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  • Feels like we're a couple steps away from mask off Shock Therapy time. Which is funny because we're already pretty far gone.

    • Yeah there's really nothing left to shock. Very little social welfare, a pretty stripped down federal government. Only thing left is the military and they won't touch that. And this includes things used by the military such as the weather service.

      • Yeah, basically what's left is rights. Which were seeing as they crank up the citizenship stuff, ice, the houselessness, etc.

      • That's why they've been trying so hard to axe social security and public school, the last bastions of real social welfare in the US.

      • Only thing left is the military and they won't touch that

        I mean, the MIC has basically dismantled the US's actual production and fighting capacity. All we can do is make really not that many expensive bombs and drones with a high failure rate.