightmare to search
Gonna name my company "😃"
I'm opening up a rival called "social media." Already, we're on everyone's lips, set to have a userbase spanning half the web.
There’s a band I heard of called “:(“ and I’ve never been able to find it since
It’s Twitter but for thrash metal bands.
At least he didn't name it something that's a generic name for a concept that exists on almost all social media sites like.. I don't know, "threads"
More interesting than a single letter
The artist formerly known as Twitter
The hacker known as 4chan
Was not expecting Peep Show when clicking that link. Great show!
"Arr, this ❌ marks where I buried 44 billion doubloons!"
__import__("difflib").SequenceMatcher(None,"billion","billion").ratio() 1.0
Was Twitter ever really a left leaning platform in the first place? It pretty much always felt like it was filled with Russian bots and maga shit.
So I guess good job Musk for burning down a shit website? Lol
As a side note, Mastodon is legitimately fantastic. The community there is genuinely nice.
It was left leaning until about 2014. Then it slowly crept farther and farther right wing. Slowly bleeding users who didn't want to deal with the fascist jerks. Slowly converting fence sitters into fascist jerks by normalizing fascism by pretending it was just asking questions, just making edgy jokes, you know the drill. Next, 2016 came. That for me was when the bottom fell out of twitter. The Russian twitter bots were everywhere. And it took twitter way too long to deal with it. I think by that point, the platform was ruined. It was never going to grow meaningfully by attracting new people. It was just going to slowly decay as people looked for their friends and favorite creators on Reddit, Discord, Youtube, or wherever else they went. But that decay would have been slow until Elon tanked it. His efforts have chased off users in droves
Most new platforms are left leaning from the start, because left leaning people are more likely to try out new platforms. Once platforms get mainstream they will be picked up by right leaning media.
Sounds about right. oh well.
If your goal is to reduce cost why would you waste money doing a rebrand.. so dumb
I believe his main goal is turning Twitter into something of an "everything" site where he's looking to combine the likes of Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Discord, and Venmo/Paypal into a single service. I don't know if it was his goal when he bought it or if it has any chance in hell of working, but that's something he at least said (while probably drunk) fairly recently.
He has had this dream of an everything app for a very long time. I feel like he is trying to realize it now.
so Twitter was vi then he turned it into edlin and now he wants it to be emacs.
My first thought was an all-in-one "life subscription," kinda like how you can buy those iPhone + Apple One packages, but with Tesla (I don't know if Tesla has subscriptions to them -- but I'm sure they do), Twitter Blue, and Starlink. It's pretty dystopian and hecka freaky.
He should take a page of LINE app if he wants an everything app
This reminds me of when snapchat tried to entire the mobile cash industry with they snapchat pay service.
Guys, I’m starting to think this Elon guy isn’t as smart as he claims…
No rich person is actually smart, they are all addicted to money and can't get help over it. But their moves in the business world are all calculated, this guy is doing exactly what he wants to do and their goal is to make money not to lose them.
He's like any other punk born into millions.
If he thinks Twitter is irreperably dying, this may be a way, in which he can get out of repaying the loans he used to (partially) fund the buyout of twitter.
If you're thinking this an "artist formerly known as Prince" sort of thing where Prince got out of a contract, I'm sure all the debt holders have the proper legal verbiage to have agreements remain valid in the event of a name change.
At some point some creditor should be desperate enough to do a margin call, since the loan collateral is next to worthless.
alright now we're gonna have quite a big discussion as to what "x server" means. x11? twitter?
"guys x servers are down!"
"have you checked your .xinitrc? did you start x?"
"whats an x innit racecar? the x servers are down!"
"how do you use x without knowing what an .xinitrc is... oh"
meanwhile reddit gonna rename themselves to "wayland"
Reddit rebranding to "Y" because that's what we say when they do changes.
I mean, Debian setup setting up .xinitrc for me on my computer has made me not need to know what it is. I think I should.
I forgot too. I use Wayland now anyway
Before merging with Yutani?
I'm telling you, he has Covid fog.
He has a cocaine addiction
…timelines kinda match up I guess?
Side affect from taking Ivermectin?
He got a company and a social media that is remarkable, and recognizable, and even has an action verb related to it, "tweet, to tweet, tweeting".
And he decided to piss on it and create the X app. Adding insult to injury is that it's again, another techy black and white logo. Of course, because that's the silicon valley trend isn't it, black and white clean minimalist corporate logo, no soul, no community, just corporate all along.
Mmmm yes. Can’t wait to X about this!
That's cool and edgy
@chiz X is so easy to search in internet. So many results; it gets never boring! Very unique name and brand.
Spez: Write it down, write it down! Let's rename Reddit to Z! Employee: Why Z? Spez: What do you mean why? Does X make any sense to you too? Employee: All right, I should have never questioned you.
It's like B, C, D, V, R in programming.... If Reddit took X++ and someone else took X#, the unsearchable name trifecta would be complete!
What's V? I don't see it on the list. X++ is already taken, though... but I see a huge potential in Y*.
but Y
Z, because the "Spe" was just an afterthought this whole time....
pardon me... I have been laughing so hard reading this thread, it was the best I could come up with! 😂
Pay $44 billion for a brand
Literally destroy the brand
This is more baffling than accidentally destroying the brand, like he's been doing.
It's like he can't destroy his company fast enough😂
Yeah this really makes sure Twitter will be x'ed.
He really put afterburner on that dumpster fire.
Space-X, X AE A-12, trying to create a company named X since the 90's...
guys, I think elon musk is obsessed with Speed Racers Racer X. Why else would X be such a prominent motivator for this creature?
Any theories? Deal with the devil made at a crossroads? Or maybe he just was really used to railroad crossing signs as a kid and wants to relive those memories?
You know I had something typed up debating this, but being obsessed with Racer X does explain his family abandonment.
Final fantasy X.
Wants to relive the 90s.
X is the naughty letter (rated X) in S3XY which is also the four tesla car model letter. 12 year old humor.
if a good enough X logo is posted tonight, we’ll make go live worldwide tomorrow
Christ, imagine being on the dev team that has to make this happen in a day.
edit: wait the actual logo looks basically the same as this but without the orange ring
Way too much effort. Just take this
Take Twitter, change the logo.svg file, change the main color from blue to black, Ctrl+F all instances of Twitter, replace with X. Done
I mean, I bet it would just be impressive enough for Musk. The biggest hurdle would probably be getting the update through the AppStore in just one day.
edit: apparently they've already change the logo file on the website (at least in the login screen, I don't have an account)
Man, imagine having to ctrl+F X when the name changes again
idk about you, but when I think of my X, I think of a toxic place filled with hate, that I never want to go to or hear about again. Branding on point.
'Cos it marks the spot where he buried all his treasure, amirite?
I don't know about ALL his treasure, but he definitely buried 35 billion dollars in there. Never to be seen again.
I went and deactivated my twitter accounts today. I got Lemmy and when I do my own servers via my own app, I'll enjoy a twitter alternative again. Edit: Im saying this because my mind went to action not bitching. I think the X rebrand is like a sign of the times and the official "okay twitters dead" moment.
Last week I deactivated both my Twitter account and my Facebook/Instagram/Threads account, and it was truly a joyous experience. Just the sheer "screw you all" glee of it all. 10/10 would recommend.
I want to know, what are "tweets" and "tweeting" going to be relabeled as?
I can just see conversations like:
"Dude, did you see the latest X from Eminem?" "Yeah, I re-X'd it to all my buds!"
X gonna X it to ya.
Did you watch Eminem's latest X video? ~Strawberry
The brand is probably not going to be rebranded. Its either gonna be associated with X directly, or the verb will die.
This is not what most users signed up for when they signed up on Twitter.
Its because they signed up for Twitter
EnXittification happening. Let's hope the rest of the users finds their way to fediverse.
Hell no. If there is one thing I learned from moving over to fediverse, it's that people are what make the site enjoyable or frustrating. As it is now, I enjoy the userbase here and on Mastodon, and the last thing I would want is for the most insufferable of Twitter users to come and ruin it. I'm happy most people who are quitting Twitter are joining the other alternatives. I would rather people join the fediverse as a more deliberate choice based on what we offer.
Some of them are just too far invested to see the light. It's actually pretty sad to see twitter addicts fail to migrate to any of the plethora of alternatives.
As much as I think that the Reddit and twitter soap operas are nothing but a time sink over what is a relatively simple cautionary tale, I can't look away from this train wreck. "Y, elon?" is the new "fuck u/spez".
RIP his SEO. I know it's part of his goal for an "everything" app. But, this name is just terrible and is going to be a nightmare to look up. Not to mention how much history will refer to Twitter and not a single letter.
What a fucking stupid move. And that's saying something at this point.
Well I guess twitter really is dead now.
I am pronouncing it "ex" as in ex-wife.
I thought that was already the name of Musk's child?!?
It's just the trump style of marketing. Do stupid shit constantly and the media will never shut up about you and people will never stop talking about whatever bullshit it is you're selling.
I'll believe it once the Twitter name and the birdie are both removed off the face of the site and gone for good. And even then I'm not entirely sure I'm going to care all that much.
@sab He is really dedicated into killing Twitter. This is basically a new service with the user data he purchased.
Wasn’t X the first name of paypal or something like that? He already owned for a long time, i guess wanted to make use of that
The one upside of this is that Tucker Carlson spent so much money rebranding to Tucker on Twitter and now it's wasted
I doubt anyone will want to see Tucker on X past the first couple minutes of hilarity.
But I'm old and I think they call that Molly now
Twitter is Twitter. Facebook is Facebook too for that matter.
It's funny because Facebooks rebranding to Meta spouted the exact same BS about the metaverse being a platform for everything, something something AI, etc etc and it failed publicly and hard
I just don't understand
Lmao I hope in a couple of years someone just takes the twitter branding and rebuilds it.
Not that I am a fan of twitter, may that plattform burn in hell, but just to shove it into Musks face.
If the domain lapses, and I doubt it will, someone should make a Mastodon instance.
If a domain squatter gets it... my money is on becoming either a porn site, or a casino.
There is 0% chance this man is neither on drugs nor having a severe mental breakdown.
What if he's always been like this but just had the money to hide it?
He seems to have had some lucky moves, and the whole "Tesla, SpaceX, Starlink, Boring" still look like a decent combo.
Everything else, looks like what someone with DGAF money would do to pass the time. At least he's not going on a safari collecting trophies, or something.
There are speculations he is under a very severe mid-life crisis.
That'll solve all the problems.
Ah yes, an X for the company known for their ✓. I'm sure that won't be confusing at any point.
With what staff? Rebranding is fucking expensive.
Elon thinks all you need to do is change the site CSS and maybe do a press release, and he's famous enough that the rest will just take care of itself.
He's not entirely wrong.
In business, a poor person doesn't get to try, a middle class person gets one shot after putting everything on the line and a rich person can afford to fail a dozen or more times until they hit a winner. Elon has enough money that he can basically try an infinite number of times and at least some of those are going to work.
So.... is this just like a really dumb cost-cutting measure to stop paying fees for the twitter domain/brand name or something, since he already owns the name "X"?
Nope, it's literally nothing more than the fact that Musk, like the cringey edgelord that he is, thinks the letter X is the coolest. He'll be painting go-faster stripes on Twitter next. Or the X logo will be on fire or something.
he literally named his kid Xæ
dude just loves throwing out Xs
like an illiterate narcissist handing out unsolicited autographs
A domain is like 10 bucks a year. This is just ego
Same shit sandwich, new brand
Logo that was in the GIF Musk posted looks an awful lot like X11 logo.
You mean the logo of their new neighbor, ?
I saw rumors of this a few weeks ago but didn't think anything of it. Is the domain changing too? Part of this the Comcast to Xfinity move, rebranding to drop association, I think. But Twitter's brand wasn't that bad so I don't know. already redirects to twitter. I suspect that will be changed to the other way around soon enough (twitter redirecting to x)
WTF did Elon even bring to PayPal when he merged with Confinity if he still has control over the URL and name? It certainly wasn't competent leadership.
Myabe he managed to hire well or something?
Knowing him, he'll forget to remove the first redirect
if they change it i will leave the next day
Why are you even there still? Mastadon has been a solid alternative for me for a while now.
Why tf are you still there lol. Were all the other terrible changes not enough?
i am leaving now pretty much
@chiz Its coming... Almost.