Not a bot
Not a bot
Not a bot
It says pick all squares that contain street light so it counts because it contains part of a street light. I get these wrong like 50 percent of the time so IDK.
But you know who doesn't get these wrong? Bots!
(Source: experimented with Skyvern)
Yeah, because these aren't to stop bots. They're to train bots.
Or... you got it right but they take the chance and ask again to grab info about how you solve some more.
I suck at these, apparently. I especially hate the motorcycles, but this goes for almost anything. Do I select the tile with just some wheel in it? Is the wheel a motorcycle too? What about the rider, are they the motorcycle? I mean, when a bike passes you on the road, you don't say "I got passed by a motorcycle and its rider". What about the pole the traffic light is on, does that count as part of the traffic light? I end up doing them for like ten minutes until my wife comes over and gets it first try.
Highly recommend Buster extension. You click on it and it uses the audio version and solves it for you. Works like 95% of the time.
Ah, so we can now use an automated robotic script to prove we're human? :)
That was interesting, and l liked the one it links to at the end, Staying Alive, even better.
To be fair, you also don't get passed by a carbio and its head(s)
I have noticed that the chances of success increase if one "forgets" the ever so slightly in squares or things like bicycle handlebars.
I get the impression that perfectionists have to purposefully make mistakes to count as humans in these things.
I now take a rapid fire who cares if it’s wrong approach to these. If I bother at all…
Yep, my OCD kicked nuts hate it
It's based on whatever the majority of humans using captcha say. They ask multiple question on the captcha. Some are testing you on. Some they don't know and give to multiple people to figure out which boxes should be selected
Ok. So is there enough streetlight in the square?
Should be yes, but the human is only interested in getting passed the prompt, not with accuracy so it's no. Which I'm pretty sure fucks with their AI training, but who cares.
If the majority of those given that specifc question say so, then yes
If the majority given it say no, then no
There's no predefined answer here
One of creators of the captchas said in an interview that they themselves were never sure about the edges and if they should include it or not
Gaaah! Wait! What's the answer?? Sometimes I click that square, but other random times I don't.
I've found that if its only the tiniest bit then not to click. U also gotta account for the object hitboxes being rectangular. I have been trained by a machine in how to convince the machine I am human by lieing to it thus training the machine more wrong. A perfect case of misalignment lol.
It really does not matter is what I learned, I just click whatever I see in 1 second and that is it. I will have to redo some, but I always had to do that. So I stopped wasting any time.
I fail these fucking things every time. What is the correct answer supposed to be? I assume people are supposed to get it wrong in some specific way?
A lot of times it 'fails' you on purpose to get more training data. If you pass the first check then it knows you're human, but gives you a second check with data its less sure about, to gather human responses. Thats why the second one usually has a bunch of pictures that then fade out to more pictures once you select them.
It shouldn't be my responsibility to train their stupid software. Fuck the Internet. I miss 2007 Internet with Geocities, angelfire, xanga, Live journal and Myspace. Back in the day I had like 10 favorite sites I would visit daily. Now, the whole freaking Internet is delivered through maybe 4 apps owned by billionaires that actively want to harm us for selfish gain. I'm sure it was bad back then too, but at least we didn't funnel the entire Internet through a handful of private companies.
Sometimes mine is like 15 attempts and then it says congrats you're a robot
Only the ones that are mostly filled. The ones where it pokes just a little bit, you can select or you could skip, it shouldn't really matter.
I always thought street lights ≠ traffic lights?
Yeah, that's just the comic author
Just try to do the worst posible just to pass it but at the same time fuck up the AI mind
Audio captcha -> open-source* speech-to-text -> cursor inserts the captcha for me, w/o an extra dedicated CAPTCHA add on some of the corresponding potential hassles
(Closed-source superwhisper + Keyboard Maestro also make this a breeze on Mac :) )
ggerganov/ whisper.cpp - Port of OpenAI's Whisper model in C/C++
Audio CAPTCHA is a closed tab from me dawg. What do they think, I'm using a desktop computer at home like it's the 90's?
It takes longer than doing it manually but I still employ speech to text on mobile 🙂
Since superwhisper uses some config (AVAudioSession?) that doesn’t interrupt media playback, it records even while the CAPTCHA speaks.
These are made so the lowest denominator can pass. Both options usually work.
I've had to do 30 captchas in a row on Microsoft services, talk about testing patience lmao
I always pick the lowest possible effort to fill this shit.
Is there a way to resize videos?