Skip Navigation policy change "Respectful Dissent" - "We're going to allow some “flat earth” comments. We’re going to force some moderators to accept some “flat earth” comments."

A user should be able to (respectfully, infrequently) post/comment about a study showing marijuana is a gateway drug to !marijuana without moderation tools being used to censor that content.

Some communities will receive an immediate notice with a link to this new policy. The most egregious communities will comply, or their moderators will be removed from those communities.

  • The same instance that preemptively defederated hexbear as a last resort. They'll allow dissenting views only if they agree with their hitlerian agenda and exhaust anyone to the left of Reagan

  • shoutout to the comment I made a while ago about how the flat earth thing is just fed shit used as a measure for the effectiveness of their ability to convince the public of whatever they want because no one could seriously post anything about believing the earth is flat ten years ago without being laughed at but now suddenly you're faced to treat this shit as if it's a serious thing to believe in all kinds of online spaces

  • At least there's exceptions for marginalized safe spaces...

    There's exceptions for marginalized safe spaces right?

    (Trick question there's no marginalized safe spaces on .world)