Which leads me to an important question: who the fuck are these assholes?
I've looked at their "Experts" page, I don't recognize anyone, I've looked at their "About" page, it's surprisingly low on info. Oh, their building in DC is "an iconic building that faces the Lincoln Memorial and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, and that symbolizes our nation’s commitment to peace." Ok, but like, why is that on your "About" page, you fucking weirdos?!
So I'm at a loss. I'm sure (absolutely positive) there's info to be found here about this deeply shitty organization, but I think I'd have to spend hours and hours looking for weird connections, because they seem oddly reticent to tell casual visitors to their website anything about anything. And that weirds me the hell out. Who are these fucks?! Who is reading these (deeply shitty) articles they're writing?! Who funds them?! Why don't they have any board members listed where I can find them?!
USIP is funded annually by the U.S. Congress. For fiscal year 2023 Congress provided $55 million.[12] Occasionally, USIP receives funds transferred from government agencies, such as the Department of State, USAID, and the Department of Defense. By law, USIP is prohibited from receiving private gifts and contributions for its program activities. The restriction on private fundraising was lifted for the public-private partnership to construct the USIP headquarters.
Their address on Google is listed as "Government Offices", which is really funny. Things also get funnier when you see that their address isn't secret or anything, since it's listed on their site as "2301 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20037", which seems to be a real place.
The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation.
The implications of feeding your people instead of providing US drug companies with cheap opium that can sell at a massively inflated price to a hooked public.
Which raises the real question here... Is there even a market for illicit naturally produced opiates anymore? Who would bother purchasing when you have to risk so big on the import?