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  • A suit of armor that looks very different when you put it on depending on your gender.

  • A bunch of replacement organs that would look nice on first look but would actually drain your stamina at 5 % per year.

    • 45% chance: Random 3D printed cosmetic item
    • 45% chance: Uncommon keyboard loot box
    • 10% chance: Legendary keyboard loot box
  • I'm that NPC that sits some in the corner and doesn't drop anything, who the devs placed there to make you feel bad for doing a genocide run

  • 3d4*100 polyhedral dice, most of which are d6s and d10s. Each die will have a 50% chance of being glow-in-the-dark, and a 1% chance of being unusually shaped.

  • A god-tier travel mug, a rare leather armour (+1 vs cat claws) and a pair of comfortable walking shoes.